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Shane Harshbarger Programing Your Future. Shane Harshbarger Programing Your Future “Build it and they will come”

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Presentation on theme: "Shane Harshbarger Programing Your Future. Shane Harshbarger Programing Your Future “Build it and they will come”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shane Harshbarger Programing Your Future

2 Shane Harshbarger Programing Your Future “Build it and they will come”

3  300 years of History  World’s Largest and Oldest Fraternity  Challenges that we have overcome

4  Membership  Masonry is everywhere  It’s a Great Day to be a Freemason


6  Fraternity  What does that mean to you?  What does that mean to others?

7 Fraternity  Ritual  Education  Social

8 Fraternity  Ritual  Education  Social

9 Fraternity  Ritual  Education  Social



12 Events and Activities  Doing it right – Doing it well  Taking Pride in what we do and what we are

13 The Entered Apprentice  His first experience  Do we make it special? Is it special to us?

14 Take Pride in what we do  Purpose / Plan / Goal / Outcome  Never have an event that we are embarrassed to host

15 $ and Dues  Perceived Value  You get what you pay for

16 Communication  Do it, Do well, Do it often  Multiple Platforms

17 Alcohol  We are adults  Intemperance and Excess

18 5 events – Who, What, Where, When, Why?  University of Freemasonry – Royal Mile Night  Membership Appreciation Night

19 5 events – Who, What, Where, When, Why?  Scottish Rite Kick-offs  Double Eagle Gala



22 5 events – Who, What, Where, When, Why?  Meals from the Heartland  32,000 meals


24 Shane Harshbarger Programing Your Future “Build it and they will come”

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