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Selected Data for West Virginia Higher Education National Center for Higher Education Management Systems Presented on June 4, 2003 National Collaborative.

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Presentation on theme: "Selected Data for West Virginia Higher Education National Center for Higher Education Management Systems Presented on June 4, 2003 National Collaborative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selected Data for West Virginia Higher Education National Center for Higher Education Management Systems Presented on June 4, 2003 National Collaborative on Postsecondary Education

2 Projected Population Growth

3 Projected Change in the Population 2000 to 2020 Projected Change in the Population 2000 to 2020 38.4 14.7 0.6 2.3 0 10 20 30 40% Hawaii Wyoming New Mexico California Alaska Idaho Washington Utah Texas Florida Oregon Montana Arizona Georgia Colorado Virginia Tennessee Alabama Nation Maryland New Hampshire Oklahoma North Carolina South Dakota South Carolina Kansas Nevada Arkansas Louisiana North Dakota Nebraska Vermont Minnesota New Jersey Missouri Maine Mississippi Delaware Wisconsin Indiana Connecticut Massachusetts Kentucky Illinois Rhode Island Iowa Ohio Pennsylvania West Virginia New York Michigan Source: US Census Bureau

4 Projection of 18-24 Year Olds (Traditional College Age – from 2000 to 2025) Projection of 18-24 Year Olds (Traditional College Age – from 2000 to 2025) Source: US Census Bureau 172,431 140,402 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200020052010201520202025 -18.6 % Decline The Largest Decrease of all 50 States -18.6 % Decline The Largest Decrease of all 50 States

5 Projection of High School Graduates (from 2002 to 2012) Projection of High School Graduates (from 2002 to 2012) Source:Knocking at the Door: Projections of High School Graduates, 1996-2012 Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education 18,868 17,473 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 2001-022003-042005-062007-082009-102011-12 -7.4 % Decline The 10 th Largest Decrease of all 50 States -7.4 % Decline The 10 th Largest Decrease of all 50 States

6 Source: US Census Bureau Projected West Virginia Population Growth Number Change from 2000 to 2020 – By Race -52,439 -28,968 -86,299 35,468 119,575 14 -31 -1,151 4,308 1,6061,592 835 2,258 3,101 1,872 -90,000 -60,000 -30,000 0 30,000 60,000 90,000 120,000 0 to 1718 to 2425 to 4445 to 6465 and Older WhiteBlackHispanic

7 Educational Attainment

8 Percent of 18 to 24 Year Olds with at Least a High School Diploma - 2000 (%) 85.8 78.2 74.7 40% 90% Hawaii North Dakota Vermont Massachusetts Iowa Rhode Island Utah Nebraska Pennsylvania Maryland Virginia Minnesota Wyoming Maine Wisconsin Montana Kansas Connecticut South Dakota West Virginia New Hampshire Delaware Idaho Alaska Ohio Indiana Michigan Missouri New Jersey New York Illinois Arkansas Washington Colorado Tennessee Kentucky Oklahoma Nation South Carolina North Carolina Oregon Louisiana Alabama Florida Mississippi California New Mexico Georgia Arizona Texas Nevada 66.7 Source: US Census Bureau

9 Change in Percent of 18 to 24 Year Olds with at Least a High School Diploma – from 1990 to 2000 (%) 3.1 -1.7 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4% West Virginia California Arkansas Tennessee Idaho Rhode Island MontanaVermont Virginia Kentucky Utah MarylandWyoming Louisiana North Dakota Maine Alabama Indiana Massachusetts Florida Hawaii Ohio South Carolina Pennsylvania Missouri Nation Michigan Mississippi Texas Oregon New York Washington Iowa New Hampshire Illinois New Mexico New Jersey Oklahoma Connecticut Kansas Wisconsin North Carolina Georgia Nebraska South Dakota Delaware Alaska Minnesota Arizona Colorado Nevada -5.3 Source: US Census Bureau

