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Interesting Facts We police almost 200 square kilometers We respond to more than 7000 calls for service each year We lodge approximately 200 prisoners.

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2 Interesting Facts

3 We police almost 200 square kilometers We respond to more than 7000 calls for service each year We lodge approximately 200 prisoners in our cells every year Amherstburg is rated by Stats Canada as one of the safest places in Canada

4 1 Chief 1 Deputy 6 Sergeants 23 Constables 2 Administration Support Staff ½ Special Constable 10 Auxiliary Constables Staffing


6 2014 Budget 1. Revenues 439k 2. Operations 5.56m 3. Capitol 170K

7 CPP Grant (60,000) 1000 Officer Program (35,000) POA Revenue (121,000) Police - Guns and Gangs (85,000) Paid Duty Recoverable (30,000) Police Reports (35,000) Police Miscellaneous Receipts (11,000) Ride Grant (13,500) Joint Court Services Return (37,000) Provincial Court Service Upload (7,500) YIPI Provincial Grant (4,000) Total Revenues (439,000) Revenues

8 Salaries Salaries - Full Time 3,297,300 Salaries – Overtime 199,000 Salaries - Part Time 4,000 Salaries - CR RE; WSIB (14,000) Salaries - CR RE: STD (30,000) Salaries - Shift Premium 38,000 - Total 3,494,300 Benefits Benefits - CPP 80,110 Benefits - EI 36,624 Benefits - OMERS 415,493 Benefits - EHT 64,300 Benefits – Green Shield 189,000 Benefits - Life and Disability 197,600 Benefits - WSIB 84,400 Benefits - Post Retirement 1,500 Benefits - Gym Memberships 8,000 Total 1,077,027

9 General Expenses Uniforms 35,500 Cleaning 250 Police Training 40,000 Board Expenses 2,500 Board Seminars 2,500 Professional Memberships 3,300 - Office Supplies 9,500 Postage 1,000 Courier and Express 1,000 Advertising 500 Photocopier Supplies 4,200 Office Machine Maintenance 300 Computer Maintenance 15,000 Equipment Leases 4,200 Law Books 1,500 Forensic Identification Expense 2,000 Optic 33,500 Internet Access 2,500 Total 159,250

10 Building & Misc General Insurance 17,230 Telephone 22,000 Utilities 22,000 Building Maintenance 20,000 Janitorial 25,000 Misc./ Receptions and Awards 4,500 Community Services 4,500 Prisoner Expenses 3,500 Insurance Deductible 5,000 General Supplies 550 Total 124,280

11 Professional Fees Joint Court Costs 25,000 Dispatching 279,500 Fees 50,000 Professional Fees 29,000 Investigation Expense 2,000 Total 385,500 Vehicle/Equipment Radio Maintenance 32,000 Gasoline 81,000 Vehicle and Equipment MTCE 21,000 Vehicle and Radio Licences 2,500 Vehicle MTCE - Tires 8,000 In Vehicle Internet Charges - GPS Communications 5,500 Total 150,000

12 Transfer to Reserve - Capital 50,000 Transfer to Reserve - Vehicle and Equip. 109,330 Transfer to Reserve - Computer 15,300 Transfer to Reserve - 174,630 Total Police Operations 5,564,987

13 Ontario195* Amherstburg144 Police Officers per 100,000 Population *Source : Stats Canada Police Personnel and Expenditures 2013

14 Amherstburg PoliceLaSalle Police 1 Chief 1 Deputy Chief1 Deputy 0 Staff Sergeants2 Staff Sergeants 6 Sergeants5 Sergeants 23 Constables26 Constables 2 Admin Staff3 Admin Staff ½ Special Constable 8 Full Time Dispatchers 5 Part Time (Dispatchers) Total Total: 34Full TimeTotal: 45 Full Time 5 Part Time

15 Does the contract expire Dec 31st, 2014 Is it being re-negotiated right now Is the negotiating team aware of the OPP info in the Windsor Star How long will the new contract last Are there serious buyout $'s involved Enough to prevent us from considering an OPP solution Why do buyouts exist at all - sum total in the $millions Who are the buyout beneficiaries and how much for each Questions from the Committee?

16 Like the CAO appointment, this should be left to the new Police Services Board The Police Services Board is Hurst, Sutton, Cleminson and Gemmell. Sutton, Cleminson and Gemmell are running for Council can the Police Services Board sign (as in finalise) the contract or must it come to Council, via Admin Is Joe Levack arranging the new contract Questions Continued

17 Future Challenges Contract Negotiations

18 Police Services Board APSB

19 Police Association Chief of Police Deputy Chief of Police Special Constable Civilian Association Police Services Board APSB

20 1 Against 5 Uniform Civilian Chief Deputy Spl. Cst. Police Board

21 Uniform Civilian Chief Deputy Spl. Cst. Police Board Police Arbitration System Ontario

22 What is it you like about your Police Service? What more would you like from your Police Service? Questions for the Committee

23 Thank you!







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