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Atomic and Molecular Gas in Galaxies Mark Krumholz UC Santa Cruz The EVLA: Galaxies Through Cosmic Time December 18, 2008 Collaborators: Sara Ellison (U.

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Presentation on theme: "Atomic and Molecular Gas in Galaxies Mark Krumholz UC Santa Cruz The EVLA: Galaxies Through Cosmic Time December 18, 2008 Collaborators: Sara Ellison (U."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atomic and Molecular Gas in Galaxies Mark Krumholz UC Santa Cruz The EVLA: Galaxies Through Cosmic Time December 18, 2008 Collaborators: Sara Ellison (U. Victoria) Chris Matzner (U. Toronto) Chris McKee (UC Berkeley) Xavier Prochaska (UC Santa Cruz) Jonathan Tan (U. Florida) Jason Tumlinson (STScI)

2 Stars Do Not Form in Gas SINGS + GALEX + THINGS + SONG (animation borrowed from N. Gnedin)

3 Stars Form in Molecular Gas The SFR in a galaxy correlates with its molecular gas surface density. Atomic gas is important primarily for producing molecules. SFR vs. surface densities of HI (blue asterisks) and H 2 (black and green triangles) in M51a (Kennicutt et al. 2007)

4 Implications  The relationship between HI content and star formation is not straightforward, particularly at low surface density  A theory of star formation must be able to predict the atomic and molecular fractions in a galaxy’s ISM from physical principles

5 Anatomy of An Atomic- Molecular Complex Molecules reside in giant molecular clouds (GMCs) that are the inner parts of atomic-molecular complexes The outer parts are dissociated by interstellar Lyman-Werner photons Goal: compute HI and H 2 mass fractions

6 Dissociation Balance in Atomic-Molecular Complexes (Krumholz, McKee, & Tumlinson 2008a) Idealized problem: spherical cloud of radius R, density n, dust opacity  d, H 2 formation rate coefficient R, immersed in radiation field with LW photon number density E 0 *, find fraction of mass in HI and H 2. Decrease in radiation intensity = Absorptions by H2 molecules + dust grains The basic equations for this system are chemical equilibrium and radiative transfer. Formation on grains = Photodissociation

7 Calculating Molecular Fractions To good approximation, solution only depends on two dimensionless numbers: Approximate solution: Top: analytic solution for location of HI / H 2 transition vs. exact numerical result Bottom: H 2 volume fraction vs. ,  R

8 Shielding Layers in Galaxies (Krumholz, McKee, & Tumlinson 2008b, in press) What is   (  d / R ) (E 0 * / n)? Dust opacity  d and H 2 formation rate R both  Z, so  d / R ~ const CNM dominates shielding, so n is the CNM density CNM density set by pressure balance with WNM, and n CNM  E 0 *, with weak Z dependence.    (  d / R ) (E 0 * / n) ~ 1 in all galaxies! Allowed n CNM FGH curves for MW (Wolfire et al. 2003)

9 Reality Check… Matches observed saturation of HI, with higher  HI at low metallicity! Compare model to BIMA SONG (Blitz & Rosolowsky 2006) and HERA / THINGS (Leroy et al. 2008) surveys, with galaxies binned by metallicity HIH2H2 Matches column needed for molecules to appear, with higher  at lower metallicity!

10 Another Application: DLAs (Krumholz, Ellison, Prochaska, McKee, & Tumlinson, 2009, in preparation)

11 What Does this Imply for SF? t dep = 10 t ff t dep = 1000 t ff Depletion time as a function of  H2 for 2 local galaxies (left, Wong & Blitz 2002) and as a function of L HCN for a sample of local and z ~ 2 galaxies (right, Gao & Solomon 2004, Gao et al. 2007) t dep = 10 t ff t dep = 1000 t ff

12 There is a Universal SFR Clouds convert ~1% of their mass to stars per t ff, regardless of density or environment (Krumholz & McKee 2005; Tan, Krumholz, & McKee 2006; Krumholz & Tan 2007)

13 A Remark on GMCs SFR is simply 0.01  M mol / t ff-mol ! In low  galaxies, GMCs all have  ~ 100 M  pc –2 (Bolatto et al. 2008) due to internal regulation (Krumholz, Matzner, & McKee 2006) In high  galaxies,  GMC must be ≥  gal to maintain hydrostatic balance Luminosity (  mass) vs. radius for galactic and extragalactic GMCs (Bolatto et al. 2008)

14 Putting it Together: The Total Gas Star Formation Law (Krumholz, McKee, & Tumlinson, 2009, in preparation) Super-linear from HI  H 2 conversion Linear from universal GMC properties Super-linear from rising GMC density Lines: theory Contours: THINGS, Bigiel et al. 2008 Symbols: literature data compiled by Bigiel et al. 2008

15 Atomic and Molecular Star Formation Laws HI H2H2

16 A Project for the EVLA In low metallicity, low  gas, the SFR is below Kennicutt law prediction. This may be an effect of low H 2 content. The EVLA can check this directly. Density of star-forming DLAs (points) and Kennicutt law prediction (blue line) (Wolfe & Chen 2006) SF law in LSB galaxies (points) and Kennicutt law (line) (Wyder et al. 2009)

17 Summary Star formation is a 2-step process: (1) convert HI in the ISM into H 2, (2) turn H 2 into stars. Making molecules depends on gas , Z Making stars from molecules depends on t ff Either step can be the rate-limiting one, depending on the environment This has important implications for SF and galaxy evolution at high z, low metallicity

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