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Debate. Questions Debate Set-Up Instructions A teenager found guilty of a crime should always go to prison. For or against?

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Presentation on theme: "Debate. Questions Debate Set-Up Instructions A teenager found guilty of a crime should always go to prison. For or against?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Debate

2 Questions Debate Set-Up Instructions


4 A teenager found guilty of a crime should always go to prison. For or against?

5 What the law says… The legal system treats teenagers differently from adults. Teenagers don’t automatically go before a judge and they are rarely sent to prison.

6 It should be possible to give the death penalty to teenagers guilty of very serious crimes. For or against?

7 What the law says… The death penalty was abolished in 1976 in Canada and it hadn’t been used since 1962. Before 1976, a teenager could be given the death penalty.

8 It should be less serious to threaten someone on the Internet than to threaten someone in person. For or against?

9 What the law says… Whether a threat is made on the Internet or in person, it’s a crime and the same penalties apply.

10 Checking and fights are part of hockey. You shouldn’t be punished by the legal system if you hit another player. For or against?

11 What the law says… In Canada, the courts have held that certain blows can be tolerated in sports when they are within the rules of the game. However, a hockey player who intentionally injures another player through a dangerous act can be charged with a crime called “assault”.

12 A minor (person under 18) should not be allowed to date an adult (18 and over). For or against?

13 What the law says… Dating someone older is not illegal in and of itself, but there are rules in the Criminal Code about sexual touching, and these rules vary according to a person’s age.

14 School personnel should be able to search a student’s locker at any time. For or against?

15 What the law says… School personnel, such as teachers and principals, can search a locker if they believe that a school rule or the law has been or is being broken. They can’t search lockers without a good reason.


17 The parent of a 16 year-old who has quit school should stop supporting this child financially. For or against?

18 What the law says… According to the law, parents must provide their children with what they need to live.

19 Parents should be able to use physical force to discipline their children (spanking, grabbing an arm, etc.) For or against?

20 What the law says… The Criminal Code says that parents can use physical punishment on their children only if it is reasonable. However, this right has been significantly restricted by Canadian courts.

21 When a child or teenager’s parents separate, the child or teenager should have complete freedom to choose which parent to live with. For or against?

22 What the law says… Children cannot make this decision alone. A judge or the parents decide who the child will live with. They must take the child’s wishes into account as much as possible.

23 A teenager should have the right to get married. For or against?

24 What the law says… No one can marry before age 16. Teenagers who are 16 or 17 can marry, but only if the parents give permission.


26 Teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to have plastic surgery. For or against?

27 What the law says… Parents must give their consent if a child under age 18 wants plastic surgery.

28 You should be able to work for a company before age 16. For or against?

29 What the law says… There is no minimum age for starting to work, but children under 14 must have their parents’ written consent to get a job.

30 People shouldn’t be punished for what they say on the Internet because we live in a free country. For or against?

31 What the law says… The right to freedom of expression can’t be used to hurt others.

32 People should be able to post photos on Facebook without having to ask everyone in the photo for their permission. For or against?

33 What the law says… Without the consent of the person in the photo, you cannot publish a photo that others could recognize in a newspaper, magazine, advertisement or public place. The only exception is for photos of public interest.

34 People who don’t like their names should be able to change them. For or against?

35 What the law says… Even when people under age 18 have a serious reason for not liking their names, they cannot change them on their own. Their parents have to do it for them.

36 No one should drink even a small amount of alcohol while driving a car. For or against?

37 What the law says… Drivers with a learner’s or probationary licence and drivers under 21 cannot have any alcohol in their blood.

38 A teenager should be able to get a credit card. For or against?

39 What the law says… Teenagers can get credit cards. However, credit card companies can impose conditions. For example, they can require a parent to sign.

40 You should have the rights of an adult before age 18. For or against?

41 What the law says… In Quebec, a person becomes an adult in the eyes of the law at 18. This is called the “age of majority”. But sometimes you have to be even older to exercise certain rights.

42 Teenagers should have the right to rent an apartment at any age. For or against?

43 What the law says… People under 18 can sign an apartment lease, but landlords can impose conditions. For example, they can require a parent to co-sign the lease.

44 All citizens should be able to get the services of a lawyer for free. For or against?

45 What the law says… A lawyer’s services normally come at a cost. However, people with low incomes can sometimes get free legal services or services at minimal cost in certain fields of the law.

46 For or against? Common-law partners who separate should have the same rights and obligations as married couples.

47 What the law says… In Quebec, common-law partners do not have the same rights and responsibilities as married spouses.

48 Resources Conclusion Questions?

49 Clear language for citizens Éducaloi’s mission is to inform Quebecers of their rights and responsibilities by providing legal information in everyday language.




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