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Labour Market Policy and Programmes Branch programme 2001.

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1 Labour Market Policy and Programmes Branch programme 2001

2 1. Balance between security and flexibility Provision of data and analysis Roll out laws mindful of need to balance security and flexibility LRA, BCEA, IA Amendments to Parliament in July and promulgated in December.

3 2 & 3. Employment creation Sectoral determination with remuneration and conditions of employment for learnerships Ministerial determination and Code of Good Practice for workers on job creation schemes Participation in NEDLAC committees to evaluate implementation of Job Summit Agreements and to plan sector summits.

4 Skills development strategy: Key milestones National Skills Conference (Feb) Launch of HRD strategy together with Department of Education (May) National launch of learnerships ( June) First bursaries awarded for scarce skills (Aug) Launch of Investor in People SA pilot sites (Nov)

5 Skills development strategy Ongoing implementation of Act including: Guidelines for stakeholders Marketing of Act including increase in levy to 1% Involvement of public sector Domestic worker skills plan (Aug) Regulation of private agencies Restructuring of esds business units in provincial offices.

6 Employment equity: Key milestones Release of comprehensive report including income differentials Codes of Good Practice Launch of finalised HIV/AIDS Code Launch of Codes on Disability and Human Resource Issues for public comment (March) Human Rights Week (March) Large employers to report on 1 October

7 Employment Equity: Key outcomes Consolidation of EE registry and case management system Enforcement strategy rolled out Ongoing advocacy Promulgation of sections relating to procurement Improved compliance in public sector

8 Protection of vulnerable workers: Key milestones Publication of results of: domestic worker investigation (March/June) farm worker investigation (April/June) Promulgation of: Revised private security sectoral determination (April/May) domestic sectoral determination ( August) farm sectoral determination (Sept) International Day of the Child focus on child labour (1 June)

9 Protection of vulnerable workers: Key outcomes Sectoral determinations also in taxi, hospitality and performing arts for children Advocacy in respect of sectoral determinations Child labour POA focusing on most hazardous Grant variations i.r.o. BCEA Support to provinces.

10 8. Adequate social safety net Unemployment Insurance Bills to Parliament (Jan to March) Finalisation of national social security investigation (June/July) UI Week to publicise procedures and stakeholder rights and obligations (June)

11 9. Promote stable labour relations Key milestones: Tabling of CCMA Annual Report in Parliament (August) Bargaining council summit (September) Key outcomes: Ongoing registration of labour organisations Oversee CCMA Facilitate and support establishment of new bargaining councils and transformation of existing ones Monitor collective bargaining trends.

12 10. Productivity Key milestone: Possible National Productivity Agreement (October) Key outcome: Participation in sector summits.

13 11. Social partnerships Key outcomes: Support and strengthening of statutory bodies Optimal utilisation of SCSF funds Participation in NEDLAC structures.

14 12. International Relations Ratification of ILO conventions Ratification of SADC Social Charter on Fundamental Rights (August) Minister to attend ILO Governing Body meetings, ILO Conference, SADC and OAU meetings. Implementation of SADC LR Communiqué.

15 13. Monitor impact Ongoing, data gathering, research and analysis and co-ordination with relevant partners. Comprehensive report on state of LR in 2001 including collective bargaining trends, EE and BCEA compliance, CCMA dispute resolution, strike statistics (Nov).

16 14. Institutional restructuring Support and assistance to consolidate restructuring of ESDS and IES Business Units and labour centres.

17 15. Legislative amendments Tabled in Parliament by July 2001 LRA Amendments promulgated on 11 Nov 2001 BCEA Amendments promulgated on 1 Dec 2001

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