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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 LandformsCanada’s Climates Climate Factors Climate Graphs Air Masses Extremely Random.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 LandformsCanada’s Climates Climate Factors Climate Graphs Air Masses Extremely Random."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 LandformsCanada’s Climates Climate Factors Climate Graphs Air Masses Extremely Random

6 This is the most significant landform region in the Yukon. A 100

7 What is the Western Cordillera? A 100

8 This mountain range was formed when North America collided with Europe and North Africa. A 200

9 What is the Appalachians? A 200

10 The soils of this region remain frozen most of the year but are rich in oil, gas and coal. A 300

11 What are the Arctic Lowlands? A 300

12 These are the 8 landform regions of Canada. A 400

13 What are the Western Cordilleran, Interior Plains, Innuitian Mountains, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canadian Shield, Appalachian Mountains, Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Lowlands, and the Arctic Lowlands? A 400

14 This region does not have coal, gas or oil because when it was formed there were no plants or animals? A 500

15 What is the Canadian Shield? A 500

16 This is the climate region that Ottawa is located in. B 100

17 What is Southeastern? B 100

18 This is the area in Canada where orographic precipitation occurs most. B 200

19 What is British Columbia? B 200

20 This air mass affects Canada most in winter. B 300

21 What is the Continental Arctic? B 300

22 These two ocean currents form fog off the east coast of Canada. B 400

23 What are the Labrador and Gulf Stream currents? B 400

24 In Canada, the dominant winds come from this direction and are called this. B 500

25 What are the west and Westerlies? B 500

26 LOWERN is an acronym for these six factors that affect climate. C 100

27 What is Latitude, Ocean Currents, Wind (prevailing), Elevation, Relief, and Nearness (proximity) to water? C 100

28 Lake Ontario has a moderating affect on Toronto in this way. C 200

29 What is it makes it warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer? C 200

30 Around the world, high and low pressure belts have created a well established pattern of these. C 300

31 What are prevailing winds? C 300


33 Air masses are classified by these two criteria. C 400

34 What are moisture (dry or moist) and temperature (arctic, polar, or tropical)? C 400

35 This is how high the jet stream is and how fast it can move. C 500

36 What is 9000 to 18000 meters and 300 Km/h to 500 Km/h? C 500

37 These are the colours used to create a climate graph. D 100

38 What are blue, green, and red? D 100

39 This is the temperature range for Ottawa if the lowest temperature is -13°C and the highest temperature is 20°C. D 200

40 What is 33°C? D 200

41 A combination of temperature and precipitation, etc. experienced daily is called this. D 300

42 What is weather? D 300

43 A month is considered a growing season month when the average temperature is this. D 400

44 What is 5.6°C or greater? D 400

45 What criteria is used to judge whether a location’s climate is continental or maritime? D 500

46 What is temperature range, season of maximum precipitation and total preciptation(greater or less than 1000mm)? D 500

47 Question Number One E E 100

48 Correct Response One E E 100

49 Question Number Two E E 200

50 Correct Response Two E E 200

51 Question Number Three E E 300

52 Correct Response Three E E 300

53 Question Number Four E E 400

54 Correct Response Four E E 400

55 Question Number Five E E 500

56 Correct Response Five E E 500

57 This the term for precipitation and temperature patterns averaged over a long period of time. F 100

58 What is climate? F 100

59 As a cartographer, what is there a severe shortage of in this classroom? F 200

60 What is take off his shoes? F 200

61 This is the province that Mr. Grant is from. F 300

62 What is Nova Scotia? F 300

63 This Australian island is the home of a devil and a wolf F 400

64 What is Tasmania? F 400

65 Although the National Bird of New Zealand, it is also indigenous to Australia F 500

66 What is the Kiwi? F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: RISING AIR MASSES Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 This is how much the temperature will drop per 100m before and after an air mass condenses as it moves up a mountain. Click on screen to continue

69 What is 1 degree Celsius per 100m before condensation and 0.6 degrees Celsius per 100m after condensation? Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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