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SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Towards Scientific Workflows Based on Dataflow Process Networks (or from Ptolemy to Kepler) Towards Scientific Workflows.

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Presentation on theme: "SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Towards Scientific Workflows Based on Dataflow Process Networks (or from Ptolemy to Kepler) Towards Scientific Workflows."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Towards Scientific Workflows Based on Dataflow Process Networks (or from Ptolemy to Kepler) Towards Scientific Workflows Based on Dataflow Process Networks (or from Ptolemy to Kepler) Bertram Ludäscher San Diego Supercomputer Center

2 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 A Note on the Style of the following Slides Due to lack of time, most of the following slides will be “by reference” only ;-) – …Each speaker was given four minutes to present his paper, as there were so many scheduled -- 198 from 64 different countries. To help expedite the proceedings, all reports had to be distributed and studied beforehand, while the lecturer would speak only in numerals, calling attention in this fashion to the salient paragraphs of his work.... Stan Hazelton of the U.S. delegation immediately threw the hall into a flurry by emphatically repeating: 4, 6, 11, and therefore 22; 5, 9, hence 22; 3, 7, 2, 11, from which it followed that 22 and only 22!! Someone jumped up, saying yes but 5, and what about 6, 18, or 4 for that matter; Hazelton countered this objection with the crushing retort that, either way, 22. I turned to the number key in his paper and discovered that 22 meant the end of the world… [The Futurological Congress, Stanislaw Lem, translated from the Polish by Michael Kandel, Futura 1977]

3 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Acknowledgements NSF, NIH, DOENSF, NIH, DOE GEOsciences Network (NSF)GEOsciences Network (NSF) – Biomedical Informatics Research Network (NIH)Biomedical Informatics Research Network (NIH) – Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge (NSF)Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge (NSF) – Scientific Data Management Center (DOE)Scientific Data Management Center (DOE) –

4 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Example: Promoter Identification Workflow (PIW) (simplified) From: SciDAC/SDM project and collaboration w/ Matt Coleman (LLNL)

5 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Compute clusters (min. distance) Select gene-set (cluster-level) For each gene Retrieve Transcription factors Arrange Transcription factors For each promoter Compute Subsequence labels With all Promoter Models Compute Joint Promoter Model Retrieve matching cDNA Retrieve genomic Sequence Extract promoter Region(begin, end) Create consensus sequence Align promoters Conceptual Workflow (Promoter Identification Workflow PIW)

6 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003

7 Details of the Functional MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Analysis Workflow (Jeffrey Grethe ) 1.Collect data (K-Space images in Fourier space) from MR scanner while subject performs a specific task 2.Reconstruct K-Space data to image data (this requires scanner parameters for the reconstruction) 3.Now have anatomical and functional data 4.Pre-process the functional data 1.Correct for difference in slice acquisition (each slice in a volume is collected at a slightly different time). Try to correct for these differences so that all slices seem to be acquired at same time 2.Not correct for subject motion (head movement in scanner) by realigning all functional images 5.Register the functional images with the anatomical image  all images are now in the same space (all aligned with one another) 6.Move all subjects into template space through non-linear spatial normalization. There exist atlas templates (made from many subjects) that one can normalize to so that all subjects are in the same space, allowing for direct comparison across subjects. 7.DATA VERIFICATION - check if all these procedures worked. If not, go back and try again (possibly tweaking some parameters for the routines or by re-doing some of it by hand). 8.Move onto statistics. First we do single subject statistics: in addition to the images, information about the experimental paradigm is required. These can be overlayed onto an anatomical to create visual displays of brain activation during a particular task. 9.Can also combine statistical data from multiple subjects and do a group/population analysis and display these results.  Interactive nature of these workflows is critical (data verification) - can these steps be automated or semi-automated?  need metadata from collection equipment and experimental design !

