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MR260 Medical Transcription II Week 5 Orthopedic Practice Instructor: Deb B West, MEd.

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Presentation on theme: "MR260 Medical Transcription II Week 5 Orthopedic Practice Instructor: Deb B West, MEd."— Presentation transcript:

1 MR260 Medical Transcription II Week 5 Orthopedic Practice Instructor: Deb B West, MEd.

2 How the class will work… This is an open book Seminar. Be prepared to respond to the questions on each slide, where indicted. Be prepared to share your thoughts with the other class participants. After the questions slide you will see an answer slide so you can check to see how you did.

3 Review 40 mg – not 40mg 4 x 4 – not 4x4 x3 – not x 3 p.o., b.i.d, Gravida, para Noncontributory Capitalization of first letter after heading: (None)

4 Is everyone ready?

5 H&P Orthopedic Practice “There has been some increasing elevation of the 5 th toe, with a callous/calculus over the dorsolateral/dorsallateral aspect of the toe at the PID/PIP joint.” “He has tenderness of the lower cervical/cervix spine and over the left trapezius/trapzoid, but he has full range of motion of his C-spine. Medications: The patient received a codeine/cortisone injection to relieve the inflammation The patient was given Biaxin/Vioxx for his bone infection.

6 ANSWER “There has been some increasing elevation of the 5 th toe, with a callous over the dorsolateral aspect of the toe at the PIP joint.” “He has tenderness of the lower cervical/cervix spine and over the left trapezius, but he has full range of motion of his C-spine. Medications: The patient received a cortisone injection to relieve the inflammation. The patient was given Biaxin for his bone infection.

7 More Orthopedics Last week Mary had surgery to excise a deep, soft cystic mass in the area of the 1 st dorsal interosseous/interoccular. The procedure went well and she is recovering nicely. The nail bed on the right great toe is healing well following removal of the nail for paronychia/phalangeal infection. Procedures: Arthroplasty/aromatherapy/arteriogram Lipofuscin/laminectomy/laparoscope

8 ANSWERS Last week Mary had surgery to excise a deep, soft cystic mass in the area of the 1 st dorsal interosseous. The procedure went well and she is recovering nicely. The nail bed on the right great toe is healing well following removal of the nail for paronychia infection. Procedures: Arthroplasty Laminectomy

9 More Questions 1.Number the lumbar vertebral discs. 2.What does the AC joint stand for? 3.What does the acronym MRI stand for? 4.You hear: Dorsiflexion is ten to fifteen degrees with plantar flexion to twenty-five degrees. You transcribe as:

10 ANSWERS 1.Number the lumbar vertebral discs. L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 2.What does the AC joint stand for? acromioclavicular joint, articulation between acromion and clavicle 3.What is Vicodin? trade name for an opioid analgesic 4.What does the acronym MRI stand for? Magnetic Resonance Imaging 5.You transcribe as: Dorsiflexion is 10-15 degrees with plantar flexion to 25 degrees.

11 Define the words below: 1.Acromion 2.Apophysis 3.Calcaneus 4.Colles fracture 5.Crepitus 6.Debridement 7.Fusiform 8.Genu varum 9.Metatarsus 10.osteophyte

12 ANSWERS 1.Acromion: a spinous projection off the scapula 2.Apophysis: any outgrowth or swelling; a process or projection of a bone 3.Calcaneus: the heel bone or os calcis 4.Colles fracture: a fracture of the distal end of the radius with displacement of the hand backward and upward 5.Crepitus: a grating sound of bone fragments rubbing together

13 ANSWERS 6.Debridement: the removal of dead or damaged tissue 7.Fusiform: a spindle-shaped structure that is tapered at both ends 8.Genu varum: bowleg 9.Metatarsus: any of the five long bones of the foot between the ankle and the toes 10.Osteophyte: an outgrowth of bone that is usually found around a joint

14 Abbreviations What do the following abbreviations stand for? ORIF NSAID TKA THA DJD ESR DEXA EMG

15 Abbreviation - answers ORIF – Open reduction and internal fixation NSAID- Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs TKA – Total knee arthroplasty THA – Total hip arthroplasty DJD – degenerative joint disease ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate DEXA – Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry EMG - Electromyography

16 Well that’s all for tonight! Thanks for joining us. I hope you learned something to help you in your transcription career. See you next week! Same time—same place! Bye for now!

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