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Algebra 1 Notes 3.7 Percent of Change.

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1 Algebra 1 Notes 3.7 Percent of Change

2 Example 1 original: 25 new: 18 Percent of increase or decrease?
Find the percent of change. Since the new number is less than the original, this is % of decrease.

3 Example 2 original: new: 70 Percent of increase or decrease? Find the percent of change. 40% = r

4 Example 3 To be marked “reduced fat” a food must have at least 25% less fat than the same full fat food. If one ounce of reduced fat chips has 6 grams of fat less than the full fat chips, what is the least amount of fat in one ounce of regular chips?

5 Discounts and mark ups To figure a discount: To figure a mark up:
SUBTRACT the percentage of the discount from 100% convert to a decimal then multiply this by the price of the item. To figure a mark up: ADD the percentage of the mark up to 100%

6 Example 4 Find the discounted price. Suit: $175.95; Discount: 45%

7 Example 5 Find the total price. Clock: $39.95; Tax: 6.75%

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