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Dealing with a Problem Volunteer A&WMA Sections & Chapters Leadership Training Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with a Problem Volunteer A&WMA Sections & Chapters Leadership Training Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with a Problem Volunteer A&WMA Sections & Chapters Leadership Training Academy

2 Dealing with a problem volunteer Did we recruit well? ▫Passion for the organization ▫Bring an added value to the organization ▫Persons who will be on their best behavior ▫“People skills” ▫Team players ▫Persons who understand, respect, and fulfill their respective roles Did this person receive an adequate onboarding”? Is there an agenda – with times Is the Chair dealing with the problem member(s)?

3 Dealing with a problem volunteer argumentativeness bullying rudeness talking too much not coming to meetings generally showing lack of interest

4 Bylaws Bylaws should include standards of conduct for the board and term limits, Board member duties and expectations.

5 Dealing with problem volunteers Take a deep breath. The chief complaints for most volunteers, generally fall into one of two categories ▫Not feeling listened to ▫Not feeling appreciated So, listen and ask, apologize if needed Be straight

6 How to Fire A Volunteer Re-Assign Re-Train Re-Vitalize Refer Retire

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