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Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year! West Clayton.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year! West Clayton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year! West Clayton

2 This will be my fourth year teaching 2 nd grade at West Clayton. I was born in North Carolina and have lived in Clayton for most of my life. I attended West Clayton when I was in 3 rd grade. This town is very close to my heart and I love being a part of this community. I attended East Carolina University where I received my bachelors degree in Elementary Education and concentration in Child Development. I have been married for 4 years in November. I have a handsome baby boy named Connor who turned 1 this past June. I also have 4 fur babies (2 cats and 2 dogs).

3 In our classroom we use a clip chart. Each day your child will be given an S+ to U on their Behavior log that will let you know how they did for the day. If your child reaches outstanding they will get to go to the treasure box at the end of the day. We also have a “Roll the dice” reward chart. Students may earn their name on this chart by being caught making good choices and setting an example for others. Once the chart is full we will roll and pick 3 students to visit the treasure box. Names can be put on this chart multiple times. S+ = Outstanding (Students must go above and beyond) S = Good Day (Start of the day) S- = Slow down N = Think about it- Child will receive a form to fill out on their behavior to take home and get signed. U = Parent/Office Contact

4 All Second Grade students follow the same list of rules. R = Respect yourself and others U = Understand others’ differences L = Listen to Learn E = Engage and stay on task S = Show responsibility

5 Our school uses the PAWS system. Each time we receive 50 red paws our class earns a letter from the word PAWS and they are rewarded as a class. P = Practice responsibility A = Always be safe W = Willing to learn S = Show Respect

6 Your child will have a red homework folder that will come home. This will have their homework, behavior log, reading log, and sometimes important papers that need signed and brought back. I look through folders each day for notes, but collect folders every Friday to check homework and students will get their folders back on Monday. *Parents-Make sure to check homework folders daily for important information. There will also be a blue communication folder sent home every Friday with school work to keep at home and papers to be signed and brought back to school on Monday.

7 Homework will be given each night in Math, Reading, and Spelling. Spelling homework should be done in your child's blue spelling journal. Follow the guidelines from the spelling tic tac toe chart. Math and Spelling are due on Friday. Reading Calendars are turned in at the end of each month and filled out daily. Reading awards will be given at the end of each quarter for the students who are reading 20 minutes every night. Students must have these logs filled out in order to receive reading award. Reading awards will be given at the end of the year for those students who have filled out all of their charts.

8 Lunch money can be turned in daily. Please put in a baggy or envelope labeled as “lunch money”. Students will transport money into their lunch envelopes once they get to school. Lunch is $2.10. Ice cream is 60 cents. Snacks must be sent from home. If you can, please donate extra snack for our class. This is for students who forget to bring it.

9 I will conference with each parent during the second quarter. If you would like to conference before or after this, please contact me in advance and we will set up a time. Contact information on next slide.

10 The best way to contact me is through e-mail If you need to contact me by phone, I am available at these times: 7:45 am – 8:20 am 10:50 am -12:10 pm 4:15 pm – 4:30 pm Phone Number: 919-553-7113

11 Spelling tests will be every Friday. Students will be tested on math facts weekly. (Students will be given timed tests for their addition and subtraction facts in math). Check the classroom webpage to see upcoming tests or projects.

12 My webpage is updated each week. You will find upcoming events, dates, homework, useful links, etc. Please check this frequently for updates. You will also find a link to order books from scholastics. Students will have until around the 15 th of each month to place orders on books they would like to purchase either online or through the paper order form. (Exact dates posted on catalogs and website). A code for scholastics online ordering access for our class is placed on your child’s communication folder and on our classroom webpage.

13 Google Search West Clayton Elementary Choose Students link on top Choose teacher web pages Choose Courtney Severance

14 Math will be very hands on through math centers, games and partner/group activities. We will be starting the “Investigation” units this year for math. Whole group lessons will be taught to introduce new skills. Tests and Quizzes will be given on different skills.

15 Reading will be fiction and non-fiction stories from textbooks and other sources. Small groups and centers will be implemented using the Daily 5 Program. Read to Self *Tests will be given on comprehension Read to Someone Listen to Reading Word Work Work on Writing Meet with Teacher

16 We will be using the 6 Traits writing program. Slowly introducing each skill until all are learned. 1.Idea 2.Organization 3.Voice 4.Word Choice 5.Sentence Fluency 6.Conventions/structure

17 We will continue doing spelling using Fundations. The Second Grade team wanted to focus on students learning a particular skill each week and then forming words based on those skills. We do not want students to just memorize the words. For example, the skill of short i and short a (pig, dig, cat, rat..) First, we will learn the skill and then as a class come up with a list of words. As a class, we will choose 5 of those words that they MUST learn and know how to spell on Friday's test. Students will then individually pick 5 more words to add to their list so that they can practice for homework. On Fridays test, they will spell the 5 words they had to learn and then I will randomly call out 5 more words that use the skill that was taught. This way, I will be able to tell if they learned the skill and that they didn't just memorize the words. I will send home a typed list of words that may be on the test to study.

18 Science and Social Studies will be alternated in our daily schedule. The following topics will be learned in Science: Matter Weather Life Cycles Sound Genetics Social Studies: Government environment rainforests economics culture We will be using our textbook as well as other hands on approaches and activities.

19 We will need parent volunteers to help with classroom parties. We will also need parents to volunteer in working with students and getting materials ready. Make sure to fill out volunteer form first! Go to Volunteer in our Classroom!

20 Please remember to sign the sign-in sheet in the Hallway by our classroom. I will need to know how your child will be getting home from school the first day and how each day after that. (Student information card) Car Rider Numbers are located in the Media Center. Bus Rider information is located in the Cafeteria.

21 From Office Staff: -Buses may be early or late the first week. Buses will be running routes until 5:00. -Transportation changes must be handwritten and turned into the office first thing in the morning. -Transportation changes will only be accepted by phone only in emergency situations. -If your child is a car rider, and they are not picked up by 4:30, they will be sent to After School Care until picked up (this will cost $10.00)

22 Please visit my website and complete the student information survey for classroom files. You can find this on the 4 th link from the bottom of my webpage. Please complete this ASAP. Thanks!!!

23 If you would like to donate something extra to our classroom, please take a ladybug from the board. There will also be a complete wish list written out included in the forms on your child’s desk. Thank you for all of your help and support!

24 for taking the time to attend Orientation! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

25 About remembering all this information at once! You can find a copy of this power point on the front page of my classroom webpage and in your student information packet!

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