8 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 GARP Invasive Species Pipeline Training sample (d) GARP rule set (e) Test sample (d) Integrated layers (native range) (c) Species presence & absence points (native range) (a) EcoGrid Query EcoGrid Query Layer Integration Layer Integration Sample Data + A3 + A2 + A1 Data Calculation Map Generation Validation User Validation Map Generation Integrated layers (invasion area) (c) Species presence &absence points (invasion area) (a) Native range prediction map (f) Model quality parameter (g) Environmental layers (native range) (b) Generate Metadata Archive To Ecogrid Registered Ecogrid Database Registered Ecogrid Database Registered Ecogrid Database Registered Ecogrid Database Environmental layers (invasion area) (b) Invasion area prediction map (f) Model quality parameter (g) Selected prediction maps (h) From: NSF SEEK (Deana Pennington et al)

9 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Scientific Workflows: Some Findings More dataflow than workflowMore dataflow than workflow –but some branching looping, merging, … –not: documents/objects undergoing modifications –instead: dataset-out = analysis(dataset-in) Need for “collection/functional-style programming” (FP)Need for “collection/functional-style programming” (FP) –Iterations over lists (foreach); filtering; functional composition; generic & higher-order operations (zip, map(f), …) Need for abstraction and nested workflowsNeed for abstraction and nested workflows Need for data transformations (compute/transform alternations)Need for data transformations (compute/transform alternations) Need for rich user interaction / steering:Need for rich user interaction / steering: –pause & resume –select & branch; e.g., web browser capability at specific steps as part of a coordinated SWF Need for high-throughput transfers (“grid-enabling”, “streaming”)Need for high-throughput transfers (“grid-enabling”, “streaming”) Need for persistence of intermediate productsNeed for persistence of intermediate products  data provenance (“virtual data”; cf. several ITR and e-Science projects)

10 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 (Analytical) Pipelines …. (Scientific) Workflows Spectrum of languages & formalisms:Spectrum of languages & formalisms: –Pipelines (a la Unix) –Dataflow languages: Synchronous dataflow networks (SDF) Kahn’s process networks (PN) –“Web page-flow”: Active XML, WebML, … Hesitating-weak-alternating-tree-automata-ML … –(Business) Workflows: WfMC’s XPDL, WSFL, BPELWS, …

11 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Business Workflows Business WorkflowsBusiness Workflows –show their office automation ancestry –documents and “work-tasks” are passed –no data streaming, data-intensive pipelines –lots of standards to choose from: WfMC, BMPL, BPEL4WS,.. XPDL,… –but often no clear semantics for constructs as simple as this: Source: Expressiveness and Suitability of Languages for Control Flow Modelling in Workflows, PhD thesis, Bartosz Kiepuszewski, 2002

12 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 The ZOO of Workflow Standards and Systems Source: W.M.P. van der Aalst et al.

13 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 More on Scientific WF vs Business WF Business WFBusiness WF –Tasks, documents, etc. undergo modifications (e.g., flight reservation from reserved to ticketed), but modified WF objects still identifiable throughout –Complex control flow, task-oriented –Transactions w/o rollback (ticket: reserved  purchased) –… SWFSWF –data-in and data-out of an analysis step are not the same object! –dataflow, data-oriented (cf. AVS/Express, Khoros, …) –re-run automatically (a la distrib. comp., e.g. Condor) or user- driven/interactively (based on failure type) –data integration & semantic mediation as part of SWF framework! –…

14 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 SWF vs Distributed Computing Distributed Computing (e.g. a la Condor-(G) )Distributed Computing (e.g. a la Condor-(G) ) –Batch oriented –Transparent distributed computing (“remote Unix/Java”; standard/Java universes in Condor) –HPC resource allocation & scheduling SWFSWF –Often highly interactive for decision making/steering of the WF and visualization (data analysis) –Transparent data access (Grid) and integration (database mediation & semantic extensions) –Desktop metaphor (“microworkflow”!?); often (but not always!) light-weight web service invocation

15 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Ptolemy-II Recommendations following: Recommendations following: – must read – must see (now: snippets following; watch for new ways to compress slides ;-) – must try Bottom line: Bottom line: – a sophisticated system to do “simple” things (dataflows) as well as highly complex things (hybrid models) (compare to your favorite standard/approach/system)

16 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Dataflow Process Networks and Ptolemy-II see!see! try!try! read!read! Source: Edward Lee et al.

