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U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program May 12, 2004 eGovernment Working Group U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program May 12, 2004 eGovernment Working Group U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program May 12, 2004 eGovernment Working Group U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program

2 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 2  Welcome  Tactical Plan Creation & Usage  Integrated Reporting Next Steps  eAuthentication Employee Registration  Enterprise Content Management  Q&A and Next Steps Agenda

3 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 3 eGovernment Tactical Plan Creation 1.What planning, generally, does your Agency do? 2.How are your eGovernment Tactical plans connected to or integrated with the aforementioned plans? 3.What is the Agency process for updating the tactical and related plans? 4.What process did your agency use to prioritize eGovernment projects in the tactical plan?

4 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 4 eGovernment Tactical Plan Creation 5.How do you think the tactical plan or the creation process can be improved? 6.How does your Agency’s tactical plan align with USDA’s Enterprise Architecture? 7.How will your Agency implement the eGovernment Tactical Plan?

5 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 5  Welcome  Tactical Plan Creation & Usage  Integrated Reporting Next Steps  eAuthentication Employee Registration  Enterprise Content Management  Q&A and Next Steps Agenda

6 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 6 Integrated eGovernment Report  The report consists of three major components: I.Completion of spreadsheets that contain key GPEA, eAuthentication and Information Value Chain Information II.Development of GPEA Compliance Project Plans that describe key milestones of current/planned initiatives to offer electronic options. III.Review/revision of Agency eGovernment Tactical Plans based on spreadsheets, GPEA Compliance Project Plans and other OCIO feedback I. Spreadsheets II. Project Plan Outlines III. Revised Agency eGovernment Tactical Plan Agency Integrated eGovernment Report

7 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 7  Welcome  Tactical Plan Creation & Usage  Integrated Reporting Next Steps  eAuthentication Employee Registration  Enterprise Content Management  Q&A and Next Steps Agenda

8 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 8 eAuthentication Employee Registration  Employees will be able to self-register to obtain an eAuthentication credential.  Employee data required to validate a user account includes, but is not limited to: Social Security Number; Date of Birth; Agency; and Employment Grade and Step.  The necessary information can be found on Earnings and Leave Statements and Personnel Action Forms. The USDA eAuthentication service is expanding its capabilities to include all USDA employees in July 2004:

9 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 9 eAuthentication Employee Registration  The USDA employee credential rollout will be completed along the following schedule:  June 2004 – Roll out Employee Registration process to pilot users  July 2004 – Roll out Employee Registration process to all USDA employees. By obtaining an eAuthentication credential, employees will be able to access numerous Internet-based resources across USDA.

10 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 10  Welcome  Tactical Plan Creation & Usage  Integrated Reporting Next Steps  eAuthentication Employee Registration  Enterprise Content Management  Q&A and Next Steps Agenda

11 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 11 Enterprise Content Management  Contract awarded to Unisys and FileNet on May 2nd Includes Software, installation and support services, and training  Development environments being installed in St. Louis and KC (30 days)  Full suite of environments being installed in KC (90 days)  WCM template and tool development underway

12 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 12  Welcome  Tactical Plan Creation & Usage  Integrated Reporting Next Steps  eAuthentication Employee Registration  Enterprise Content Management  Q&A and Next Steps Agenda

13 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 13 Questions and Answers

14 U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 14 Next Steps EGWG Schedule: 2 nd and 4 th Wednesday of every month Next EGWG Session Date: May 26, 2004. Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00PM EST Location: S107

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