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Leadership in Academic Libraries Today A TLA Webinar with Maureen Sulllivan May 3, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership in Academic Libraries Today A TLA Webinar with Maureen Sulllivan May 3, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership in Academic Libraries Today A TLA Webinar with Maureen Sulllivan May 3, 2010

2 TLA Strategic Initiatives CE Series To hear the audio part of the webinar, be sure to dial our conference call at 866-740-1260 (toll free). When asked, key in your access code: 4146650 For technical help, contact the ReadyTalk support line at 800-843-9166. Today’s webinar will begin at 2pm Central Time.

3 Information for Later Everyone will receive an evaluation survey after the webinar. CE Certificates and a free recording of this webinar will be available next Monday, May 10, on the TLA CE web site:

4 Helpful Tips To minimize background noise, please mute your phone line by pressing *6. You may “unmute” your line by pressing *7. Twitter hash tag will be #TLAweb. Please note the “Raise Hand” button on your screen – or you can type questions via the chat box.

5 Maureen Sullivan Organizational Development Consultant Past President, ACRL and LLAMA Harvard Leadership Institute Simmons College TALL Texans

6 Leadership in Academic Libraries Today A TLA Webinar with Maureen Sulllivan May 3, 2010

7 What does leadership mean today? Transformational – calls for new ways of thinking and working Informal and formal – everyone has opportunities to lead Managers and administrators must be effective leaders Emotional intelligence competencies are essential for effective relationships

8 Building Leadership Development into Work Practices Recognize the “crucible experiences” in our changing workplace Expect everyone to be a leader Foster the development of a learning organization – a workplace that integrates learning and work performance Recognize, appreciate and celebrate leadership

9 How to Assess Leadership and Leadership Development Identify the expected behaviors State explicit and specific performance expectations Model the expected behaviors Coach staff; provide support and positive reinforcement Hold everyone accountable

10 Understand that learning and development takes time, practice and reinforcement Help staff learn how to give and receive feedback, especially constructive feedback Solicit feedback – separate receiving it from responding to it Promote the importance of learning from one’s mistakes

11 What Comes Next? Commitment to continual learning Mentoring and developing others Seeking leadership opportunities in broader arenas – community, the profession, on the regional and national scene

12 Staying current with the research on effective leadership practices Collaborations and partnerships Transferring our competencies to other fields

13 Leadership in Academic Libraries Today A TLA Webinar with Maureen Sulllivan May 3, 2010

14 Brought to you by… Maureen Sullivan, Texas Library Association Nan Ellis, Registration Coordinator Mary Ann Emerson, Webmaster Mary Ann Emerson, Webmaster Brian Knaack, Meetings Assistant Brian Knaack, Meetings Assistant Gloria Meraz, Director of Communication Gloria Meraz, Director of Communication Patricia Smith, Executive Director Patricia Smith, Executive Director Ted Wanner, CE Specialist Ted Wanner, CE Specialist Special Thanks to

15 Please Remember Continuing Education Certificates may be printed tomorrow, May 4, on the TLA CE web site: Recordings will be available next Monday, May 10, at the same web site. Please complete the evaluation survey following the webinar

16 The End For more information: Ted Wanner TLA Continuing Education Specialist 512-328-1518 / 800-580-2852

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