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Published byAbel Park Modified over 9 years ago
Key role of water and carbonates in respiration V. Voeikov N. Vilenskaya, S. Malishenko, K. Novikov Faculty of Biology Lomonosov Moscow State University
Aerobic respiration: "a slow combustion of carbon and hydrogen, similar in every way to that which takes place in a lighted candle, and in that respect, breathing animals are active combustible bodies that are burning and wasting away". Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, 1791
From another perspective this process may be looked upon as oxygen reduction to H 2 O with hydrogen atoms taken from organic compounds providing for the major part of energy generation, while oxidation of carbon is just a necessary side reaction yielding a “by-product”, CO 2 e.g.: C 6 H 12 O 6 + 3O 2 6H 2 O [6(CO)] + 3O 2 6CO 2 But are H 2 O and CO 6 just final products of respiration or its active participants?
Water is universal catalyst of chemical reactions All chemical reactions proceed as a rule in the presence of at least traces of water. For example: ……Temperature of boiling of dry benzene, ethanol, bromide, mercury exceeds table values for these substances by dozens of degrees… …Sodium and potassium are not oxidized and do not burn in dry oxygen; dry carbon, sulfur and phosphorus burn in dry oxygen at much higher temperatures than in the presence of vapor… “It is difficult to imagine what would be written in chemical manuals if chemistry was studied in complete anhydrous conditions”
«…the hydrogen of water is the only substance, that restores oxygenated bodies to their combustible state; and water is the only source of the oxygen, which oxygenates combustible bodies. ». Example: the combustion of charcoal «…the carbone attracts the oxygen of the water, and forms carbonic acid, while the hydrogen of the water unites with oxygen of the vital air, and forms a new quantity of water equal to that decomposed». О Н Н О Н Н С + СO 2 + 4H;4H + O 2 2H 2 O Fulhame Elizabeth. An essay on combustion, with a view to a new art of dying and painting, wherein the phlogistic and antiphlogistic hypotheses are proved erroneous.– London: Published by the author, 1794.
Peculiar properties of “Living water” Sea water: Water <97% Solids: >3% Jelly-fish: Water 99,9% Solids: 0,1%
«Macromolecular crowding (скученность) ” in a living cell CONSEQUENCES : Rates and accuracy of biochemical reactions in cells exceed those in vitro manifold! Distance between macromolecules does not exceed 5-10 water molecules diameters
Erythrocyte: only 2 - 18 (maximum) molecules of water separate hemoglobin molecules Blood: water volume in plasma ~3 liters Surface area of all erythrocytes – 5 000 m 2 «Crowding» in blood Consequences: Erythrocytes are liquid crystalline dipoles (K.S. Trincher, 1965) Blood does not flow, but rather slides along the vessels
The result of «crowding» -- arousal of a specific form of water – interfacial water Na + K+K+ Distribution coefficients for most substances between interfacial and bulk water may deviate significantly from unity: spontaneity of substances distribution between the cell and the environment ; Significant differences in the parameters of chemical reactions occurring in bulk and interfacial waters
How far water may be polarized by a hydrophilic surface? Polyacrylic gel strip Suspension of microspheres Polarized (interfacial): > 700 000 layers Jerald H. Pollack, 2003
Interfacial water is a catalyst of Red/Ox reactions (in a sense of Elizabeth Fulhame?) Due to strong reducing properties of INTERFACIAL WATER such water built around fullerenes provides for intense free radical turnover G.V. Andrievsky Why does it have such properties?
Emilio Del GiudiceTheory of Coherent Water Domains based on principles of quantum electrodynamics
Coherent water domains (CD) keep excess of quasi-free electrons at their surface электр. О2О2 О 2 – НО 2 Н2О2Н2О2 НО CDs have reducing properties and may serve electron donors for oxygen Interfacial water possesses all the properties of CDs!
