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Expectations for today 1.Come in quietly 2.Sit in your seat 3.Begin bell work immediately that is on your desk.

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations for today 1.Come in quietly 2.Sit in your seat 3.Begin bell work immediately that is on your desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expectations for today 1.Come in quietly 2.Sit in your seat 3.Begin bell work immediately that is on your desk.

2 Welcome August 22, 2011 Mrs. Arceneaux Language Arts

3 Let me tell you about myself Mrs. Arceneaux Teaching for 10 years Third year here at Pryor Have taught in Germany and Oklahoma Military Child and Husband is Military Traveled all over the World

4 My family

5 My Pets

6 What I like to do Read (I got a Kindle for my birthday and I love it!!) Watch Nascar (Yeah for Jeff Gordon) Watch Football (Geaux Saints ) Skydiving (Best experience in my life!!)

7 Summer Reading Assignment DUE: September 2 if you were here last year. Late date: NO later than September 16….20% off IF NEW: you STILL have to do the assignment – due September 30

8 Bell ringer Aug 23 2011 Class expectations: Come in quietly and begin bell work immediately. Bell Ringer: What are 3 different ways to show respect. What are 3 different ways to be disrespectful? **Use good examples **

9 Class Expectations –Everyday!! 1.Come into the classroom quietly and get your bell ringer book 2.Begin the bell ringer assignment on board. 3.Come to class everyday with supplies and a book to read!! 4.Do your very best everyday!! 5.Come in prepared to learn everyday!! 6.When finished with an assignment, read your book.

10 Class Procedures Where is the bellwork? Composition notebooks are kept in bins on shelf in classroom. First student to get the notebooks needs to empty them all onto the shelf

11 bellwork How much time is allowed ? Approximately 3-5 minutes everyday What if I finish early? You don’t– you keep working until time is up Is it graded? Yes, bellwork is graded!! What if I am absent? Upon return, put the dates you were gone and write absent or it will be counted off

12 Entering and Exiting Class 1.Enter the classroom quietly 2.Begin bellwork immediately 3.Exit the classroom quietly 4.The teacher releases you NOT the bell!!

13 What if I have to leave the class What do I do if I have to go to the bathroom? This should be done before coming to class, however, if there is an emergency, fill out the pass in the back of the planner and bring it up to me. Then you must sign in and out of the classroom What if I get signed out during class? Please get work from me and leave quietly

14 Absences What if I am absent on a day that work is due? It is due the first day you come back. Turn into make up basket on table. What if I am absent on a day that work is assigned? See me about getting your work. It is your responsibility to get the work. You can also check wikispaces for work assigned.

15 Student Work

16 Work expectations Where do I turn work in? Baskets on the table by the pencil sharpener. When is it due? HW should be turned in the first 5 minutes of class – immediately before beginning bellwork on the due date. How is HW graded? Tests/Quizzes are 70%, CW/HW is 30%. I will try to grade work and put in gradebook as soon as possible.

17 Do I use pen or pencil? Either is fine – but no gel pens, and only black or blue ink. Does neatness count? If I can’t read it, I won’t grade it. What happens if it is late? HW policy applies. Can I throw papers away? Keep all papers returned to you in your binder. That is the only proof you have of a grade if I make a mistake.

18 Announcements, Interruptions and Visitors

19 Announcements and Interruptions What do I do when there is an intercom announcement? All talking must stop immediately, listen to the announcement quietly. Resume work when it is over. What if there is a phone call? I will answer the phone. Please remain quiet if I am teaching, if you are working, please continue quietly. AR book should be picked up if I am teaching and can’t continue right away.

20 Visitors and Principal Visits What do I do if a teacher, administrator, or visitor comes in the room? Continue what you are doing. If they need to talk to me, and I am teaching, AR book and there is to be no talking. If you are working – continue what you are doing. Do NOT call out, act silly, or be rude!!

21 Emergencies

22 Fire Drills and Lockdowns What do I do if the fire alarm goes off? We will leave as a class, the classroom door remains open, there is to be no talking during this time. What do I do if there is a lockdown? We will follow school procedures. There is to be no talking or silliness during this time. We practice these things for a reason.

23 Class Movement

24 Library, and Lunch What about the library? We will go as a class to the library every other week to renew/get books. We will walk quietly and enter quietly. What about walking to Lunch? You will walk quietly with your teacher to the cafeteria. You will sit with your class.

25 Supplies

26 Supplies, classroom movement What if I don’t have the supplies for class? You should be prepared everyday for class. However, if you forgot something – please ask students around you quietly. If they can’t help you, come see me. What if I need to sharpen my pencil? You may sharpen pencil, get a book, or tissue as long as I am not teaching. Please be quiet and considerate of others learning!!

27 Attention everyone!!

28 Getting the Class to Attention There will be times when you will be in groups or working individually when I need your undivided attention – quickly!! I will raise my hand and start counting down from 5. When I get to one ALL STUDENTS will stop what they are doing, freeze and look at me for further directions and information!!

29 Small groups and Stations What is expected of me in small groups? You should be actively participating. I will give an individual grade and a group grade so all people in a group should be working at all times. You may not like the people in your group. They are in that group for a reason and I expect all students to be kind and considerate. (No asking to change, no eye rolling, no mean comments will be tolerated!!)

30 Closing Comments and Thoughts Questions Comments This may seem like a lot to think about, but it is really things you already do (or should do) on a daily basis!! RESPECT is the key to a great year!!

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