10 Percent of Adults 25 and Older with at Least a High School Diploma – 2000 (%) 88.3 75.2 80.4 72.9 40% 100% Alaska Wyoming Minnesota Utah New Hampshire Montana Washington Colorado Nebraska Vermont Iowa Kansas Maine Oregon Wisconsin Massachusetts Idaho Hawaii South Dakota Connecticut North Dakota Maryland Michigan Ohio Delaware Indiana New Jersey Pennsylvania Virginia Illinois Missouri Arizona Nevada Oklahoma Nation Florida New York New Mexico Georgia North Carolina Rhode Island California South Carolina Tennessee Texas Arkansas Alabama West Virginia Louisiana Kentucky Mississippi Source: US Census Bureau

11 Change in Percent of Adults 25 and Older with at Least a High School Diploma – from 1990 to 2000 (%) 9.5 9.2 5.2 0.6 0 2 4 6 8 10% Kentucky West Virginia Arkansas Tennessee Mississippi Alabama North Carolina South Carolina Georgia South Dakota Missouri Ohio North Dakota Pennsylvania Maine Michigan Wisconsin Indiana Louisiana Virginia Montana Iowa Oklahoma Rhode Island Vermont Minnesota Florida Maryland New Jersey New Hampshire Illinois Nation Delaware Idaho Wyoming Nebraska Massachusetts Connecticut Kansas Hawaii New York New Mexico Oregon Texas Washington Utah Colorado Arizona Nevada Alaska California Source: US Census Bureau

12 Percent of Adults 25 to 64 with a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher - 2000 37.1 26.5 16.5 0 10 20 30 40 Massachusetts Colorado Connecticut Maryland New Jersey Virginia Vermont New Hampshire Minnesota New York Washington Illinois Rhode Island Hawaii Kansas California Utah Nebraska Oregon Delaware Montana Nation Georgia North Dakota Alaska Pennsylvania Wisconsin Maine Arizona Texas New Mexico South Dakota Missouri North Carolina Iowa Florida Michigan Wyoming Idaho Ohio Oklahoma South Carolina Indiana Tennessee Alabama Louisiana Nevada Kentucky Arkansas Mississippi West Virginia Source: US Census Bureau

13 Change in Percent of Adults 25 to 64 with a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher – 1990 to 2000 (%) 5.8 3.9 2.7 1.7 0 6% Massachusetts Colorado Minnesota Vermont Nebraska North Carolina Virginia Illinois Maryland Georgia New Jersey Kansas Wisconsin South Dakota Pennsylvania Iowa Michigan Montana Washington North Dakota Ohio Rhode Island Oregon New Hampshire Maine Indiana Idaho New York Nation Connecticut South Carolina Florida Missouri Delaware Kentucky Utah Tennessee Hawaii Alabama Arkansas Wyoming Arizona New Mexico California West Virginia Texas Nevada Louisiana Oklahoma Mississippi Alaska Source: US Census Bureau

14 Disparities in Educational Attainment, Income, and Poverty by County






20 Selected Indicators of College Preparation

21 MEASURING UP REPORT CARD 20002002 Preparation D+ C+ Participation D+ C- Affordability D F Completion C C- Benefits F F Learning I I

22 Improvement in Preparation from the 2000 to 2002 Measuring Up Report Cards Measures20002002 9-12 Grade Math Course Taking42.0%56.0% 9-12 Grade Science Course Taking26.0%39.0% Algebra Taken by 8th Graders19.0%24.0% 8th Grade NAEP Math Proficiency13.8%18.0% ACT/SAT Scores In the Top 20th Percentile (Per 1,000)114.4112.2 Number of AP Exams Scores 3 or Better (Per 1,000)36.545.7

23 Percentage of High School Seniors Taking Upper-Level Math (%) – 2001 77.3 65.7 56.2 54.9 53.0 52.3 42.4 41.4 39.5 39.2 37.6 36.1 29.1 26.0 25.6 11.0 0 20 40 60 80% North Carolina Connecticut Texas West Virginia North Dakota Wisconsin Utah Wyoming Alabama Vermont South Dakota New Mexico Indiana California Idaho Arkansas Source: Council of Chief State School Officers

