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The bones of limbs The lower Limbs By Khaled Na3im.

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1 The bones of limbs The lower Limbs By Khaled Na3im

2 The pelvic girdle = 2 Hip bones + Sacrum The hip bone ( coxa ) consists of three components: ilium, pubis, and ischium.

3 Acetabulum and obturator foramen

4 The ilium a body a wing or ala :iliac crest → anterior superior iliac spine, posterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine, tubercle of iliac crest other structures: iliac fossa and arcuate line



7 The ischium a body :ischial tuberosity a ramus:ischial spine, lesser sciatic notch greater sciatic notch

8 The pubis a body: iliopubic eminence and 2 rami: inferior ramus superior ramus : pecten pubis, pubic tubercle



11 Sciatic foramina

12 The Bones of Lower Limb femur, patella tibia, fibula, and bones of foot.

13 The femur The upper end: a head … a neck …, and two trochanters … The shaft: is convex anterior linea aspera ( post. Surface ) gluteal tuberosity pectineal line The lower end: medial condyle and lateral condyle, medial and lateral epicondyles adductor tubercle



16 Femur: Posterior Tibia Fibula Femur Lateral condyle Medial condyle Linea aspera Greater trochanter Lesser trochanter Pelvis Head of femur

17 The patella

18 Bursae Related to Knee joint

19 The tibia The upper end: medial and lateral condyles, intercondylar eminence, tibial tuberosity, The shaft: soleal line, interosseous border The lower end : medial malleolus, fibular notch


21 The Leg Femur Tibia Fibula Tibial tuberosity Talus (tarsal bone) Medial malleolusLateral malleolus Medial condyle of tibia Lateral condyle of tibia Lateral condyle of femur Medial condyle of femur Knee cap

22 The fibula The upper end: a head …and neck … The shaft: interosseous border The lower end : lateral malleolus

23 The bones of the foot : three parts:. the tarsal bones are 7,. the metatarsal bones are 5. the phalanges

24 The tarsal bones proximal row: talus, calcaneus, navicular and cuboid distal row: medial, intermedial and lateral cuneiforms



27 M edial cuneiform (1) I ntermediate cuneiform (2) L ateral cuneiform (3) N avicular A boat It sails on the Cs T alus C alcaneus C uboid T iger C ubs N eed M I LC

28 Foot Quiz A B C D E F G H J

29 A. Phalanges B. Metatarsals C. Cuboid D. Calcaneus E. Talus F. Navicular G. Medial Cuneiform (1) H. Intermediate Cuneiform (2) J. Lateral Cuneiform (3)

30 Anatomical Drawings Copyright Free Anatomical Drawings: Online: Gray’s Anatomy, 1918: 1250 free drawings with descriptions. Excellent quality, but heavily labeled. Carl Bock. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 1841. Put on the web by Ronald A. Bergman Great drawings; fewer labels than Gray’s. Old Books (UC Berkeley Biosciences Library: (Xerox, then scan): Cull, P., Ed. (1989). The Sourcebook of Medical Illustration. Park Ridge, NJ, Parthenon. Simple line drawings. Copyright free. Toldt, C. (1907). Anatomischer Atlas fur Studierende und Arzte. Berlin, Urban & Schwarzenberg. The Limb Bones Powerpoint uses line drawings from Cull. This disc has examples of drawings from Gray’s & Bock (skull & pelvis) Make your own photographs & drawings using our models

31 Medical Mnemonics Some are in books like this: Goldberg, S. (1984). Clinical Anatomy Made Ridiculously Simple. Miami, FL, MedMaster. There are many more on the Internet. The best site that I have seen is Medical Mnemonics: Try making up your own

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