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 Read to Achieve 3 rd Grade Parent Night Tuesday, September 30 th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: " Read to Achieve 3 rd Grade Parent Night Tuesday, September 30 th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1  Read to Achieve 3 rd Grade Parent Night Tuesday, September 30 th, 2014

2 Tonight's Expectations  What is Read to Achieve?  What are the short-term and long-term ramifications of RtA on my child?  How does RtA connect with the North Carolina DPI, Iredell-Statesville School and Lake Norman Elementary processes?  Question & Answer opportunities

3 Do any of these thoughts ever come to mind?  My child tests, but nothing is ever done. What does the teacher do with the test results?  Why can’t the teacher teach the way I was taught? I mean, look how wonderful I am!  Why does my child test so much?  How does the teacher ever find time to teach?

4 Alignment for student learning When schools are able to align curriculum, instruction and assessments, student learning will occur.

5 Iredell-Statesville Schools

6 Classroom PDSA

7 What will we do if they don’t learn it?

8 Read to Achieve  Excellent Public Schools Act  Elimination of Social Promotion  NC GS 115C-83

9 Flow Chart

10 RtA Timeline  August: Beginning of Grade (BOG) Assessment  September: Reading 3D Fall Assessment  October: Portfolio Begins  November: Benchmark 1 Assessment  January: Reading 3D Winter Assessment  May: Reading 3D Spring Assessment  June: End of Grade (EOG), Summer Reading Camp

11 Good Cause Exemptions  LEP Students  Students with disabilities AND are on alternative assessments  Students who demonstrate proficiency on an alternate assessment approved by DPI and Iredell-Statesville Schools  Students who demonstrate proficiency through the 3 rd Grade Reading Portfolio  Students who have been retained more than once

12 Reading Summer Camp  When?: June – July (TBD)  Time?: 4 days per week for 3 hours  Where?: TBD  Who?: Selected teachers  A student must attend or enroll in a state approved alternative camp

13 Reading Portfolio  Currently done for students scoring a developmental score <439  Components  Reading 3D Data  Personalized Education Plan or PEP- (RtI Tiered Support Document- Dolphin Time interventions, SAIL)  Skill Check Passages  Timeline: October 1 through May, longer if needed

14 Skill Check- Passages  Passages are generally 1 page and have 5 questions  Must show mastery in 3 passages  Mastery defined as 70% or 11/15  10 available passages per standard  Only allowed to take 3 per week  Students take 1 per week if BOG greater or equal to 439  Students have exposure to instructional passages

15 A typical day in 3 rd Grade

16 Do any of these thoughts ever come to mind?  My child tests, but nothing is ever done. What does the teacher do with the test results?  Why can’t the teacher teach the way I was taught?  Why does my child test so much?  How does the teacher ever find time to teach?

17 What can parents do?  Attendance  Don’t add anxiety or pressure  Encourage best effort  Communication and involvement

18  Questions?

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