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Professional Development to Practice The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education to the Missouri.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development to Practice The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education to the Missouri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development to Practice The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (#H323A120018). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Professional Development to Practice Collaborative Data Teams Norms This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

2 Professional Development to Practice

3 Collaborative Data Teams (CDT) Foundational Processes Agendas Communication Norms Roles Overview and Purpose Collaborative Teams Advanced Collaborative Processes Consensus Collaborative Skills Protocol Foundational Processes: Norms

4 Professional Development to Practice Norms Objective: Teams will effectively utilize norms in collaborative work. See Missouri Teacher Standards 8 (Professional Practice) and 9 (Professional Collaboration); Missouri Leader Standards 2 (Teaching and Learning) and 3 (Management of Organizational Systems).

5 Professional Development to Practice Meeting Norms  Begin and end on time  Be an engaged participant  Be an active listener—open to new ideas  Use notes for side bar conversations  Use electronics respectfully

6 Professional Development to Practice Why Should We Create Norms?  Read over the quotes on the page.  Select one that resonates with you.  Stand up, Hand up, Pair up to find a partner to discuss your choice.  Switch when directed to do so.

7 Professional Development to Practice Essential Questions  Why do we need to use norms?  How might having norms improve the effectiveness of collaborative teams?

8 Professional Development to Practice Definition Meeting norms are set ground rules or expectations on how people treat each other at a meeting, and as part of an ongoing team. These are collective commitments, public agreements shared by all members of the group.

9 Professional Development to Practice Norms are…  simple, powerful statements about the way meetings can be run.  commitments agreed upon collectively.  consistent reminder of fundamental meeting guidelines.  focus on respecting all participants.  brief in number (Teams should focus on a few critical norms rather than an extensive laundry list).

10 Professional Development to Practice Developing Group Norms-

11 Professional Development to Practice Developing Team Norms  Write 5-7 ideas about how you would like to see us work together  Pair share  Pair Square  Square Pair or/whole group  Collapse and select which ones are absolutely essential to keep

12 Professional Development to Practice Significance of Team Norms  When all is said and done, the norms of a group help determine whether it functions as a high-performing team or becomes simply a loose collection of people working together.  Positive norms stick only if the group puts them into practice over and over again. Being explicit about norms raises the level of effectiveness, maximizes emotional intelligence, produces a positive experience for group members, and helps to socialize newcomers into the group quickly. ( Goleman, 1998)

13 Professional Development to Practice Implications for Student Learning How does what we have learned about norms impact student learning?

14 Professional Development to Practice Now that we have norms… Evidence  Copy of norms  Agenda with norms listed  Norms posted in the room, building, etc.  Norms mentioned in the minutes  Verbal reference in meetings

15 Professional Development to Practice Practice Profile

16 Professional Development to Practice Implementation Fidelity

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