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CAL OVERVIEW and DATA QUALITY REPORT T. Schörner-Sadenius Hamburg University ZEUS Meeting DESY 28 February – 4 March 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "CAL OVERVIEW and DATA QUALITY REPORT T. Schörner-Sadenius Hamburg University ZEUS Meeting DESY 28 February – 4 March 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAL OVERVIEW and DATA QUALITY REPORT T. Schörner-Sadenius Hamburg University ZEUS Meeting DESY 28 February – 4 March 2005

2 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM2 Outline  CAL (Wo)Manpower situation  CAL status: Overview, Problems, and general stuff  see also contributions by Wladimir and Bill  Detailed CAL DQM situation  CAL subcomponents status SRTD, SRTDFLT, PRES, F/R PRES, FNC, LED, LASER  see also contributions by Roberval, Sergei etc.

3 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM3 Calorimeter Manpower I General, Coordination  Merging of CAL and HES groups slowly progressing  CAL DQM shifters now also do HES DQM checks  On coordination / expert side no progress yet.  Current CAL coordination  TSS: general, DQM, students  Wladimir Hain (DESY): general, infrastructure  Kerstin Borras (DESY): so far HES general and DQM  Mara Soares joined the CAL team and will take over CAL DQM coordination from TSS  TSS  run coordinator from April on.  Mara already now is responsible for a number of DQM tasks.  Thanks for joining and good luck!  New permanent DESY physicist to take over CAL coordination within few months. Request for one HES post-doc to backup Kerstin!

4 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM4 Calorimeter Manpower II In more detail Subcomponents (F/RPRES, FNC/FNT) (not) running without dedicated manpower DQM CoordinatorThomas Schörner HH InfrastructureWladimir Hain DESY NEVIS and FE Electronics: Bill Schmidke Columbia Hardware Joker: Cathy Farrow Argonne/DESY LASER: Roberval Walsh McGill SRTD: Roberval Walsh McGill LED: Didar Dobur Freiburg B-PRES: S. Chekanov + H. Lim Argonne/DESY SRTDFLT: John Loizides (CFLT) Argonne (BCAL Bases: Ryan Hoffman Penn State Univ.)

5 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM5 Calorimeter Manpower III CAL DQM Experts Andree Robichaud-Veronneau McGilluntil April Ying Cui Toronto Marcus Jimenez Madrid Avraam Keramidas NIKHEF Gabriel Grigorescu NIKHEF Cathy FarrowArgonne/DESY Changh Yi ZhouMcGillWelcome! Michele SumstineWisconsin until March Soon only 5 (+Cathy) left, with somewhat unclear time scales to be discussed. We are therefore looking for at least one new CAL Student starting rather soon. Still satisfactory situation; currently eight potential shifters, but … Thanks Michele (and soon Andree) for long and good services to the CAL!

6 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM6 DQM Expert Activities performed by CAL students Andree:Improvement of DQM check plots (test triggers). (Almost) done, thanks!!! Marcus: DQM for F/RPRES, just starting! Ying: Halo muon events for HES (+CAL) efficiency monitoring First steps done, need to follow up. Kjung Yu: HES studies CAL (and HES) people should sit down together  Identify important tasks that could be handled by students.  Where can we still make things simpler, safer, more automatic?  We (I) need to spend more time on training – many problems in standard situations!  Join efforts with energy reconstruction / F 2 working groups?

7 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM7 CAL Overall Status … where are we?  Remember: Shutdown last summer was successful  First calibration after shutdown had only 220 bad channels  Currently, we can be as good as 275 or so bad channels  This is basically unchanged since weeks.  We often had rather many holes (2-4), which was not the case before.  More difficult to get calibration time  One or two holes are old acquaintances (B22 tower 4)  Fight for calibration time gets harder  With HERA running stably, less long-enough breaks for full calibrations.  Have to get used to calibrate during the night again.  Procedures more automatic? To be performed by shift crew? See later slides for detailed DQM overview.

8 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM8 CAL Overall Status Main problems during the past few months – sometimes overlaid  Readout failure in december  only cured with help from Antonio P. and Henk B. from Amsterdam after three days of investigation.  Disk failure on backup readout computer AJAX  thanks to Alessandro!  Major problems with DQM PCs – again, Alessandro teached me a lot.  Timing problems at the CAL-CFLT(P) boundary.  BCAL module 16: often many (>30) bad channels, cabling?  HV of BCAL module 22 fixed (Wladimir changed HV crate), then module 21 was giving some problems.  Os9 hc3control after A. Kutanski’s intervention more or less stable. Luckily there is always somebody who knows more than I do! Thanks especially to Alessandro!

9 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM9 Bad Channel History since Padova week Number of bad channels is more or less stable. trend in BCAL Some of the gain of the last shutdown lost again. Some fluctuations in between due to localized problems, mostly solved during access days. Many problems come and go every now and then

10 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM10 Status since last ZEUS week overview on bad channels Increase due to dying PMTs. First strong rise after shutdown, now stable. Spread: Missing calibration oppor- tunities. RCAL pipeline gain problems

11 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM11 Status since last ZEUS week Comparison with last CAL meeting Shutdown 2004

12 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM12 F13 t12 EMC1-F13 t12 EMC1+ F3 t11 EMC1- R13 t12 EMC1-R13 t12 EMC1+ R13 t12 EMC2-R13 t12 EMC2+ HV Status since last ZEUS week Influence of beam injection / dump on HV settings Small trends of the level of 0.1-1% over half a year visible.

13 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM13 Influence of HERA on CAL Beam, trigger affect kinematic distributions a lot Sometimes difficult for CAL DQM to judge on data quality. Off-momentum positrons Often even much stronger peaks in single variables.

14 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM14 Subcomponents Status I … basically no news!  SRTD (Roberval Walsh): See Roberval’s report  SRTDFLT (John Loizides): Situation unchanged; stable.  LED for F/RCAL (Didar Dobur):  Not in use currently. Situation rather unclear.  Laser (Roberval Walsh):  Not really trusted for calibration/monitoring purposes.  Is currently switched off.  Recently problems with LASER test triggers  excluded from test triggers.  Barrel Presampler (S. Chekanov, H. Lim, S. Magill): See Sergei’s report.

15 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM15 Subcomponents Status II … basically no news!  F/RCAL Presampler (no dedicated manpower):  FPRES south: problems in setting HV, no spares  FPRES (Wladimir): order of channels wrong in Adamo table?  RPRES okay, however not in SC (moved to `masked’ directory due to FPRES failures).  RPRES no readout bad channels; maybe some bad PMTs.  However, system has no dedicated man power; needs calibration etc.  Who is using which part of PRES? Historically only RPRES used?  FNC (Info from Bill, Wladimir):  Test stand working, dubious front-end card needs inspection  Delay box gave problems in the past, needs to be checked.  Sometimes giving problems in the readout (digital crate)  exclude from readout?

16 ZEUS Week DESY 2/2005TSS: CAL Overview and DQM16 Summary  CAL basically running stably with acceptable number of bad channels.  Some severe problems in the past few months show vulnerability of the system. Sometimes external help necessary!  Manpower situation still satisfactory.  We would like 1-2 new CAL students.  Looking forward to welcome new DESY scientist for CAL coordination.  Some subcomponents uncovered. How much effort can we / do we want to invest for PRES? FNC? LED? LASER?  Reminder from last talk / shutdown: Spare situation getting critical, for example FCAL EMC PMTs.

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