17 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003



20 In our (SEEK) terminology: Think of it as “Workflow Execution Model++”

21 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003

22 Our SEEK/ SciDAC/Kepler extensions here!

23 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Some Glimpses on the PT-II Execution Models (“Domains”)

24 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Kahn Process Networks (PN) Concurrent processes communication through one-way FIFO channels with unbounded capacityConcurrent processes communication through one-way FIFO channels with unbounded capacity A functional process F  maps a set of input sequences into a set of output sequences (sounds like XSM!)A functional process F  maps a set of input sequences into a set of output sequences (sounds like XSM!) increasing chain of sets of sequences  outputs may not increase!increasing chain of sets of sequences  outputs may not increase! Consider increasing chains (wrt. prefix ordering “<“) of streamsConsider increasing chains (wrt. prefix ordering “<“) of streams PN is continuous if lub(Xs) exists for all increasing chains Xs andPN is continuous if lub(Xs) exists for all increasing chains Xs and – F(lub(Xs)) < lub(F(Xs)) Continuous implies montonic:Continuous implies montonic: –if Xs < Ys then F(Xs)<F(Ys)

25 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Process Networks (cont’d) PN in essence: simultaneous relations between sequencesPN in essence: simultaneous relations between sequences Network of functional processes can be described by a mappingNetwork of functional processes can be described by a mapping X = F(X,I) –X denotes all the sequences in the network (inputs I+outputs) X that forms a solution is a fixed pointX that forms a solution is a fixed point Continuity implies exactly one “minimal” fixed pointContinuity implies exactly one “minimal” fixed point –minimal in the sense of pre-fix ordering for any inputs I –execution of the network: given I =  and find the minimal fixed point (works because of the monotonic property)

26 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Synchronous Data Flow Networks (SDF) Special case of PNSpecial case of PN Ptolemy-II SDF overviewPtolemy-II SDF overview –SDF supports efficient execution of Dataflow graphs that lack control structures –with control structures  Process Networks(PN) –requires that the rates on the ports of all actors be known before hand –do not change during execution –in systems with feedback, delays, which are represented by initial tokens on relations must be explicitly noted  SDF uses this rate and delay information to determine the execution sequence of the actors before execution begins.

27 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Extended Kahn-MacQueen Process Networks A process is considered active from its creation until its terminationA process is considered active from its creation until its termination An active process can block when trying to read from a channel (read- blocked), when trying to write to a channel (write-blocked) or when waiting for a queued topology change request to be processed (mutation-blocked)An active process can block when trying to read from a channel (read- blocked), when trying to write to a channel (write-blocked) or when waiting for a queued topology change request to be processed (mutation-blocked) A deadlock is when all the active processes are blockedA deadlock is when all the active processes are blocked –real deadlock: all the processes are blocked on a read –artificial deadlock: all processes are blocked, at least one process is blocked on a write  increase the capacity of receiver with the smallest capacity amongst all the receivers on which a process is blocked on a write. This breaks the deadlock. –If the increase results in a capacity that exceeds the value of maximumQueueCapacity, then instead of breaking the deadlock, an exception is thrown. This can be used to detect erroneous models that require unbounded queues.

28 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Towards SciMod/SDMSWE/Kepler/… (my vote is for ‘Kepler’…)

29 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Scientific Workflows = Dataflow Process Networks + X Kepler = current Ptolemy-II plus X, where X = …Kepler = current Ptolemy-II plus X, where X = … –Extended type system (structural & semantic extensions) –Collection programming extensions (declarative/FP) and –Rich user interactions/workflow steering –Rich data transformations (compute/transform alternations) –(Eco-)Grid extensions: Actors as web/grid services 3 rd party data transfer, high-throughput data streaming Data and service repositories, discovery –Data provenance (semi-)automatic meta-data creation –What else??? … minus upcoming Ptolemy-II extensions! … minus upcoming Ptolemy-II extensions! –The slower we are, the less we have to do ourselves ;-)

30 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Extended Type System (here: OWL Semantic Types) SemType m1 :: Observation & itemMeasured.AbundanceCount & hasContext.appliesTo.LifeStageProperty  DerivedObservation & itemMeasured.MortalityRate & hasContext.appliesTo.LifeStageProperty Substructure association: XML raw-data =(X)Query=> object model =link => OWL ontology

31 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Actor Repositories (here: a commercial tool) See why we said user- definable (or auto-generated) actor libraries?

