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India  Role of Geography. The Earliest Indus River Civilizations.

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Presentation on theme: "India  Role of Geography. The Earliest Indus River Civilizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 India  Role of Geography

2 The Earliest Indus River Civilizations

3 Harappan India  Centered along the Indus River in NW India  Similar to Mesopotamia and Nile cultures  Agricultural economy

4 Aryan arrival  Came from Central Asia  Arrived ca 1500-1000 BCE  Vedic Age, 1200-600 BCE:\  Epic stories of Varuna, the mighty god, and Indra, the warrior god  Connected with veneration of the god Shiva  Invasion of Alexander, 326 BCE

5 Hinduism  Vedic Age gave rise to Hinduism  Upanishads—philosophical speculations  Maya  Transmigration of Souls  Karma  Caste System

6 Hindu Castes Brahmins: Profs and priests Kshatriyas: Military leaders and politicians Vaishyas: Farmers, landlords, businessmen Sudras: Peasants, servants, laborers Untouchables (Dalit): Workers in polluting jobs (Officially outlawed in 1949) Untouchables (Dalit): Workers in polluting jobs (Officially outlawed in 1949)


8 Mauryan Empire  First Indian dynasty to control India  Chandragupta Maurya drove out Greeks  Grandson, Ashoka, consolidated control (r. 269-232)  Buddhist convert  Edicts of Ashoka  India fell into disunity and regionalism

9 Ashoka India (3C BC)


11 Gupta India  320-550 CE in northern India  Less militaristic than Mauryan state  Golden Age  Helped spread a uniform law code  Hinduism crystalized during this time  Aryabhata—Archimedes of India

12 Indian Government  Did not develop the traditions of China,or the inquiry of Greece and Rome  Altered between regional and national unity  Not particularly elaborate systems  Local villages the key to social cohesion

13 Coming of Muslim Rulers  Babur the Tiger (1526)—subordinated Hindu chieftains to his rule.  Mughal Dynasty controlled India until British Imperialists seize power.  Mughal Dynasty under Akbar (1556- 1605) brings order and stability to Hindu Country  Din Ilahi  Akbar’s successors squander wealth and attempt to impose Sharia on Hindu population.

14 Akbar the the Moghul Conqueror of India (1556- 1605)

15 The Spread of the Mughal Empire

16 Contemporary India

17 The Taj Mahal built by Shah Jahan in the 17C

18 Brahma: The Creator

19 Lord Krishna or Vishnu: The Preserver

20 Lord Shiva: The Destroyer

21 “Twining of the Creeper” from the Kamasutra

22 Image of Buddha from 13C

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