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1 10 th April.2014 Summer Camps Conducted For Hisar.

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1 1 10 th April.2014 Summer Camps Conducted For BIL @ Hisar

2 2 Problem  Most of DG’s were cranked more than 15,000 Hours & that are supposed to be run without Over Haul as O/H POs were not released by BIL  High rate of Engine failures during extreme summer season  DG safeties were not working & bypassed by Technicians for Diesel pilferage.  Sudden Increase In Eicher Dg population in BIL @ HPH circle

3 3 Challenges 1. Convince Magiecs As numbers of M & M make DG’s are getting decreased continuously 2.Summer camp effectiveness flashing with customer 3.Arrangement of Float Radiators for DGs Radiator cleaning where site battery back up was very low 4.Ensure availability of all parts during DG rectifications

4 4 Actions  Round of discussions with Magiec Heads for summer camps execution  Trackers were freeze to flash summer camp DPR with customer  Float Radiators are arranged for low back up sites @ both dealerships  Cartages were hired for 3 days with all required Spares with Technicians Team

5 5  Appreciation mails from BIL Officials for this effective initiative  Decrease in Engine failures during extreme Summer season  Reduction in FC  Fast PO releasing by customer for critical DG’s rectifications jobs  Good relations build up with customer

6 6 Thank you Visit us at:

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