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AGENDA 2053 Introduce texture on soil

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1 AGENDA 2053 Introduce texture on soil
I.A. Three jars on different types of soil settlements I.A. Overhead of soil horizons I.A. have students role play out how soils are close together and far apart. Lab exercise taking soil samples Question and answer time Quiz

2 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053)
What is organic matter? Organic matter is decayed remains of plants, animals, and soil organisms which include crop residues, barnyard manure, green manure, and excrement's of insects, worms and larger animals. In soil, organic matter ranges about 1 to 5%

3 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053) Continued
This helps to hold water Organic matter helps to provide nutrients to plants How are different soils classified according to texture? Handout 234-#1

4 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053) Continued
What is a Soil Profile? A vertical cross section through a soil Layers of soil material Layers are called horizons What are the components of a Soil Profile? A horizon: upper part of the soil which has the most activity

5 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053) Continued
What are the components of a Soil Profile? B horizon: called subsoil C horizon: parent material (Show Handout #2 and #3)

6 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053) Continued
Characteristics of each three horizons A horizon Few inches to few feet down Dark colored due to organic matter Less clay than B horizon B horizon Low organic matter Red, Brown, gray, or yellowish in color Blocky or prismatic structure Roots may reach this level

7 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053) Continued
C horizon Deepest level Low in organic matter No structure Lighter in color Rarely roots get this deep What importance is as soil profile in determining crop production? Determines the vertical distance plant root growth

8 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053) Continued
Helps in knowing what crop can best grow there Determines the water holding capacity

9 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053)
Lab Day 2053A (See back of lesson plan) Sampling field, record number of samples, where, and depth. Prepare soil samples to be mailed off to M.S.U. Analyze data when samples return.

10 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053)
Activity 2053B (See back of lesson plan) What is Soil Testing? (Handout 2053 #4) How are soil samples collected? (Handout 2053 #5 & #6) Use auger digger and soil sampler, and shovel, dig several feet down, lay out soil samples, example different colors, different horizons, how to use auger, how to sample a field.

11 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053)
Activity 2053C (See back of lesson plan) After collection of soil samples from auger digger, feel the different textures and then draw out the different colors of soils.

12 Influence of Texture on Soil (2053)
Questions and answers Quiz

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