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Alexis John. Table Of Contents Introduction What chimpanzees are- Chapter 1 Where chimpanzees live- Chapter 2 What chimps eat- Chapter 3 How chimps are.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexis John. Table Of Contents Introduction What chimpanzees are- Chapter 1 Where chimpanzees live- Chapter 2 What chimps eat- Chapter 3 How chimps are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexis John

2 Table Of Contents Introduction What chimpanzees are- Chapter 1 Where chimpanzees live- Chapter 2 What chimps eat- Chapter 3 How chimps are like humans- Chapter 4 Endangered- Chapter 5 Day in the life of Jane Goodall- Chapter 6 Enemies- Chapter 7 Other kinds of monkeys- Chapter 8 Conclusion Glossary Resources

3 Introduction Have you ever eaten lobster before, you probably have. What about chicken, crab, or shrimp? Maybe you have. But what about chimpanzee, your probably thinking ewww! who would ever eat chimps they are so related to humans. Believe it or not people actually eat chimpanzee and I have heard it tastes like mushrooms and takes a long time to chew. By reading my book you will learn weird facts like that, ways you can help save chimps from going extinct, or just learn a little bit more about chimps.

4 What chimpanzees are Chimpanzees are mammals that are covered with hair and highly warn-blooded. Chimpanzees are primates. Primates were classified as a group in 1758 by the Swedish botanist, Carolus Linnaeus. Jane Goodall was the first person to find chimpanzees. Jane is still a chimpanzees expert.

5 Where chimpanzees live Chimpanzees live in Africa, near the equator, from the east coast of the continent to the west coast. Some chimpanzees live in low-altitude, tropical rainforests, swamp forests, forest edges, and clearing. They live in warm temperatures. Also some chimps live in inhabit, woodlands, while others live in savannas, grasslands, with widely scattered trees. Both area have a rainy season and a dry season.

6 What chimps eat Chimpanzees are omnivores, they eat plants and meat. Although 60% of their diet is made up from fruit. A long time ago people thought chimpanzees were vegetarians. But in October 1960 they saw chimpanzees eat mean. Chimps eat lots of food like termites, ants, caterpillars, beehives, honey, leaves, fruit, seeds, tree bark, plant bulbs, tender plant shoots, and flowers.

7 How chimps are like humans Everyone knows that chimpanzees are like humans. But did you know that chimpanzees care for the ill or that chimpanzees share meals. Just like humans or maybe you didn’t know that chimpanzees can think of others like humans. Chimpanzees can also do face descriptions. Chimpanzees are truly incredible animals.

8 Endangered Even the cutest animals like the chimpanzees are endangered. There are so many horrible ways that chimpanzees are used to die. Sometimes chimps die because of Ebola because some chimps live in Africa. Some people actually eat chimpanzees. But the government now arrests people who eat chimpanzees. Just recently a police man arrested two people who were caught eating chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are also caught in captivity like in the zoo. Also chimpanzees sleep in trees that humans cut down. They could die from this because when they are sleeping someone could cut the tree and they could fall down the tree and die. A tiger could eat it or other animals that eat chimpanzees.

9 A Day In The Life Of Jane Goodall Jane is a chimp expert. She wakes up at 6:45 or an hour earlier she has to un-nest. She eats for breakfast a piece of toast and a cup of coffee. She like to listen to music like Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, and Mahler and so on. Jane gets tired easily because she is always climbing everywhere after this her hair has vines in it. While the mother chimp plays with her babies. Jane usually jumps in Lake Tanganyika the fresh water usually makes the bruises, aches, and tiredness all go away. For dinner she usually makes beans, onions, and tomatoes over an open fire. Jane Goodall lives in Gombe. Jane usually has trouble going to sleep but it probably because she lives near chimpanzees.

10 Enemies Chimpanzees are natural enemies to leopards. Leopards usually eat baby chimps. Generally, young chimps stay close to the adult chimpanzees so it is hard to catch one. Chimps’ enemies are leopards, lions, cheetahs, crocodiles, pythons, hyenas, wild dogs, alligators, large snakes, baboons, and tigers.

11 Other Kinds Of Monkeys There are a lot of other kinds on monkeys or apes. Some of these monkeys are Gorillas, Orangutans, Bonobs, Gibbons, Siamangs, Baboons, Macaques, and the Tamarins. But personally I think the chimpanzee is the coolest.

12 Conclusion I hope after you read this book you will have a different idea about chimpanzees and that you realize that chimps are not scary or violent animals. In fact, they are amazing, cute, and cuddly animals that are incredibly intelligent. Also if your ever thinking of eating chimpanzee remember that it tastes like mushrooms and could cause diseases.

13 Glossary Primates- An animal like apes or monkeys Continent- One of the largest land masses on the Earth Clearing- A track of land with only few or no trees Inhabit- To live in Woodlands- Land that is filled with land or shrubs Savannah- A part in eastern Georgia near the mouth of the Savannah River Grasslands- Where lots of grass grows Scattered- Widely spread Description- Sort of variety Endangered- In danger of going extinct

14 Credits goodall-an-der-universitaet-zuerich.html National Geographic

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