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Haybridge High School Lynne Byford David Corden. Haybridge High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Haybridge High School Lynne Byford David Corden. Haybridge High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haybridge High School Lynne Byford David Corden

2 Haybridge High School

3 The 5% of the population in China

4 Haybridge High School of the UK

5 Haybridge High School They have more gifted & talented students, than we have students

6 Haybridge High School





11 For students starting a three-year university degree, For students starting a three-year university degree, this means that...

12 Haybridge High School half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated …by the end of their studies

13 Haybridge High School

14 7 out of 10 teenagers have a handheld games machine

15 Haybridge High School 9 out of 10 teenagers have a home computer, a mobile phone and a games console

16 Haybridge High School 84% of young people play computer games at least once a fortnight

17 Haybridge High School 72% of teachers never play computer games

18 Haybridge High School

19 Gifted and Talented at Haybridge Using New Technologies to enhance provision for Gifted and Talented Students

20 Haybridge High School We want our Gifted and Talented learners to become:  Independent enquirers  Creative thinkers  Reflective learners  Team workers  Self managers  Effective participators

21 Haybridge High School Starter Activity In September 2007 a group of Gifted and Talented Year 7 students produced a short DVD on starting life at Haybridge. The result was so professional that we included copies in the Prospectus for Open Evening.

22 Haybridge High School

23 A tool for teaching and learning, not an end in itself. Technology can:  Provide a focus for both independent and collaborative learning  Create a buzz  Allow students to learn independently, at their own pace  Require the application of higher order thinking skills – the need to select, try, apply, prioritise, reflect, evaluate and synthesise multiple strands of information and ideas  Provide a ‘real life’ context for learning

24 Haybridge High School Keep it simple, keep it focused, keep it pacy The pitfalls of powerpoint Put every last thing you know about the subject on the slide

25 Haybridge High School In the Geography classroom Using mobile phones and Movie Maker software to explore potential hazards and the need for crime prevention on the school campus – Year 9

26 Haybridge High School

27 English Using Movie Maker with a group of Gifted and Talented Year 7 Students to explore the connections between the motifs in the novel ‘Skellig’ and to analyse the ways in which the author uses the motifs to develop his themes. ‘Using images to explore images’

28 Haybridge High School

29 A4L – Evaluation of  The ideas  The process  The product

30 Haybridge High School The Wonderful World of Wikis

31 Haybridge High School

32 Supporting the Gifted & Talented through enrichment activities

33 Haybridge High School The Project  A group of twelve students on the A/A* borderline in English and/or Maths  Creating a book on a mathematical theme, to include background and history, real-life applications and explanations of the mathematics involved  Covers key areas for these students from the mathematical curriculum  Covers keys areas from the English curriculum in terms of inform, explain and describe Exploring collaborative learning through Google Notebooks in Maths and English

34 Haybridge High School What is Google Notebooks?  Google Notebooks is an online and interactive ‘scratch pad’  Users can login and share their notebook with others, allowing for collaborative, interactive research and study  The notebook is saved online and can be edited and exported into any number of formats including Word documents, web pages and PDF documents…

35 Haybridge High School What benefits have we discovered?  Students have total and final control over the finished product, empowering and boosting confidence.  It develops students’ critical faculties, they are constantly involved in self and peer assessment.  Higher order thinking skills are perpetually being utilised, as students must evaluate, reason and develop.  Teacher input is minimal.

36 Haybridge High School What other outcomes are there?  To be published as a book at the end of the project  Websites are available for self-publishing in a range of formats  Transfer work from Google Notebook to Google Docs where the format can be edited and then exported as a PDF to a publishing website (for example,  Collaboration with similar students from other schools is made easy  As everything is done online, students do not have to be, physically, anywhere near each other to be able to work together

37 Haybridge High School





42 Enrichment - competitions Website and Radiowaves - podcasting

43 Haybridge High School So …who will be most ready to meet the challenge?

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