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Assistive Tech: Part 2. Computer Use By People with Disabilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Tech: Part 2. Computer Use By People with Disabilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Tech: Part 2

2 Computer Use By People with Disabilities

3 Questions to Ask What does the person want to be able to do with his/her computer? How will (s)he use the computer? (what does that mean?) –Get information into it –Get information out of it –Turn on/off –Use peripherals (like printer)

4 Computers are comprised of: Hardware –CPU- central processing unit- the brains of the computer. the parts of the computer that make it think. includes the RAM, ROM, processor, etc –input device(s) Keyboard Pointing device (mouse) – output device(s) Monitor Printer Software

5 Operating System –Windows (PC) –Mac OS –***Accessibility Features Other software –word processing –spread sheet –Games –learning software evaluating software for use

6 Input devices Keyboard Pointing Device Voice –Dragon Systems Naturally Speaking –Via Voice Fax/email (file transmission)

7 QWERTY Keyboard layout

8 Alphabetic Keyboard layout

9 Frequency of Use Layout

10 DVORAK 2-hand layout

11 Head pointer Typing Aid Mouthstick

12 Magic Wand



15 Headmouse IoZ9oa_Y IoZ9oa_Y

16 Tech for reading and writing Keyboard enhancement –Word prediction – BBJ4&feature=related BBJ4&feature=related –Abbreviation expansion – Auditory feedback –



19 Single switch access for computer

20 Switches


22 Output Devices Printer Monitor Fax/email (file transmission)

23 Computers in the Workplace Stand alone Network –Are many computers in the same office ‘tied’ together? Impact of Adaptations –Will other people try to use the computer with adaptations?

24 Technology for People with Sensory Impairments- Blind/low vision Auditory description Talking books Cane/guide dog

25 Technology for People with Sensory Impairments- Blind and Low Vision Speech output (such as JAWS for Windows) Magnification Braille display Braille printer Braille display of text on monitor. Allows blind user to read through work. Refreshable display. Sighted Electronics

26 Hearing aid Cochlear implant Open/closed caption American Sign Language Real time captioning Technology for People with Sensory Impairments- Deaf and Hearing Impaired

27 Older Adulthood Dementia –Prompts and reminders Talking alarm clock Pill Timer ( ) Medication reminder ( ) –Memos Voice cue ( Company/Voice-Cue) Company/Voice-Cue –Safety Telemedicine/surveillance Monitor ( 165234082 ) 165234082 eNeighbor Remote Monitoring ( )

28 Tech for Older Adults, continued Communication-telephone – – phone.aspx?gclid=CPvQqv22g6gCFUiK4Aod6kY-pA phone.aspx?gclid=CPvQqv22g6gCFUiK4Aod6kY-pA Aging in Place

29 Resources/Professional Organizations Professional Organizations- –Standards of Practice –Code of Ethics APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) ASHA (American Speech and Hearing Association) AOTA (Amercian Occupational Therapy Association)- –Generalist v. specialist –Technology Special Interest Section (Tech SIS) Listserv Newsletter

30 RESNA ( REHABILITATION ENGINEERING AND ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA )- interdisciplinary association for the advancement of rehabilitation and assistive technologies (AT). –1700 North Moore Street, Suite 1540 –Arlington, VA 22209-1903 –Phone: 703-524-6686] –www. –Membership PSG (Professional Specialty Group) SIG (Special Interest Group) –Credentialling Program ATP or ATS Qualifications to sit for exam

31 NRRTS (The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers) –NRRTS Headquarters P.O. Box 4033 Lago Vista, TX 78645-4033 512/267-6832 ADED (Association of Driver Educators for the Disabled) –Ricardo Cerna, Executive Secretary –PO Box 49 –Edgerton, WI 53534 –608.884.8833

32 Resources –Conferences AOTA National Conference- Technology Lab: ECU and Computer based technologies RESNA Annual Conference Closing the Gap- 612.248.3294 CSUN- Cal State Northridge Abilities Expo May, 2011 Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) Publications Assistive Technology- RESNA’s journal; peer- reviewd AOTA Tech SIS Newsletter

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