32 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Collection Programming (some lessons from SciDAC/SSDBM demo)

33 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Promoter Identification Workflow in Ptolemy-II (SSDBM’03) hand-crafted control solution; also: forces sequential execution! designed to fit hand-crafted Web-service actor Complex backward control-flow No data transformations available

34 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Promoter Identification Workflow in FP genBankG :: GeneId -> GeneSeq genBankP :: PromoterId -> PromoterSeq blast :: GeneSeq -> [PromoterId] promoterRegion :: PromoterSeq -> PromoterRegion transfac :: PromoterRegion -> [TFBS] gpr2str :: (PromoterId, PromoterRegion) -> String d0 = Gid "7" -- start with some gene-id d1 = genBankG d0 -- get its gene sequence from GenBank d2 = blast d1 -- BLAST to get a list of potential promoters d3 = map genBankP d2 -- get list of promoter sequences d4 = map promoterRegion d3 -- compute list of promoter regions and... d5 = map transfac d4 --... get transcription factor binding sites d6 = zip d2 d4 -- create list of pairs promoter-id/region d7 = map gpr2str d6 -- pretty print into a list of strings d8 = concat d7 -- concat into a single "file" d9 = putStr d8 -- output that file

35 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Simplified Process Network PIW Back to purely functional dataflow process networkBack to purely functional dataflow process network (= a data streaming model!) Re-introducing map (f) to Ptolemy-II (was there in PT Classic)Re-introducing map (f) to Ptolemy-II (was there in PT Classic)  no control-flow spaghetti  data-intensive apps  free concurrent execution  free type checking  automatic support to go from piw(GeneId) to PIW := map (piw) over [GeneId] map (f)-style iterators Powerful type checking Generic, declarative “programming” constructs Generic data transformation actors Forward-only, abstractable sub- workflow piw(GeneId)

36 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Optimization by Declarative Rewriting I PIW as a declarative, referentially transparent functional processPIW as a declarative, referentially transparent functional process  optimization via functional rewriting possible e.g. map(f o g) = map(f) o map(g) Details:Details: –Technical report &PIW specification in Haskell map(f o g) instead of map(f) o map(g) Combination of map and zip

37 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Optimization by Declarative Rewriting II Source: Real-Time Signal Processing: Dataflow, Visual, and Functional Programming, Hideki John Reekie, University of Technology, Sydney Rewritings require that data transformation semantics is knownRewritings require that data transformation semantics is known e.g., Haskell-like for FP and SQL (XQuery)-like for (XML) database queryinge.g., Haskell-like for FP and SQL (XQuery)-like for (XML) database querying

38 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Data Transformation Actors: Chaining together web services is easy … Data Transformation Actors: Chaining together web services is easy … … (NOT)

39 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003

40 MAP: Data Massaging a la Blue-Titan/Perl

41 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 Data Transformation Actors: Our Approach (proposal) ManualManual –XQuery, XSLT, Perl, Python, … transformation actor (development) (Semi-)automatic(Semi-)automatic –Semantic-type guided transformation generation (research) Also: Web Service Composition is …Also: Web Service Composition is … –… a hot topic –… a reincarnation of many “old” ideas –(e.g., AI-style planning born-again; functional composition; query composition; … ) –… a separate topic

42 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 User Interaction Brower Actor demo … (Ilkay)Brower Actor demo … (Ilkay)

43 SEEK meeting, UCSB, 10/22-26/2003 F I N (addtl. material follows) FYI: Flow-based programming has been re-discovered/re-invented several times: – Flow-based Programming,

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