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I NTRO TO B USINESS M ANAGEMENT AND M ICROSOFT O FFICE Why Study Computers for Business Management?

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Presentation on theme: "I NTRO TO B USINESS M ANAGEMENT AND M ICROSOFT O FFICE Why Study Computers for Business Management?"— Presentation transcript:

1 I NTRO TO B USINESS M ANAGEMENT AND M ICROSOFT O FFICE Why Study Computers for Business Management?

2 B ENEFITS Business Advantages Career Advantages Resume Advantages College Applications Certifications

3 N O C AREER IS LEFT UNTOUCHED BY C OMPUTERS Mechanic Architect Photographer CEO of Corporation Beautician Business Manager Entrepreneur

4 T IME IS M ONEY !!! This will give you a competitive advantage!

5 H OW AN A RCHITECT USES O FFICE ? Word Drawing Notes Documentation of Books and sources used Excel Calculate costs for Safety Codes in a project Schedules Area Calculations Budget Comparisons PowerPoint Presentations Access Database tracking for products Manage customer and contact information Outlook Email Schedule meetings Organize Communications Groups


7 T ECHNOLOGY S TANDARDS 1. Creativity and Innovative 2. Communication and Collaboration 3. Research and Information Fluency 4. Critical thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making 5. Digital Citizenship 6. Technology Operations and Concepts

8 C ERTIFICATIONS Shown to prove you have expertise to use MS Office in Business Recognized by Businesses and Colleges all over the world MCAS Use must pass exam based on specific skill sets within office Take as many times as wanted Can achieve specific certifications Word, Excel, Access, PP, Outlook and Windows Vista Microsoft Business Certification Program Microsoft Certified application Specialist Certification

9 A CADEMIC S UCCESS !!!!!! We use academic standards and put them into a “real life” situation

10 The Office Ribbon: Use to be called “menus” Group tools by functions Broke into three different portions Tabs Divided among the different tasks you can do in an application Groups Within each tab break the tasks into subtasks. Groups replace menus Buttons Within each group carry out commands or display menus of subcommands P ARTS OF M ICROSOFT O FFICE

11 M ICROSOFT W ORD What is Microsoft Word Used for: Reports Memos Letter Mail Merges Flyers Documents Etc

12 T ASKS YOU ARE GOING TO BE ABLE TO DO Templates Save documents as new and PDFs Print Specific Pages Email a Document Create and Use a Digital Signature Hyperlinks Copy and Pasting Format Painter Create Bulleted List Page Numbers Word Art Headers Table of Contents Citations Create a Numbered List Create a Multilevel List Using the ruler for Indents Tab Stops Page Breaks Cover Page Create Tables Insert Pictures Use Smart Art Screen shot Charts and Graphs Mail Merges Documents Properties Use of Columns


14 Y OU ARE GOING TO LEARN HOW TO Create a Memo Business Letter Mail Merge Use many different tools

15 M EMO Memos are used for informal communication Used internally in a business Emails were created from Memos Short, Sweet, and to the Point

16 B USINESS L ETTER Formal Communication Can be used internally and externally Specific Spacing Specific Parts Letterhead Date Senders Address Inside Address Salutation Body Closing Signature Enclosure

17 C HARTS AND G RAPHS Use to communicate information visually so it is easier to read

18 M AIL M ERGE AND M AILINGS Have you ever wanted to send the same letter, invitation, etc to many different people Graduation Advertisement Wedding Etc….


20 M ANY OTHER T OOLS Templates Digital Signature Tables

21 L ET ’ S G ET S TARTED !!!!!!

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