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By Jayden Joyce. The ‘Basics’  Full Name: Jayden Anthony Joyce  Ethnicity: South African and Sri Lankan, I was born in Australia.  Favourite Colour:

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Presentation on theme: "By Jayden Joyce. The ‘Basics’  Full Name: Jayden Anthony Joyce  Ethnicity: South African and Sri Lankan, I was born in Australia.  Favourite Colour:"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jayden Joyce

2 The ‘Basics’  Full Name: Jayden Anthony Joyce  Ethnicity: South African and Sri Lankan, I was born in Australia.  Favourite Colour: Blue.  Gender: Male  Basic Facial Appearance: black eyes, short dark brown hair, black skin colour and a big nose (:P), apparently nice jaw line and cheek bones.  Age and D.O.B: 17 years old with my birthday being on the 18/11/1996.  Religious Views: I am a Catholic and very proud to be one.  Family: father (Joseph), mother (Anne), younger sister (Shanique) and my twin brother (Aaron).

3 Hobbies and Interests  Playing videos games is one of my ways of spending my free time, games such as Super Smash Bros., Kingdom Hearts and League of Legends.  I am extremely interested in technology and computers in general, having picked the computer parts for a personal build and putting it together myself.  I like to be energetic and active making Sport my favourite subject when I used to have it. With that, Soccer is my favourite sport following Tottenham Hotspurs. GO THE SPURS!!!  I also enjoy watching and reading Anime and Manga, my favourites typically being Naruto, Bleach and One Piece.  Music, specifically R&B.

4 Personality  Optimistic  Generally Happy  Kind and Respectful  Honest  Sense of humour  Sometimes shy and indecisive, which is why I dislike leadership roles. (I am a sheep)  I enjoy and work better in teams and groups of people.  Friendly and get along with others very well, because of this I have made many close and mutual friendships over the years and no enemies (at least none that I know of).

5 My Aspirations  First and foremost is my father who I look up to and see as a role model.  Successfully getting into the uni and course I choose in the near future.  To engineer robust software :P.  For senpai to notice me……  Complete school with a relatively good ATAR.  To climb to Diamond Elo.  To be efficient and effective.

6 Bucket List  Going overseas to South Africa and Sri Lanka to see where my mother and father grew up as well as see other family members.  Attending at least one Tottenham EPL match in Europe and going to the Soccer World Cup.  Build a really good gaming rig (computer).

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