24 Percentage of 9 th -12 th Graders Taking Upper- Level Math (%) Source: Council of Chief State School Officers 61 60 57 56 55 53 51 48 47 46 45 43 41 40 37 36 35 34 44 31 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70% North Carolina Nebraska Utah Massachusetts Texas West Virginia Wisconsin Mississippi Connecticut Kentucky North Dakota Arkansas Missouri New York Ohio South Dakota Louisiana Nation Iowa Indiana Oklahoma Idaho Vermont Wyoming Oregon Minnesota Tennessee Alabama California Nevada New Mexico

25 Percentage of 9 th -12 th Graders Taking Upper- Level Science (%) Source: Council of Chief State School Officers 42 39 37 36 35 34 31 30 29 28 27 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 24 17 0 10 20 30 40 50% Mississippi Massachusetts West Virginia Wisconsin Utah Connecticut Iowa South Dakota Nebraska New York North Dakota Missouri Indiana North Carolina Arkansas Kentucky Nation Vermont Nevada Oklahoma Texas Alabama Louisiana Minnesota Wyoming Ohio New Mexico Oregon Tennessee California Idaho

26 GEDs Awarded to 18-24 Year Olds Per 1,000 18-24 Year Olds with Less than a High School Diploma - 2000 Source: GED Testing Service, US Census Bureau 140.7 39.6 51.0 5.8 0 30 60 90 120 150 Maine Wyoming Alaska Montana Kentucky Rhode Island Oregon Utah Indiana Vermont Iowa Kansas New Hampshire North Dakota West Virginia New Mexico Florida Wisconsin Colorado Washington Tennessee Minnesota South Dakota Nebraska Hawaii New York Arkansas Ohio Massachusetts Oklahoma GeorgiaVirginia Nation Mississippi Michigan Missouri Illinois Maryland Pennsylvania Connecticut Alabama Nevada North Carolina Texas Louisiana Arizona South Carolina New Jersey Delaware California Idaho

27 GEDs Awarded to Adults 25 and Older Per 1,000 Adults 25 and Older with Less than a High School Diploma - 2000 Source: GED Testing Service, US Census Bureau 13.2 3.6 1.3 4.2 0 3 6 9 12 15 Maine Alaska Kentucky Wyoming Utah Washington Colorado Oregon Oklahoma Montana Iowa Indiana Kansas New Missouri South Dakota Illinois Arizona Arkansas Ohio Wisconsin Texas Minnesota Nevada Tennessee Georgia New Mexico Rhode Island Connecticut New York Nation Virginia Michigan North West Virginia Florida Maryland North Dakota Vermont Nebraska Pennsylvania Massachusetts Alabama Louisiana California New Jersey South Carolina Mississippi Hawaii Delaware Idaho

28 Transition and Completion Rates – From High School to College Completion

29 High School Graduation Rates – Public HS Graduates as a Percent of 9 th Graders Four Years Earlier (%) - 2000 Source: Tom Mortenson, Postsecondary Opportunity

30 College Going Rates – First-Time Freshmen Directly Out of HS as a Percent of Recent HS Graduates (%) - 2000 Source: Tom Mortenson, Postsecondary Opportunity

31 Source: NCES-IPEDS, Graduation Rate Survey Graduation Rates – Percent of Bachelor’s Students Graduating within Six Years (%) - 2000

32 Source: NCES-IPEDS, Graduation Rate Survey Graduation Rates – Percent of Associate Students at Two-Year Colleges Graduating within Three Years (%) - 2000

33 Student Pipeline Of 100 9 th Graders in West Virginia, How Many... Of 100 9 th Graders in West Virginia, How Many... Student Pipeline Of 100 9 th Graders in West Virginia, How Many... Of 100 9 th Graders in West Virginia, How Many...

34 ... Graduate from High School on Time?... Graduate from High School on Time?

35 ... Go Directly to College?... Go Directly to College?

36 ... Enroll Their Second Year?... Enroll Their Second Year?

37 ... Graduate Within 150% of Program Time?... Graduate Within 150% of Program Time?

