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Published byRose Stafford Modified over 9 years ago
“They had not understood about the loaves” – Mark 6:52 V. 48, Jesus walked on the sea. V. 51, He entered the boat, the wind ceased. V. 51, “They were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure, and marveled.” V. 52, “For they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened.” To multiply “loaves” was as much an act of omnipotent power as this miracle on the sea. The “loaves” should have produced great faith!
Did not understand that Christ was Creator and Controller of all nature. Christ created the “loaves and fish.” It was no task for Him to multiply them (twice or daily). Christ had control of the fish with $ in its mouth. Matt. 17:27, “go to the sea and throw in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a shekel.” Also Lk. 5:6, “caught a great number of fish.” Matt. 8:26, “rebuked the winds and the sea.” He could easily control what He created.
“From what country …?” Matt. 8:27, “What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?” (Lit. “from what place or country is this man?”) They should have known what “country” He was from, but they were slow learners. Christ thought, talked, worked and acted like a man – “What kind of MAN is this?” But … He also thought, talked, worked and acted like God, for He was God (Jn. 1:1;Titus 2:13 etc.) Jesus was God as well as man, but they did not fully know Him.
Didn’t realize that God came to earth The most amazing, inspiring, encouraging thought imaginable. Think what it means! Heb. 1:3, “who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person …” NASB, “the exact representation of His nature” Jn. 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” Heb. 1:6, No wonder God said, “Let all the angels of God worship Him.”
Heavenly glory exhibited Matt. 17:2, “and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.” 2 Pet. 1:16, We “were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For He received from God the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’“ This was an exhibition of another divine attribute, His divine glory. Three apostles saw it when they were “fully awake” (Lk. 9:32).
Apostles didn’t grasp full meaning of “Immanuel” Matt. 1:23, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is translated, "God with us.” That is, God and Man. Divine nature and human nature in one Person. 1 Tim. 3:16, “God was manifested in the flesh.” Jn. 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The Creator (v. 3) lived in a created body in order to give His life for us. Heb. 10:5.
Nor full meaning of “only begotten” Does not mean “descendent.” Has nothing to do with “origen.” Christ is eternal. “Only Begotten” = “the sole representative of the Being and character” of the Father. “Expresses both His eternal union with the Father in the Godhead and the ineffable intimacy and love between them, the Son sharing the Father’s counsels” “Lays stress upon the full revelation of God’s character and will, His love and grace.” (Vine).
Nor even “Son” of God Not “descendant” – as we speak of our “sons.” But identity, likeness, sameness, equality, also. Jn. 5:18, He “said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God.” Jn. 10:32, “My Father” (not “our” Father). Jn 10:36, “I am the Son of God.” Jn. 10:33, “blasphemy.. You, being a Man, make Yourself God.” They had it right! Jesus proved it by acting like God, displaying and demonstrating attributes of God.
He acted like Himself Ever say “He’s not himself” or “he doesn’t act like himself”? Acts strange, not acting normal. Everyone knew He was a man for He looked and acted like a man. Ate, drank, got tired, slept. This does not need proof. Was obvious. Appearance? Jn. 4:9, “You, being a Jew..” If Jesus had only thought, lived, talked, worked like a mere man, He would not have “acted like Himself” – because He was not a mere man! But “What kind or manner of man is this?” The God-Man. Immanuel. Manifested in flesh. Jn. 20:31, did many signs to prove it.
“Image of the invisible God” Col. 1:15, “who is the image of the invisible God.” The invisible God made visible in Christ. Jn. 1:18, “No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son (God), who is in the bosom of the Father, has declared Him.” Jesus was the living revelation of the Father. He was the living demonstration of the Father. Jesus’ nature, character, thoughts, words, works, will, knowledge, power, love, compassion, holiness and glory revealed the Father and thus exhibited His own Deity.
“Fulness of Godhead bodily” Col. 2:9, “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” There was ample evidence of this fullness. He knew man as only God can. Jn. 2:24, 25. He could read thoughts. Mt. 9:4; 12:25; Lk.5:22 He was worshipped. Mt. 2:2; 14:33; 28:17; Jn. 9:38 …. Same word (worship) used Mt. 4:10. He forgave sin. Mt. 9:6; Lk. 7:48. No mere man could have revealed the Father.
To know Christ is to know Father Jn. 8:19, “if you knew me, you would know my Father also.” Strong affirmation of Jesus’ Deity. Jn. 1:18, Christ came to make the Father known, to declare, explain, interpret Him. Read N. T. – especially Matthew, Mark, Luke, John – to really know Jesus Christ. In so doing we also know the Father. Only omnipotence can reveal omnipotence. Impossible to reveal Father with limited power, limited knowledge, limited holiness.
Christ only received power and authority as did the apostles? Acts 10:38, “God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power”. Many other such texts. Establishes Christ’s identity with Father and Holy Spirit. One. Work in perfect harmony. Christ did not use His omnipotence, but re- ceived omnipotence from Holy Spirit??? Or else “He only had and used limited power.” Remember: The Omnipotent Father could not be revealed, represented by limited power!
To see Christ is to see the Father Jn. 12:45, “And he who sees me sees Him who sent me.” Jn. 14:7-9, “ If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him. Philip said to Him, ‘Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?”
What Father does, Son does Jn. 5:19, “The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” Did Father use divine attributes? So did Jesus. Father and Son do identical things, in identical manner. Not imitation! But singular will. Unity. Jesus was in no way independent of the Father. He did nothing separate and apart from, much less contradicting, the Father. Some think Christ could have done differently. He said He could not. We should believe Him.
Works of Father, Son, same Jn. 10:37, “If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me. But if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.” Not talking about imitating or duplicating. The works of Christ ARE the works of the Father. Very same works can be called the works of Christ or the works of the Father. Therefore, to reject works of Jesus is to reject the works of the Father.
“All things are mine” Jn. 16:14, Holy Spirit “will glorify Me, for He will take of what is mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine. There- fore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.” N. T. explains the word “Mine.” What Jesus had was what the Father had. And the Holy Spirit would take that very thing and deliver it to the apostles; i.e., reveal Christ, the gospel, the New Covenant, “all the truth,” V. 13 Father, Son, Holy Spirit perfectly united in One to carry out the work of salvation.
“Show us the Father” To “show” is to make visible, make apparent. Christ came to “declare,” “interpret,” “make known” the Father. (“Exegesis” from this word). The people could SEE the attributes of the Father – exhibited, portrayed by Jesus Christ. But they could NOT have seen them if Jesus had only used human attributes. (In this case they would have only seen a MAN.) Just imagine! When we pray to our Father in heaven, we can “see” and “know” Him – for Jesus is exactly like Him, very image of God!
“I AM” Jn. 8:58, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” Jn. 6:35, “I am the bread of life.” Jn. 8:12, “I am the Light of the world.” Jn. 10:14, “I am the Good Shepherd.” Jn. 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Jn. 14:6, “I am the Way, Truth and Life.” Only God can make and carry out such claims. These are divine qualities, attributes, actions. Jesus exhibited, portrayed, demonstrated these attributes – in thought, word and deed!
They confess and worship Him Mt. 14:33, “Worshipped Him saying, truly You are the Son of God.” This is the confession all should make, under- standing the meaning of “Son,” “Immanuel,” “only begotten,” etc. We must never forget the lesson of the “loaves” It reminds us that Christ, the Creator, is God over all, that He has control over His creation. It’s fine to be “amazed,” but the main thing is to know who He is, so that we will obey Him and then feel safe in Him during the storms of life.
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