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1 Visualizing Physical Phenomena Using Interactive Media Mag.Phys. Aivars Krons University of Latvia

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1 1 Visualizing Physical Phenomena Using Interactive Media Mag.Phys. Aivars Krons University of Latvia


3 3 Visually General Educational physics (VGEP) According to author’s opinion, the main task of visually general educational physics (VGEP) is to help a traditional method of formation of physics under the maintenance physical phenomena using technologies, lifting the knowledge to the maximum qualitaty level.

4 4 VGEP The following technical means of presentation are often applied to visualization of physical phenomena in modern schools: paper board, white board, a usual blackboard (can be as well magnetic); board of fastening (stickingboard); overhead projector; epidiascope; computer with LCD projector or beamer (multimedia software); TV with video and audio equipment; interactive (smart) board.

5 5 VGEP The possibilities given by the modern technoligies can: ♦ abbreviate the talk time; ♦ present information easily and more cleary to perceive; ♦ open and emphasize most substantial; ♦ mainly concentrate attention of all class; ♦ complement explanation of physical phenomena with visual effects and visual models; ♦ give references and stimulate in order to extend students’ knowledge of some problems in physic’s, deepening them; ♦ promote to concentrate attention all time during presentation of the physical phenomena.

6 6 VGEP Demonstrations of accessible technical and experimental devices or the visual models of the physical phenomena and their presentations, make students: ♦ to promote interest for physics as science; ♦ to extend the range of interests and enrich life experience; ♦ strengthen obtained knowledge; ♦ to facilitate and illustratively revive the process of lessons; ♦ to give a possibility practicaly operate, experiment and estimate the obtained results, as also to compare them with nowadays presumed the World physical sight and accepted conclusions; ♦ to pull out new high-quality tasks and purposes.

7 7 VGEP The brain of the person can interpret the visual information perfectly. Presenting volumetric and complex data in the form of color beautiful images, use of unique capacities of a brain is possible – in huge quantities immediately it can process and classify the given information.

8 8 VGEP If on a paper a lot of text occurs, students are compelled to read more, but reading is – the most inefficient reception in the list of methods of a modern lesson.

9 9 VGEP How to work, apply, use visual models of the physical phenomena, depends on the pedagogical competence of the teacher of physics, his experience, desire, opportunities, possibilities and will.

10 10 VGEP IT IS VISUAL (Visualization of models of the physical phenomena, animation and simulation) IT IS INTERACTIVE (Through applets - special applied programs) VGEP EDUCATIONALLY SUBSTANTIAL on essence

11 11 VGEP For example - the task about a thread pendulum for 9th classes. For students the visual model of physical character of a thread pendulum is offered. The real model in advance is prepared with a chronometer and a ruler and placed on the physics teacher’s demonstration table for physical experiments.

12 12 VGEP Before the task, students will answer some for them prepared or set questions with the teacher of physics. ♦ What difference is between the physical and mathematical pendulum? ♦ In what case a small ball hung in a thread we can consider as a dot shaped or mass point ? ♦ What are the names of notations seen in the image? ♦ What forces operate on a small ball in the image evidently state? ♦ How changes small balls’s kinetic and in potential energies, being afoot of oscillations (here opens spacious possibilities of negotiations or discussions to a teacher with a class)? ♦ Mention the kinds of the mechanical oscillations and examples!

13 13 VGEP After answers, or discussed questions students and teacher can operate using the demonstration table at the same time mounted experimental device and calculate the unknown quantities, or a teacher sets task conditions, that accepting, if thread length is 25cm, amount of the complete oscillations = 16, but time, t of a 16 complete oscillation took place in which = 20 seconds, to decide the period (T) of oscillations of this pendulum and frequency (ν).

14 14 VGEP When the task is finished, the teacher of physics asks students the last question: whether the period (T) of a pendulum oscillations depends from body mass? It is similary possible to act also in the tenth class, only then it is possible for students to solve a figure of the free falling acceleration of Earth or to set this question as a laboratory work.

15 15 VGEP The basic units of a microscope lens tube objective support subject little table eyepiece mechanism of focusing mirror fastenings revolver

16 16 VGEP Measurement of time - clock 12 3 6 9

17 17 VGEP and astronomy

18 18 VGEP Physics teaching has always used and tried to visualize physical phenomena. The visualization techniques such as demonstrations, simulations, models, graphs, films, animations and videos can help students in understanding the physical concepts and phenomena. The aim of it is that students receive higher basic knowledge and are capable to give the explanations, as they study the given phenomena. Computer visualization helps a teacher and students to better understand and study a physical process or phenomena.

19 19 VGEP Students attitude against the VGEP as one of the teaching methods while acquireing the physics % positively partially negatively or all the same

20 20 VGEP conclusion Ancient Chinese Proverb: I hear and I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand Physics is an experimental science. To optimize teaching process or research, it is necessary to visualize phenomena, processes, or objects. Consequently, visualization is significant to problem solving in research and teaching. The presentation of models of physical phenomena, experimental data and their mathematical description, helps students to formulate correct conclusions. The main aspect of visualization is to make teaching or research process obvious.

21 21 VGEP conclusion 20 % Hearing Hearing – 20% is remembered. What students hear is often forgotten. 10 % Reading Reading – 10% is remembered. Therefore, use of schoolbooks alone is not sufficient for proper learning. 70 % Speaking Speaking about it – 70% is remembered. Speaking about something challenges students and promotes learning. 90 % Visualizing and doing Active participation – 90% is remembered. If students can actively perform experiments, give interpretation of visual effects and evaluate the results, the highest degree of didactic succes is guaranteed.

22 22 VGEP conclusion... going one step further “Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember. Let me do it and I’ll understand.” (Confucius, 551-479 B.C.) With visualization physical phenomena, students can easily take advantage of numerous opportunities to discover the rich world of autonomous learning. Experimenting, observing, questioning, forming hypothesis and developing solutions in their own way, they learn more quickly and cement ideas more firmly in their minds. This is an ideal learning situation.

23 23 VGEP Thank you for attention! 1.Aivars Krons Визуально образовательная физика: работа магистра. Латвийский Университет отделение физики Физико-математического факультета. Рига: ЛУ, 2007. 82 стр. 2. Visual physics 3. Astronomy animations References

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