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I NFLUENTIAL L EADER : Oprah Winfrey By Ryo Kodama & Jon Bartels.

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Presentation on theme: "I NFLUENTIAL L EADER : Oprah Winfrey By Ryo Kodama & Jon Bartels."— Presentation transcript:

1 I NFLUENTIAL L EADER : Oprah Winfrey By Ryo Kodama & Jon Bartels

2 O PRAH B ACKGROUND Rags to Riches Born into poverty Sexually abused by relatives Lost child First anchor Show went national in 1986 According to Forbes, she is the richest self-made woman in America

3 H ERE S UCCESS Personality: Charismatic Intelligent Confident “Oprahfication” – Wall Street Times Humorous Generosity Advocate for humanitarian causes Philanthropists Giveaways ‘Ultimate Favorite Things Ever’Ultimate The End

4 E GYPT Invitation from Egyptian Ministry of Tourism The 2011 Egyptian Revolution Oprah as a promoter Power of social media Cause of the revolution Activist: “ We use Facebook to schedule the protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world.” Tool to promote tourism

5 R ELATIONS TO C LASS Opinion Leader: Influence other’s attitudes and behaviors Socially active Among the first to buy Experts They are good information source Social media and WOM Negative WOM Positive WOM

6 Q UESTIONS Oprah Fans? How does she compare? How do you think her trip to Egypt will effect tourism?

7 R EFERENCES PopEater. “ Oprah’s ‘Ultimate Favorite Things Ever’ Part One.” 19 Nov. 2010. 3 Mar. 2011 Thomaidis, Irene. “ Oprah Facts and Figures.” Toronto Sun. 3 Dec. 2010. 3 Mar. 2011. Abd el Fattah, Mohamed. “ Oprah Winfrey promoted to visit Egypt specially Tahrir Square.” All Voices. 3 Mar. 2011. 3 Mar. 2011. Allison T., Scott. “ Oprah Winfrey: The Hero with Talent, Resilience, and Charisma” Celebrity Heroes. 22 Nov. 2010 3 Mar. 2011 Howard, Phillip. " The Cascading Effects of the Arab." Miller-McCune (2011): Web. 23 Feb 2011. http://www.miller- 3 Mar. 2011http://www.miller-

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