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By Jasmine, Sophia, Isaac, and Eugene. Introduction Egypt’s Geographic Fundamentals: Deserts The Nile River By ecreyes

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Presentation on theme: "By Jasmine, Sophia, Isaac, and Eugene. Introduction Egypt’s Geographic Fundamentals: Deserts The Nile River By ecreyes"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jasmine, Sophia, Isaac, and Eugene

2 Introduction Egypt’s Geographic Fundamentals: Deserts The Nile River By ecreyes

3 How did the geography of the Nile River basin protect Ancient Egypt? Cataracts/ South Desert/West Mediterranean Sea/North Red Sea By rzwick1974

4 How did the Nile River help the Egyptian civilization grow and thrive? Crops/Livestock Irrigation Transportation Trade By RasBo

5 How did the geography of the Nile River affect Egyptian life? Diet Houses Aesthetics mnadi

6 Bibliography Ancient Civilizations: Through the Renaissance -Publisher: Holt McDougal Pg. 86-87 The Ancient World by Dr. Judith Irvin Pg. 98


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