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GOES-R for the Americas Luiz A. T. Machado INPE-CPTEC

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Presentation on theme: "GOES-R for the Americas Luiz A. T. Machado INPE-CPTEC"— Presentation transcript:

1 GOES-R for the Americas Luiz A. T. Machado INPE-CPTEC

2 Overview Dedicated GOES10/12 to South America GOES 13 images to South America New Products being developed for GOES-R  Inner cloud top dynamics  Lightning and Thunderstorm severity  Multichannel cloud classification  Cloud Tracking and nowcasting – ForTracc  Surface radiation

3 Dedicated GOES10/12 to South America GOES - 10 and 12 were allocated by NOAA nearby 60W to serve South America. This allows South America to have, for the first time images each 15 minutes. GOES-10 and 12 have improved significantly satellite detection of severe weather, vegetation fire, atmospheric motion vector, solar radiation, cloud classification and rainfall over South America. The satellite derived products were employed operatio nally to monitor drought for agriculture and forest fire and also to nowcast thunders torm and severe weather for flash flood warning. INPE Developed a set of products for South America using Goes-South America

4 Dedicated GOES10/12 to South America

5 GOES 13 images to South America Goes-East Routine Imager Schedule – Images each 30 minutes Image starts - - 01:45:00 – In North America Northern Extented Image ends -- 01:54:55 Image starts - 02:04:50 Southern Image ends -- 02:06:56 01:45:00 NORTHERN HEMISPHERE 09:55 01:55:09 CONTINENTAL US (CONUS) 04:37 02:00:00 CONTINENTAL US (CONUS) 04:37 02:04:50 SOUTH AMERICA CENTRAL 02:01

6 GOES 13 images to South America MSGSAC SAS Northern NOAA POLAR ORBIT In cooperation with Argentina will be added to fill high latitude Goes-East No Routine Operation– Images each hour

7 New Products being developed for GOES-R Multichannel Satellite Images Analysis

8 New Products being developed for GOES-R Inner cloud top dynamics IR 8.7 - IR 10.8 IR 10.8 WV 6.2 BTD 8.7-10.8µm – water/ice/mix phase clouds Example of the extra information obtained by the channel combination to derive winds

9 Situations with high level wind divergence (BTD-AMV) tends to have BT decrease in the near future Negri, Machado and Borde, IJRS, 2014 New Products being developed for GOES-R Inner cloud top dynamics

10 New Products being developed for GOES-R CHUVA Project and the GLM Vale Campaign GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM): Pre-Launch Algorithm Validation-CHUVA Campaign Report Machado et al., 2014, BAMS

11 Mattos, Machado and Williams- Submitted to JAS X-Band Radar Signatures Related to the Frequency of Lightning Activity New Products being developed for GOES-R Lightning and Thunderstorm severity

12 New Products being developed for GOES-R Probability of Lighting using multichannel Machado et al., Atmos Res., 2008 and Mattos and Machado, Atmos Res., 2011

13 Lima and Machado, IJRS, 2013 New Products being developed for GOES-R Cloud Classification Using Multichannel TRMM and MSG

14 New Products being developed for GOES-R Cloud Tracking and Nowcasting – The ForTracc

15 GOES13 VIS ImageDaily mean Irradiance GL 1.2 New Products being developed for GOES-R Assessing shortwave solar radiation (UV-VIS and Global) G-STAR – DSA-CPTEC-INPE

16 New Products being developed for GOES-R Assessing shortwave solar radiation (UV-VIS and Global) Perspectives of GOES-R ABI Anthony Porfirio, Juan Ceballos PhD student

17 Summary New era in satellite meteorology will start with GOES-R The Region needs to be prepared to fully explore this great potential Several products and researches are being developed that can be useful to the program Regional products, product validation and high resolution sectors or products can prepared to reach the needs of the Region through a cooperation between NOAA and regional partner

18 Thank you GOES-R will change the Meteorology in South America

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