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NCSBN and The Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers National RN Workforce Study: An Overview Jill Budden, PhD Associate, Research.

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Presentation on theme: "NCSBN and The Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers National RN Workforce Study: An Overview Jill Budden, PhD Associate, Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCSBN and The Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers National RN Workforce Study: An Overview Jill Budden, PhD Associate, Research

2 Project Team  Jill Budden, PhD Associate, Research National Council of State Boards of Nursing  Elizabeth Zhong, PhD Associate, Research National Council of State Boards of Nursing  Patricia Moulton, PhD Executive Director ND Center for Nursing  Jeannie Cimiotti, DNSc, RN Associate Professor, Rutgers University College of Nursing Executive Director, NJ Collaborating Center for Nursing

3 Background  Over the past 3 decades HRSA has conducted the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN).  The last NSSRN was completed in 2008  There is no current data on the nationwide supply of RNs.  NCSBN, in collaboration with The Forum, will be filling this knowledge gap.

4 Sampling  Stratified random sample of active RN licensees (95% confidence and 3% error).  RN contact info will be obtained through:  Nursys – 43 jurisdictions  8 remaining states will be individually contacted  Sample approx 113,703 RNs

5 Materials  The Forum’s Minimum Dataset  Additional questions pertaining to the Nurse Licensure Compact  Approx 30 questions

6  Gender  Race/ethnicity  DOB  Type of nursing degree/credential that qualified for first US nursing license  Highest level of education  Type of license held  Year initial US licensure was obtained  Country of entry-level education  What country initially licensed as RN?  Education program that qualified individual for first US RN license

7  States in which individual holds an active license to practice as an RN  States in which individual is currently practicing  Employment status  If unemployed, reasons  Number of hours worked in typical week  Type of work setting  Type of position  Type of employment specialty  Number of states physically or electronically/telephonically practiced in (compact)  Utilization of tele-health

8 Survey Administration  Week 1: Telephone announcement + vibrantly designed letter with $1 incentive, which will contain a link to the online version of the survey.  Week 3: Hardcopy of survey sent to non- responders, with an online option.  Week 5: A telephone announcement to remind non- responders to complete the survey, and thank those who have already participated.  Week 7: Hardcopy of survey sent to non- responders, with an online option.  Week 10: Deadline for surveys/closure of online option.

9 Analyses  Estimated response rate of 52%  Non-response analyses using Nursys data  Data will be reported in the aggregate  Also, each state nursing workforce center and each BON will be given their jurisdiction’s data – they are free to use it as they wish

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