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First Grade Curriculum. First Quarter Reading Students will… Be able to follow established reading routines and procedures. Use metacognition and schema.

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Presentation on theme: "First Grade Curriculum. First Quarter Reading Students will… Be able to follow established reading routines and procedures. Use metacognition and schema."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Grade Curriculum

2 First Quarter Reading Students will… Be able to follow established reading routines and procedures. Use metacognition and schema to comprehend text and make meaningful text-to-self connections. Apply concepts of print. Be able to use beginning and ending sounds to decode words. Writing Students will… Be able to follow established writing routines and procedures. Write a 4-5 word complete sentence about a self-generated idea using developmentally appropriate conventions (finger spaces). Be able to apply beginning and ending sounds and use developmentally appropriate spelling. Spell untaught words phonetically drawing on word study patterns. Math Students will be able to… Write numbers 1 – 20 (excluding reversals). Count up and back by 1s to 20. Write and count tallies. Compare numbers less than 16. Count up and back by 1s using the number grid. Tell time to the nearest hour.

3 Second Quarter Reading Students will… Be able to make predictions and visualize using schema and evidence from text. Identify main character and setting. Be able to identify and apply short vowel sounds, word, families and digraphs (th, sh, wh, ch). Recognize the difference between fiction and non-fiction text. Writing Students will… Write 2 complete sentences about a variety of self-generated ideas using developmentally appropriate conventions. Be able to form letters correctly (excluding reversals). Apply developmentally appropriate spelling using consonant-vowel-consonant (cvc ) patterns. Math Students will be able to … Count and write by 2s(to 40), 5s(to 110), and 10s(to 110). Identify, tell and write values of pennies, nickels and dimes. To predict what comes next in patterns. Use the number grid to solve basic math problems.

4 Third Quarter Reading Students will be able to… Apply decoding strategies to read unknown words. (Skip and go on – look at pictures – key words – backtrack –little words in big words – making sense – beginning letter) Read with inflectional endings (ly, ing, s, ed). Writing Students will… Write multiple complete sentences about a variety of self generated ideas using developmentally appropriate conventions (capitals, end punctuation). Understand the difference between telling and asking sentences. Math Students will be able to Compute values of pennies, nickels and dimes. Identify and know the value of quarters. Tell time to the nearest half hour. To identify and write numbers up to 110.

5 Fourth Quarter Reading Students will… Be able to compare and contrast to analyze text. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. Writing Students will… Develop and support a main idea with details. Write for multiple purposes (narrative and expository). Fluently use phonetic and developmental spelling (long vowel patterns). Math Students will be able to… Find many names for a number. Recall simple addition facts. Sort and identify an object by its attributes (characteristics).

6 Specials PE Students will be able to demonstrate rolling a ball from the side with one hand. Students will be able to demonstrate kicking a ball with minimal follow-through Students will be able to demonstrate a throw by using one hand and follow through motion with non-throwing arm aiming towards targeted area Students will be able to properly demonstrate a heel-toe walk and a gallop. Music The students will be able to: Better able to correct over singing or “ shouty ” singing. Demonstrate steady beat. Demonstrate an awareness of sol and mi pitches. Be able to demonstrate/read basic rhythm patterns using quarter note, eighth notes, and quarter rest. Computer Students will exhibit proper single and double click. Students will demonstrate proper mouse usage including click and drag techniques and tabletop mouse placement. Students will recognize appropriate technology terminology. Art In the “ Nature ” unit, students will be able to apply their knowledge of symmetrical insects to create a piece of art. In the “ Clay ” unit, students will demonstrate the pinch method in creating a vessel. In the “ Elements and Principles of Design ” unit, students will identify the six basic colors from the color wheel and various types of line. Students will apply these concepts in a finished piece of art. Library Indentify: Parts of the book, Circulation Desk, Book Return, Author, Illustrator, Fiction/Nonfiction, Check Out/Check In, Everybody Section, and Nonfiction Section Comprehensive Resource

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