38 Student Pipeline Of 100 9 th Graders, How Many... Of 100 9 th Graders, How Many... Student Pipeline Of 100 9 th Graders, How Many... Of 100 9 th Graders, How Many... 84 58 28 38.8 67 38 26 18 26.7 75 39 27 15 16.6 42 0 100 Graduate from High School DirectlyEnroll Sophomore Year Graduate within 150% 25 to 44 with a Bachelor's Best Performing State US Average West Virginia Within 4 Years Enter College Population Sources: Tom Mortenson, ACT, NCES-IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey, US Census Bureau

39 25 17 25 26 31 23 16 14 16 23 16 22 26 26 21 32 26 39 29 27 41 30 25 31 41 27 30 31 22 16 29 25 33 45 41 49 23 45 41 34 36 44 26 44 27 48 40 38 31 38 23 29 29 30 24 29 30 31 26 35 34 33 27 24 43 27 35 24 29 34 21 33 36 28 20 33 31 36 36 52 39 36 33 23 30 17 42 21 25 27 26 20 35 23 37 21 25 29 41 35 23 25 19 17 20 22 2831 35 18 27 22 25 29 14 20 19 17 24 20 19 19 21 22 20 22 22 16 26 16 16 24 20 17 15 20 21 2121 26 26 23 27 21 24 20 24 22 17 21 28 28 2727 26 26 25 2424 23 2222 22 22 21 21 20 19 19 1818 181818 1818 17 1717 1616 15 151414 14 1414 1313 1313 1212 1212 11 1111 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 MAIAPANHRICTMNNJNDMENEWISDKSVTINVADEILMONYCOWYMINCMDOHCAMTUTWA WV ORFLAZ SC IDTNALKYHIMSARLAOKGANMTXNVAK 9th to 12th Grade HS Graduate to College College Entrance to Graduation College Graduates Student Pipeline Loss at each Stage of Transition Student Pipeline Loss at each Stage of Transition Sources: Tom Mortenson, ACT, NCES-IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey

40 College Participation

41 West Virginia = 43.7% Source: West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission


43 Part-Time Undergraduate Enrollment as a Percent of 25 to 44 Year Olds (%) - 2000 Source: NCES-IPEDS, US Census Bureau 10.8 3.6 6.2 3.3 0 3 6 9 12 Arizona California Utah New Mexico Kansas Alaska Wyoming Nevada Illinois Oregon Michigan Nebraska Colorado Florida Missouri Washington Rhode Island Wisconsin Nation Maryland Texas Minnesota Virginia Iowa Oklahoma Delaware Maine North Carolina Hawaii Massachusetts Alabama Connecticut Idaho Ohio South Dakota Vermont Indiana South Carolina New Hampshire New Jersey Tennessee Arkansas New York Kentucky Georgia Louisiana Mississippi North Dakota West Virginia Pennsylvania Montana




47 Summary from Selected Statistics West Virginia is improving in high school attainment but not in bachelor’s degree attainment.West Virginia is improving in high school attainment but not in bachelor’s degree attainment. West Virginia is improving substantially on most measures of preparation for collegeWest Virginia is improving substantially on most measures of preparation for college On the student pipeline, there is considerable loss at each stage of transition. Compared to other states, WV performs relatively well in high school completion – but needs to improve college- going and completion rates.On the student pipeline, there is considerable loss at each stage of transition. Compared to other states, WV performs relatively well in high school completion – but needs to improve college- going and completion rates. Population projections suggest that WV will need to consider non-traditional ways of increasing educational attainment because of a substantial decline in the traditional college-age population and high school graduates.Population projections suggest that WV will need to consider non-traditional ways of increasing educational attainment because of a substantial decline in the traditional college-age population and high school graduates. The population projections by ethnicity indicate that the only growth in the younger population (ages 0 to 44) will be among Hispanics.The population projections by ethnicity indicate that the only growth in the younger population (ages 0 to 44) will be among Hispanics. There are substantial disparities in college participation across counties and regions and participation among non-traditional age adults is extremely low relative to other states.There are substantial disparities in college participation across counties and regions and participation among non-traditional age adults is extremely low relative to other states.

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