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Vocabulary The Giver Chapters 1-4 1.adherence (n) steady or faithful attachment. Example: The teacher demanded strict adherence to the rules, so that all.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary The Giver Chapters 1-4 1.adherence (n) steady or faithful attachment. Example: The teacher demanded strict adherence to the rules, so that all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary The Giver Chapters 1-4 1.adherence (n) steady or faithful attachment. Example: The teacher demanded strict adherence to the rules, so that all students could maximize their learning. 2.apprehensive (adj) uneasy, fearful. Example: We were very apprehensive about entering the haunted house, not knowing what was in store for us. 3.chastisement (n) punishment. Example: Paul received chastisement for speaking out without raising his hand.

2 4.disposition (n) one’s usual attitude or mood. Example: Karen’s disposition seemed unusually grumpy after her argument with Stacey. 5.ironic (adj.) meaning the opposite of what is literally said or expected. Example: Isn’t it ironic that the fire station burned down? 6.navigational (adj.) directional Example: When she got lost in the woods the only navigational information she got was from her compass. 7.nurturer (n) a person who takes care of another. When his grandmother became ill, he became her primary nurturer.

3 8.palpable (adj.) capable of being touched or felt. Example: By the time he finally made an appointment with the doctor, the tumor was clearly palpable beneath his skin. 9.populate (v) to inhabit. Example: It is impossible to accurately count how many people populate the planet. 10.prominent (adj.) distinguished or important. Example: We were honored that such a prominent world author would come to visit our school.

4 11.serene (adj.) calm; peaceful Example: He gets such a serene feeling when he is meditating. 12.transgression (n) an act which goes beyond set limits or violates a rule. Example: Copying her friend’s homework was a transgression that resulting in an F on the assignment and a call home to her parents.

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