And ENERGY OF ELECTRONIC EXCITATION equivalent to photons in range from UV - to visible part of EM spectrum UV - to visible part of EM spectrum H ↑ + ↓ OH H 2 O + ~ 5 eV H ↑ + ↓ H H 2 + 4,5 eV HO ↓ + ↑ OH H 2 O 2 + ~4,5 eV 2H 2 O 2 2H 2 O + O 2 + ~ 2 eV Final products of water splitting: OXYGEN, HYDROGEN, H ↑ + ↓ H H 2 HO ↓ + ↑ OH H 2 O 2 2H 2 O 2 2H 2 O + O 2 If water receives proper energy of electronic excitation water splitting and electron release is intensified and water may literally BURN!
Burning of sea water irradiated with radio waves (~800-900 MHz ?) John Kanzius, 2007
Aerobic respiration is "a slow combustion of carbon and hydrogen, similar in every way to that which takes place in a lighted candle, and in that respect, breathing animals are active combustible bodies that are burning and wasting away". Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier
IN WATER SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF ORDERED VERY SLOW «BURNING» MAY BE OBSERVED Oscillatory modes of luminescence accompany reactions between carbonyls and amines in aqueous solutions in H O H methyl glyoxalglycin
For the development in water of such processes and their durability the presence of CARBONATES, primarily of bicarbonate is necessary Carbonates participate in free radical reactions СО 2 and products of its interaction with water attenuate “harsh” oxidative reactions with OH participation turning itself into CARBONATE RADICAL HCO 3 + OH CO 3 + H 2 O 2 CO 3 + 2Н + PRODUCTS (!) + energy
Generation of energy of electronic excitation in bicarbonate solutions being in contact with air Time, seconds Emission, counts per sec Immediately after preparation Reagent 5 hours of contact with air 24 hours 48 hours Reagent: Fe(II)+luminol
Bicarbonate solutions in water become less and less oxidizing with time Bicarbonate supports oxygen reduction by electrons donated by coherent domains
Necessary (not sufficient!) conditions for efficient aerobic respiration: 1.Enough highly coherent interfacial water (reducing water) should be available (availability of interfacial water depends on the area of hydrated surfaces and their properties) 2. Optimal concentration of carbonates is provided in the milieu (The fact that СО 2 and carbonates are important regulator of respiration is known to physiologists. The ultimate source of carbonates in the organism is СО 2 – the product of full oxidation of organic compounds. The alternative source is drinking carbonated waters.). 3. Certain part of oxygen – the acceptor of electrons, should always be present in the form of active oxygen to provide for the development of self-catalytic process of oxygen consumption (That is why good air should contain Chizhevsky’s air ions – superoxide anion and other natural ROS)CONCLUSIONS:
Thank you!
Oscillations of
Биологическая роль СО 2 и продуктов его взаимодействия с водой СО 2 необходим для дыхания F. Miescher, 1897 А это известно меньше!
"Сухие" углекислые ванны. ИБС, в том числе восстановительное (реабилитационное) лечение пациентов, перенесших инфаркт миокарда Гипертоническая болезнь Хронические обструктивные заболевания легких (хронический обструктивный бронхит, бронхиальная астма, эмфизема легких, пневмосклероз) Инфекционно-аллергический риносинусит Облитерирующий атеросклероз периферических сосудов Тромбангиит Сахарный диабет с периферической диабетической ангиопатией («диабетическая стопа») Варикозное расширение вен нижних конечностей в том числе и при наличии посттромбофлебитного вазоспазма Кожные заболеваний ифекционно-аллергической природы Реабилитация пострадавших от радиации Нарушения обмена веществ, в том числе ожирение в период снижения массы тела Соматоформные расстройства (неврозы) Нарушения либидо, потенции, другие проблемы в сексуальной сфере Реабилитация после тяжелых физических нагрузок (спортивная медицина) Улучшение здоровья при синдроме дезадаптации, вызванном тяжелыми условиями проживания, трудовой деятельности (вредные условия труда, тяжелые физические и/или психические нагрузки и т.д.) Профилактика и реабилитация сосудистых заболеваний мозга (инсультов, дисциркуляторной энцефалопатии) у лиц пожилого возраста.
Биологическая роль СО 2 СО 2 и функция гемоглобина [HCO 3 в крови = 24 ± 1 мМ]
Биологическая роль СО 2Карбамоилирование Гемоглобин Белки слюны Внутриклеточные белки Гормоны И на белках растет отрицательный заряд
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