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Places People Want? Angus Willson Geographical Association Cartoon removed for copyright reasons.

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Presentation on theme: "Places People Want? Angus Willson Geographical Association Cartoon removed for copyright reasons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Places People Want? Angus Willson Geographical Association Cartoon removed for copyright reasons

2 Supporting critical use of multi-media resources Where we are… broadcast educational television has disappeared dated programmes still in use general television has chased ratings video-clips lack narrative and context

3 Where we could be… authentic places pupils geographies unsettling settlement geographical significance enquiry

4 Media literacy active watching strategies content analysis Plus curriculum making

5 Active engagement Not only are young people increasingly experiencing the world in a virtual, constructed way, they are also increasingly constrained from exploring their own and wider environments independently. Durbin (2006)


7 Sustainable communities are Well run Active, inclusive and safe Well connected Well designed and built Well served Thriving Environmentally sensitive Fair for everyone


9 Angus Willson Geographical Association

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