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Ahmedabad-Visual Design Office Kolhapur-Mechanical Design Office Saki Naka – Die Manufacturer Lucknow- Soap manufacturer A Solid Modeling Fable.

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Presentation on theme: "Ahmedabad-Visual Design Office Kolhapur-Mechanical Design Office Saki Naka – Die Manufacturer Lucknow- Soap manufacturer A Solid Modeling Fable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ahmedabad-Visual Design Office Kolhapur-Mechanical Design Office Saki Naka – Die Manufacturer Lucknow- Soap manufacturer A Solid Modeling Fable

2 Ahmedabad-Visual Design Input: A dream soap tablet Output: Sketches/Drawings Weights Packaging needs

3 Soaps

4 More Soaps

5 Ahmedabad (Contd.) Top View Front View Side View

6 Kolhapur-ME Design Office Called an expert CARPENTER Produce a model (check volume etc.) Sample the model and produce a data- set

7 Kolhapur(contd.)

8 Connect these sample- points into a faceting Do mechanical analysis Send to Saki Naka

9 Saki Naka-Die Manufacturer Take the input faceted solid. Produce Tool Paths Produce Die

10 Lucknow-Soaps Use the die to manufacture soaps Package and transport to points of sale

11 Problems began… The die degraded in Lucknow The Carpenter died in Kolhapur Saki Naka upgraded its CNC machine The wooden model eroded But The Drawings were there!

12 So Then…. The same process was repeated but… The shape was different! The customer was suspicious and sales dropped!!!

13 The Soap Alive !

14 What was lacking was… A Reproducible Solid- Model. Surfaces defn Tactile/point sampling Volume computation Analysis

15 The Solid-Modeller Modeller Operations Representations

16 The mechanical solid-modeller Operations Volume Unions/Intersections Extrude holes/bosses Ribs, fillets, blends etc. Representation Faceted Solid Cloud of Points STEPP Boundary-Rep (b-rep).sldprt

17 Examples of Solid Models TorusLock

18 Even more examples Slanted Torus Bearing

19 Examples (Contd.) Solid Model of an Ice-Cream Machine

20 Sample Representations

21 Other Modellers-Surface Modelling

22 Chemical Plants Design Rules -process rules -tolerances Civil-Mechanical Co-Design -facility design -accessibility -safety

23 Chemical plants (contd.)

24 Chemical Plants (contd.)

25 Advanced Surface Modelling Human Cortex Manual Surface Sampling,/ model consists of 24,000 planer facets

26 Advanced Surface Modelling (Contd.) The above surface model was created by using the software tool (Nuages) by Bernard Geiger Voxel based re-construction shows the surface decimated to about 22500 vertices and 45000 triangles

27 Our Course-Theory Topology-combinatorial entities and their relationships Geometry- parametrizable entities and their representations Operations- some of them and their implementations CAGD course notes

28 Our Course-Applications Basic solid-modelling Design Trees and re-parametrization MIL (B-rep) and geometry

29 Course Schedule Time AM PM Day 1 SM-Fable.pptSM- Primer.ppt SM- Practical Tutorial 3d Day 2 SMInternals. ppt Geometric- Topology Polynomial s.pdf Tutorial polynomials Day 3 Curves.pdfSurface.pdfApplication I Tutorial Curves and Surfaces Day 4 Spline.pdfOperation. pdf Application II Tutorial Opns/Cons. Day 5 Construction. pdf Wrap-UpApplication III TEST

30 Contents I SM-FableMotivate SM, examples SM and structure of SM SM-PrimerPractical introduction to an SM SM-InternalsKernel/Husk dichotomy. Entities-face/edge/co-edge. Topology and applications Geometry- Topology The two-tier representation. Parametric vs. Implicit. Sample parametrizations, trim curves PolynomialsPolynomials and the approximation problem, lagrange interpolation, and the bernstein base CurvesThe construction of Bezier-Bernstein curves, control polygons, end calculations, elevation SurfacesThe 2d analogue of bernstein. Tensor-product surfaces, end conditions

31 Contents II SplinesThe piece-wise polynomial paradigm, knot insertion and evaluation OperationsTheNewton/Raphson Solver, the projection problem, intersections ConstructionsThe constructor, intersection curves, extrudes, blends

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