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POWER SUPPLY FOR SKA: a technological challenge. Dr. Germano Bianchi INAF-IRA Rome SKA Meeting, 19-20 June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "POWER SUPPLY FOR SKA: a technological challenge. Dr. Germano Bianchi INAF-IRA Rome SKA Meeting, 19-20 June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 POWER SUPPLY FOR SKA: a technological challenge. Dr. Germano Bianchi INAF-IRA Rome SKA Meeting, 19-20 June 2012

2 The win win solution will bring the construction of the SKA radiotelescope in two remote areas (South Africa and Australia). The system power supply will represent a technological challenge. AUSTRALIA SOUTH AFRICA Low frequency band Medium-High frequency band

3 Power generation technologies Green energy: Nuclear Hydrocarbons Gas Petrol Carbon PV solar panel Solar thermodynamic Wind turbines Hydroelectric Biomasses

4 Green energy solution POWER STORAGE Advantagies: 1.It is a free energy 2.Local generation: It does not need power grid No fuel transportation 3.No CO 2 emission Disadvantagies: 1.Discontinuous generation The more suitable solution is the green energy.



7 Present storage solutions 1.Batteries 2.Hydrogen 3.Thermal (chemical salt) 4.Flywheel Flywheel

8 Power Requirements AA-low: 10 MW AA-mid: 30 MW Dishes:15 MW Super computers and facility: 40 MW Central site/infrastructure: 10 MW (power consumption estimated in SKA phase II)

9 TOTAL: 105 MW920 GWh/year Power Requirements POWER (MW)

10 Processing Engines currently available

11 PV charge controller Battery DC-DC converter Solar charger Front-end Self-powered solution ….

12 Conclusion -Solar and wind at present seems to be the more suitable renewable energy to be exploited for SKA -Storage technologies need to be deeply investigated -In the design phase, reliability and low power consumption must be one of the more important constraints to be considered.

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