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The Fairy Performance Assessment: Measuring Computational Thinking in Middle School Linda Werner, UC Santa Cruz Jill Denner, ETR Associates Shannon Campe,

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Presentation on theme: "The Fairy Performance Assessment: Measuring Computational Thinking in Middle School Linda Werner, UC Santa Cruz Jill Denner, ETR Associates Shannon Campe,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fairy Performance Assessment: Measuring Computational Thinking in Middle School Linda Werner, UC Santa Cruz Jill Denner, ETR Associates Shannon Campe, ETR Associates Damon Chizuru Kawamoto Funded by the NSF grant DRL-0909733

2 Project Overview Storytelling Alice & Alice 2.2 Elective technology classes 325 middle school students 311 completed assessment Solo or programming pairs ~20 hours

3 Assessment Design Story-narrative Fixing faulty program & adding functionality Motivating Post only Individually completed ~30 minutes to complete Instructions delivered via characters & print

4 Measuring Computational Thinking Three tasks to measure: Algorithmic thinking Abstraction & Modeling

5 Alice “Fairy” world

6 “Resize” Task Make pressing the up arrow work right and return LeafFlame to his original size. Challenges student to: Understand events Recognize faulty event handler Think algorithmically Repair faulty method

7 Faulty code

8 Partial points

9 Contributions Student transfers knowledge Motivating to students Range of computational thinking Modified for other programming environments

10 Still to come… Scratch assessment Solo/pair programmers; girls/boys Measuring aspects of computational thinking Learning analytics

11 More information Linda Werner: Shannon Campe: Alice & Scratch --- Friday 3:45pm 302B Children Learning Computer Science Concepts via Alice Game-Programming.

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