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 FOUNDATION SCHOOL & TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE  A TRAINING SCHOOL Nottingham Principal: Mrs Susan Jowett 11-18 school. Number on roll: 1300

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Presentation on theme: " FOUNDATION SCHOOL & TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE  A TRAINING SCHOOL Nottingham Principal: Mrs Susan Jowett 11-18 school. Number on roll: 1300"— Presentation transcript:

1  FOUNDATION SCHOOL & TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE  A TRAINING SCHOOL Nottingham Principal: Mrs Susan Jowett 11-18 school. Number on roll: 1300 An Insight into an Outstanding Science Faculty 1

2 KEVIN MAYLE Curriculum Leader for Science George Spencer School Nottingham, 16/10/2015 2

3 G EORGE S PENCER F OUNDATION SCHOOL AND T ECHNOLOGY C OLLEGE. 11 – 18 Mixed comprehensive 1338 on role. 6 miles west of Nottingham City Centre. Technology College Status from 1994. BAFTA Award – Most improved Schools 2007 Very good/Outstanding OFSTED 2006,2002,1996. Inclusion in 2005 OFSTED honours list. Membership of Specialist School and Academies Trust 70% Club for GCSE results. 2007 results “Best in Nottinghamshire.” 84% of students achieving 5+ A*-C Artsmark Eco School Award. Leading Edge status for curriculum and workforce innovation. I.I.P. 2008, 2005,2002,1999. Specialist School and Academies Trust mentor school for raising achievement. Training School for Initial Teacher Training to share best practice and develop innovative schemes National Training Award Winner 2006. 3

4 WHAT DOES OFSTED SAY OUTSTANDING LOOKS LIKE ? Inspection Framework 2005 – How Effective are Teaching and Learning? 4

5 OUTSTANDING TEACHING Teaching is stimulating, enthusiastic and consistently challenging. Teachers have expert knowledge of the curriculum, how to teach it and how children learn. Relationships in the classroom are excellent. Teaching methods are well selected and time is used very productively for independent and collaborative work. Activities and demands are matched sensitively to students needs. Well directed teaching assistants strongly support learning. OFsted Observation Guidance Sheet 5

6 OUTSTANDING – PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND WELL BEING. Students are keen to come to lessons. Students are enthusiastic, keen to work hard. Relationships are very good Students do not want to stop working at the end of the lesson. Students take the initiative and readily accept responsibilities. Students are helpful, considerate and consistently behave well. 6 OFsted Observation Guidance Sheet

7 OUTSTANDING PROGRESS. Almost all students achieve highly. Students consistently work at or near their capacity and make and sustain comprehensive gains in their learning. Work is very demanding and all groups and individuals achieve well – many very well. 7 OFsted Observation Guidance Sheet

8 OUTSTANDING LEARNING. In addition to all the features of good practice: Students gain in knowledge, skills or understanding are well above expectations. All learners make exceptionally good progress. 8 OFsted Observation Guidance Sheet


10 10 Science Faculty Clear leadership Experienced, Well qualified – LftM. Delegate responsibility Experienced, Well qualified – LftM. Delegate responsibility Dedicated TLR point holders. Internal promotion, Accountability, praise, valued, Weekly Science management meetings Strong Team Ethos Business like approach to meetings, Clear organisation strong, ethos Balanced experienced staff. Regularly share good practice, share faculty meetings, PM work in small teams Regularly support each other Work Smarter, not harder Staff feel ownership of resources Regular meetings and dialogue Quality assurance Learning walks Faculty Scrutiny (Mini Ofsted). Rigorous PM process Exemplary Lesson plans using common agreed format Encourage new ideas and sharing resources Electronic lesson plans on line Electronic lesson plans on line Learning objective s on the board every lesson Recall, Describe, Explain Common approach Accelerate d learning Cycle All staff continually add resources to SoL Reminder cards on the board eg keywords for levels/ grades ALC. Clear and simple systems eg behaviour management Extra curricular activities Space Centre, Becky Boyle, Science club, Florida, CERN Quality CPD in house and external 50% staff coach trained

11 SOME QUICK EXAMPLES OF WHAT THE SCIENCE FACULTY HAS IN PLACE. On line Schemes of learning for all key stages Learning Objectives on the board as : Recall.... Describe... Explain.. Accelerated Learning Cycle Headings Level / Grade reminder card Science Support Rota National curriculum Level descriptors Behaviour Support Reporting system Topic Mats Visual Dictionary. 16/10/2015 11

12 16/10/2015 12 Forces for Transport Speed Forces & Motion Work Safety in cars Distance – Time graphs Speed- time Graphs Acceleration Force, mass & acceleration Falling Objects Balanced Unbalanced Power Potential energy Kinetic energy Theme Park Rides Stopping distances Fuel for Transport

13 16/10/2015 13

14 Other Examples Level Reminder cards ( Green Cards ) Photos of Labs White boards. National Curriculum Level Descriptor display SSR Screen Dump of Behaviour System monitoring

15 16/10/2015 OFsted Observation Guidance Sheet 15 More Training Tips From Science Faculty at George Spencer Presentation to School

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