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1 International School Curriculums “Every School Has a Story” Thursday, June 24, 2010 CAISA Summer Workshop.

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1 1 International School Curriculums “Every School Has a Story” Thursday, June 24, 2010 CAISA Summer Workshop

2 Michael – It has been suggested that we have a presentation on the content, strengths, and weaknesses of the various curriculums to be found at our 180 international schools. Folks here think that's a great idea. You have been around and probably can do this with your eyes covered and hands tied behind your back! Okay? Can't give you a whole lot of time so you will have to be concise. Preparing a handout will be important so they can refer to it later as they will not be able to retain so much information delivered in such a short period of time. I can provide a good joke if you need one. Pete 2

3 3 A story about the Director of CAISA “A Vision of God”


5 Pages of the Story IOWAIBOACER AEROAP MAPSERB ACTMYPSAT IGCSEPYP A LevelsIB Diploma PSAT TOKNETSTerza Media Ministry of Education ( Cairo ) 5

6 6 International School Learning Communities - Assumptions ► School Mission/Philosophy - Core Educational Values Are Diverse ► Student Centered Decisions / Learning Programs / Activities ► Curricular Programs are influenced by Accreditation ► Curriculum and student learning is a journey ( Atlas Rubicon ) ► Teachers, administrators, students and parents are all influenced by transition dynamics. (Suitcase Curriculum) ► Schools are in competition to recruit quality teachers with appropriate training and experience. ( I.B. ESL etc. ) ► ► Teachers are encouraged to try innovations. ( Technology )

7 Curriculum Advantages ► Because of the socio-economic characteristics of the student and parent population, an atmosphere of “higher expectations” prevails (i.e. self-fulfilling prophecy - students do well when they are expected to do well). Students as a rule are more highly motivated and focused on academic achievement. However, growing numbers of schools are embracing a diverse set of learners and in turn are developing or clarifying program offerings that meet their needs. ► Multi-cultural factor, i.e. because there are students from various nationalities, all students have the opportunities to learn about other cultures, to have friends from other cultures, and to develop a greater degree of understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of other cultures than those students who attend schools only in their home country.

8 Curriculum Advantages ► Because of the multi-cultural aspects of the school, an emphasis is often placed on teaching foreign languages, so students have a greater chance of learning another language. Also, students actually hear their friends speaking other languages, thereby understanding the importance of learning other languages. ► The school curriculum is not usually bound by specific US state or national standards. Standardized testing programs can be used to diagnose students and revise curriculum, as opposed to measure or compare US district or school standards. Most schools operate within a standards based curriculum framework which makes it a journey.

9 Curriculum Considerations ► The language of instruction is English, although some schools offer bilingual programs - typically the other language being the host country language. ► The level of host nation enrollment varies from none (sometimes by policy) to almost all. Unless clearly defined ( Strategic Thinking ) curriculum decisions may try to be all things to all people. ► The curriculum will support offering a US High School diploma, sometimes the International Baccalaureate programs and diploma, AP courses and the AP International Diploma, the IGCSE, or A Levels either in addition to the US Diploma or instead of.

10 Curriculum Considerations ► Curriculum will vary from school to school, sometimes very much like a quality private independent school, most often offering US type courses which are modified to meet needs of multicultural population (i.e. including literature and history of host country and other countries, intercultural programs). ► Curriculum structures will vary from school to school, in term of how it delivers special needs programs, but almost always some type of English as a Second Language program will be present due to the student population the school attracts and serves.

11 11 Essential Questions ► What is taught in the curriculum? ► What is intended in the curriculum? ► What is learned? (Student Data) ► What evidence is there of a complete curriculum framework? (Learning Outcomes) ► Is there seamless technology and a common language policy that unites instructional practices?

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13 13 Student Data tells a Story ► Despite the variety of curriculum frameworks – student data on learning is more often than not, available and reflective of the students served. ► ► ACER - ERB - IOWA - MAP - SAT - ACT - AP - IB ► ► School Wide Learning Outcomes – Curriculum Framework ► ► Student Portfolios – Standards Based Grading and Reporting ► ► E Portfolios – Implications for College Admissions

14 14 A Story of Partnership ► ► CAISA serves as a “Cultural Broker” in terms of understanding the curriculum framework and the extent of student learning. ► ► Schools will expect future protocols and visits to support student learning. ► ► Parents have great trust in an accredited school. ► ► School leaders and faculty need to appreciate the accreditation process for the professional development experience it provides those who embrace it.

15 15 Some very happy stories…. ► ► Curricular Programs provide Transformational Student Learning Experiences ► ► Service Learning - Community Service - Sustainability ► ► NAIS - “20/20 Challenge” - High Noon - J. F. Rischard ► ► Holistic programs for the Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Sports and Activities. ► ► NESA Virtual School Science Fair - One to One Laptop Initiatives - Seamless Technology - Cultural Sensitivity

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19 19 Future Stories for Curriculum ► ► A transparent curriculum, with common assessments, that is clearly defined across the institution and articulates with each division of the school. ► ► Curriculum Review Cycle - Atlas Rubicon Mapping ► ► Understanding the Levels of Differentiation – Value Added ► ► The Role of Learning Outcomes – Hidden Curriculum ► ► Technology Integration - NETS Standards

20 Issues in International Education “Problems give you opportunities to challenge yourself and build your character” A message to the 2009 Graduates of Endicott College from Richard E. Wylie - President

21 21 Summary Chapter - Good to Great School Improvement Accreditation Focus - Teaching and Learning - 8 th Edition - Vision Professional Learning Communities supporting Collaboration   Authentic Learning Experiences – Supporting Internationalism   Differentiated Instruction   Common Curriculum   Common Assessments Student Learning Empowers - Service, Citizenship and Sustainability Global Awareness / Global Problems - Models Best Practice

22 22 Clarifying Questions

23 23 Thank you for your support of CAISA! Thank you for your support of CAISA!

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