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AGCAS Scotland Psychology Adviser's Group

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1 AGCAS Scotland Psychology Adviser's Group
Educational Psychology Beth Hannah, Senior Lecturer in Educational Psychology Isabel Martland, Trainee Educational Psychologist

2 Role of Educational Psychologist
Statutory functions of educational psychology services in Scotland Set out in Education (Scotland) Act 1980 Broad in nature (cf other countries) Not restricted to school-based services Mandatory, not discretionary (cf England and Wales) Age range 0-24 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act age range 0-19 Beattie Report (Scottish Executive, 1999)-recommended development of a post-school educational psychology service for ages 16-24 Currie Report (Scottish Executive, 2002) Reviewed provision of educational psychology services in Scotland Matrix of 3 levels and 5 functions

3 Reference: Scottish Executive (2002)
Core Functions Consultation Assessment Intervention Training Research Child & Family School or Establishment Education authority/Council Levels Reference: Scottish Executive (2002)

4 Role of Educational Psychologist
Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc Act 2000 Presumption of mainstreaming Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 Additional support needs Co-ordinated support plan (CSP) replaced Record of Need (RON) Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009 amendments to 2004 Act (e.g. the rights of parents to make out of area placing requests) automatically deemed that all looked after children and young people have additional support needs unless education authority determines they do not require additional support in order to benefit from school education education authority must consider whether each looked after child or young person for whose school education they are responsible requires a co-ordinated support plan (CSP)

5 Educational Psychology Training in Scotland
3 year training model 2 year full-time Master of Science in ducational Psychology 1 year (equivalent) supervised practice in an Educational Psychology Service leading to Qualification in Educational Psychology (Scotland) The intake to the MSc at University of Dundee is biennial, with a new intake in even years. The University of Strathclyde admits a cohort in odd years.

6 Educational Psychology Training in Scotland
Entry Requirements Applicants must hold a 1st or 2.1 honours degree in Psychology or an equivalent qualification, which is recognised by the British Psychological Society (BPS) as conferring eligibility for their Graduate Basis for Chartership Membership (GBC). Competence in the English language is essential. Applicants for whom English is not the first language must be able to demonstrate their competence, at an IELTS level of 8.5 or equivalent.

7 Educational Psychology Training in Scotland
Entry Requirements Applicants must have the equivalent of two years' full-time work experience with children, young people and/or their families on entry to the programme. Examples of relevant experience include work as a teacher in schools or further education, teaching assistant, social work assistant, residential child care officer, community education worker, youth club worker, literacy tutor, assistant psychologist (clinical or educational), research assistant, careers adviser. Relevant paid and voluntary, part-time and full-time work can be taken into account. Work undertaken must be clearly set out in the application with dates and information regarding full time equivalence.

8 Educational Psychology Training in Scotland
Selection Process Applications for September 2014 will be via UKPASS The closing date is January in the year in which the programme commences Selection at University of Dundee is a two stage process Stage 1 involves scrutiny of all applications by internal and external selectors Criteria-academic qualifications, work experience, personal statement, statement on role of the educational psychologist Each application form is scrutinised by 3 people (programme director looked at all applications; 4 tutors each looked at 25% of applications and 4 external selectors each looked 25% of applications)

9 Educational Psychology Training in Scotland
Stage 2 is the interview stage Interview A (based on CV)-assessed on content, communication skills and personal qualities Interview B (role, function + future of EPs) -assessed on content, communication skills and personal qualities Presentation of 10 minutes (plus up to five minutes for questions) to other candidates in the group and two/three professionals. The title of the presentation in 2012 was “Psychology has a role in developing resilience in life: Demonstrate with reference to your professional experience”. –assessed on content, structure, personal strengths and social skills Group activity-assesses candidate’s skills as group leader and group participant

10 Educational Psychology Training in Scotland
Number of applicants 152 applications in 2008 (27 funded places) 127 in 2010 (22 funded places) Reduction from 152 to 127 may have been due to introduction of on-line application process 105 in 2012 (offered 24 self-funding places) Reduction from 127 to 105 likely to have been caused by withdrawal of funding Withdrawals at various stages in the selection process and in those taking up offers of a place Significant reduction in numbers applying to University of Strathclyde in 2012

11 Trainees’ perspectives Application process
The online application process was easy The interview day is long, but gives a chance to demonstrate different skills in the four tasks The interviewers did their utmost to ensure it was a friendly and positive experience Many applicants apply several times before being interviewed/ gaining a place – showing a high level of dedication to the field

12 Posts which have given us relevant experience for being TEP’s
Teacher/ teaching assistant Research assistant in EP service Nursery work Nurture groups Working for Voluntary Agencies/ Charities –e.g. Action for Children Residential work Teacher/ teaching assistant -gives an understanding of: several age ranges, how schools work, the demands and stress of being a teacher and how an EP can assist with this, an understanding of what information may be useful to teachers for teacher training days Research assistant- an understanding of how an EP service is structured, managed and multiagency collaboration. Working with Local Authority staff, in several departments and not just education. However although this post helped to gain a place on the course and was valuable experience, it gave a view of only one authority. This has been demonstrated in placement, as the current authority works very differently from the previous one this is a hard adjustment to make. Working with nursery children gave an in-depth understanding of the early years, and children in this age range. This is useful, as early intervention is a key priority for many EP services. Likewise TEP’s who have worked with those with ASN have good knowledge of specific needs and appropriate assessments and interventions. Nurture groups highlight the needs of the child and that the child is the central focus, which links with GIRFEC and Getting it Right for Every Child.

13 Skills which TEP’s find useful in role of a TEP
Knowledge of children across several age ranges Experience of working with parents and teachers Good communication skills (both verbal and non verbal) and presentation skills Being flexible and able to work under pressure with good time management skills

14 Workforce Planning ASPEP Workforce Planning Report (August,2012)
ASPEP conducted national survey of EP posts since January 2006 Overall establishment figure reduced slightly over past 5 years (419.5 FTE in 2006; FTE in Sep 2011) Maingrade EP posts remained stable ( FTE in 2006; FTE in 2011). Number of promoted posts reduced (173.1 FTE in 2006; FTE in 2011)-implications for career progression Increase in temporary posts ( 17.7 FTE in 2006; 29 FTE in 2011)

15 Workforce Planning ASPEP Workforce Planning Report (August,2012) (contin) 19 % of EPs are between years 23% of EPs are 55 years or over Projected number of EPs leaving profession over next 2 years is 55 FTE (through retirement or for other reasons)

16 Changes to Funding and Future Funding Models
Scottish Government officials have indicated that there is no anticipated change to the Cabinet Secretary’s position on funding of EP training in Scotland Core Group established involving reps from ASPEP, SDEP and Training Providers ASPEP has recommended (workforce planning report) the establishment of a Scottish National Steering Group Psychological service structures Develop a national educational psychologists’ service establishment framework Funding routes for a national training model

17 General Trends within Educational Psychology Profession
Responding to national priorities including.. Getting it Right for Every Child Early Years Framework Curriculum for Excellence National Literacy Strategy National Autism Strategy Additional Support Needs legislation and policy Post-16 provision

18 General Trends within Educational Psychology Profession
HMIe Aspect Report (2011) Recommendations Wider contribution to the Curriculum for Excellence (e.g. improving learning, teaching and supporting transitions) Research function of educational psychology services could contribute more to improving outcomes for children and young people Develop and apply innovative approaches to evaluate and review all aspects of educational psychology practice in relation to their impact on children and young people and on the adults who support them Strengthen service improvement processes including greater involvement of stakeholders Best value-service planning designed to meet national and local needs in a cost effective manner

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