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PM 4035 The Psychology of Work Lecture 4 Week 4 Studying Individuals at work Emotion.

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1 PM 4035 The Psychology of Work Lecture 4 Week 4 Studying Individuals at work Emotion

2 Terminology Affect – Feeling states: in the moment, short-term affective experiences Emotions: elicited by particular cause, include physiological reactions, are relatively intense and short-lived Moods: diffuse, general positive/negative feeling, not focused on specific cause – Feeling traits: stable tendencies to feel and act in certain ways Dispositional affect: a personality trait, the person's relatively stable, underlying tendency to experience positive and negative moods and emotions

3 Measurement Emotions are discrete Focused on specific target Basic emotions are joy, love, anger, fear, sadness, disgust and surprise Moods and dispositional affect are dimensional-affective experience labels are arranged as axes

4 Affective circumplex (Barrett and Russell, 1998)

5 Other categories of affect that can influence work behaviour are Affective Intensity Emotional contagion: being prone to catching other peoples’ emotions Emotional expressivity

6 Three emerging trends Emotional Intelligence “An ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions” (Salovey and Mayer, 1990:189) – Perceiving emotions – Using emotions – Understanding emotions – Managing emotions

7 Emotion regulation and emotion labor Emotional regulation: attempt to influence which emotions we have, when we have them and how these are expressed Emotional labor: managing public displays of emotions to comply with normative display rules

8 Emotional contagion and Collective affect Emotional contagion: processes that allow the sharing or transferring of emotions from one individual to other group members

9 Why does affect matter in organizations?

10 Affect and performance An individual’s tendency to experience positive emotions and moods is associated with increases in a variety of work performance measures – Dispositional affect – Mood-emotional contagion – Emotional intelligence

11 Affect and decision making Positive affect can led to more efficient decision making However, also negative affect can lead to more effective decision making Influence of discrete emotions

12 Affect and creativity Positive affect positively influences creativity by leading to the processing of more cognitive material and to more complex, flexible thinking

13 Affect and Turnover/Absence Positive affect is associated with reduced absence and intention to turnover Workers who are high in positive affect are more likely to leave their jobs if they are dissatisfied than are people who have low positive affect

14 Affect and Prosocial behavior Employees who experience positive moods at work are more likely to engage in prosocial behavior Leader’s positive mood “rubs off” on group members

15 Affect and Negotiation and Conflict resolution Positive moods help to resolve conflict Negotiators in a positive mood are more effective Anger as a discrete emotion may be effective in negotiations Emotional intelligence, especially emotion perception and understanding, positively influence negotiation

16 Collective affect and team behavior Group emotion is defined by the affective composition of the various affective attributes of the group members Or Collectively held norms about appropriate emotions to express or hold in a group shape the type of emotions that are allowed and expressed in a group context

17 Affect and Leadership Positive affect contributes to effective leadership – Transformational leadership Followers are influenced by leaders’ displays of emotions

18 Conclusion Overwhelming evidence that experiencing and expressing positive emotions and moods tends to enhance performance at individual, group and organizational levels The influence of negative affect is complex

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