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16 October 201516 October 201516 October 2015 Setting New Standards in ICT Integration, International Primary School Certification and Lifelong Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "16 October 201516 October 201516 October 2015 Setting New Standards in ICT Integration, International Primary School Certification and Lifelong Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 16 October 201516 October 201516 October 2015 Setting New Standards in ICT Integration, International Primary School Certification and Lifelong Learning


3   South African franchised company with offices nationally in South Africa and internationally   Partnered locally with ICDL in CSA Trust in Zimbabwe   Established in 1995   Run by a team of fully qualified teachers   We supply, maintain and update a relevant, internationally endorsed, integrated ICT Curriculum About Us


5   Equip Students and Adults with ICT skills and international certification   460+ schools in Southern Africa and West Africa (trial schools in UK, Middle East and Australia)   300 000 learners use Computers 4 Kids every day in South Africa   60 Training Centres operational in RSA (6 months) About Us

6 8Structured, relevant localised Microsoft, Open Source and Mac Integrated ICT Curriculum 8Compliant with the National Curriculum 8Internationally endorsed in 145 countries (ECDL) 8Progression from basic to advanced ICT and cognitive skills 8Project and life skill based units 8Detailed step-by-step lesson plans 8COMS (C4K Online Management System) Highlights of Our Products

7 8Implementation pack 8Core pack of 23 learning units per volume (175 lessons in full colour) 8Digital Resources including: 8Lesson templates 8Assessment matrix 8Full Websites and links (no internet required) 8Planning tools administrative tools 8Glossary and dictionary 8Online planning, assessments, COMS Curriculum Set

8 International Reach of the ICDL Programme 148 Countries 35 Million Tests 38 Languages 22,000 Test Centres 9+ Millions Candidates



11 International Certification (Progress certificates are generated at the end of each year)



14 Features


16 No internet required! 100’s of websites saved onto computers

17 Full lesson plans

18 EQ (emotional intelligence) IT lessons linked to EQ!

19 Learning Outcomes Table

20 Assessment Tables

21 Step-by-Step instructions

22 On-line Management System Term …., 200…. Standard Planning: Grade 1 Start Date Vol.Volume NameTypeLearning OutcomesDescriptionSoftware Pre-lesson Comments R.8Dressing Ellie IntLanguages R.1.1, R.3.1, R.5.1 Arts and Culture R.1.4.2 Learners dress the Elephant correctlyFlash R.1 5 MatchingIntLanguages R.1.1 Mathematics R.3.1 Arts and Culture R.1.4.2 Learners match objects in their environment to shapes Word R.1ShapeIntLanguages R.1.1 Arts and Culture R.1.4.1, R.4.4.1 Mathematics R.3.1 Learners create a picture of themselves at home using shapes Tux Paint R.1 3 Dinner Time IntLanguages R.1.1, R.5.2 Arts and Culture R.1.4.1 Learners learn to lay the table with crockery and cutlery for dinner Flash R.1 0 NumbersIntLanguages R.1.1, R.3.1 Mathematics R.1.1, R.1.4 Learners count objects and link to the correct numbers Word

23 Online Automated Assessment System

24 On-line Automated Assessment Dear Parent/s. Vusi has just written the Word assessment and scored 85%. Well done Vusi! (RSA only at this stage)

25 Online Admin System

26 Benefits…   Endorsed by the ECDL in Ireland – ICDL in CSA Trust in Zimbabwe   International Certification - in today’s times of competition and requirements in the workplace (for students and teachers)   Integrated ICT learning activities - making use of local themes and topics   Compatible for both Windows, Linux/Open Source as well as Apple Mac operating systems   Progression of skills from basic to advanced   On-going training and backup by Computers 4 Kids staff (ICDL, professional development in international and new trends and approaches in education, Computers 4 Kids e-mail network, conferences, regular meetings)   Computers 4 Kids web-based e-mail system for educators   Automated Assessments/Report –feedback   SMS assessment reports (RSA only)   Annual progress certificates

27 Integrating ICT can be fun…

28 Contact Information Sales & Marketing: Brett Levine / 083 644 1090 Curriculum/Content: Russell Pengelly / 083 310 1438


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