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AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #1 AMPS Aviation Mission Planning System Briefing to DAFIF DWG MAJ Shawn Powell APM AMPS 256-876-3238 (DSN 746)

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1 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #1 AMPS Aviation Mission Planning System Briefing to DAFIF DWG MAJ Shawn Powell APM AMPS 256-876-3238 (DSN 746) Terry Wales AMPS Program Integrator 256-876-3239 (DSN 746) 5-7 Oct 2004

2 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #2 Purpose of Briefing  Provide information on Army Aviation Mission Planning System (AMPS)  Communicate need to thoroughly coordinate changes in geospatial data used by DoD aircraft flight management systems

3 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #3 Agenda  Overview  System Description/Status  Concept of Operations  Acquisition Strategy  Software Development Schedule  Supported Platforms/Common Avionics Insertion  Conclusion

4 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #4 Benefits / Capabilities Description Concept of Operations  Planning/battle synchronization tool, which automates aviation mission planning tasks  Route generation  Performance planning  Communications Planning  Terrain Analysis  Data Transfer  Mission Rehearsal  Provides connectivity to Army Battle Command System  Mission Planning - Disseminates mission and map data from Brigade to Battalion and Company level  Flight Planning – Weather, Performance Planning, Weight and Balance  Data Loading – Navigation, Communications, and Weapons Aviation Mission Planning System

5 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #5 AMPS Hardware (current)  MILTOPE TSC-750M  CPU: 1.3 GHz Pentium ® M (Intel ® Centrino ® chipset)  Hard Drive: 40 GB  Display: 13.3” Sunlight readable (1024x768)  DRAM: 1 GB  Video RAM: 64 MB  OS: Windows 2000  Meets all AMPS ORD environmental and ruggedization requirements  Fielding 3QTR CY03 through 3QTR CY04 in conjunction with PFPS-Army 3.3 software  Manufactured by MILTOPE Corp., Hope Hull, AL

6 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #6 Puerto Rico - 3 USVI - 1 D.C. - 3 16 17 8 4 13 6 27 32 4 9 12 13 3 18 5 20 8 3 8 96 16 15 13 9 8 8 8 15 20 11 68 9 5 42 30 23 12 87 10 7 4 5 3 24 13 10 7 2 0 4 93 69 AMPS System Density Total Requirement 1149

7 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #7 AFATDS I I MANEUVER BRIGADE AMPS Battlefield Information Exchange AVTOC ASAS IMETS CSSCS X FAADC2 AMPS LNO MCS AMPS LNO Tactical Internet NGA products

8 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #8 AMPS External Interfaces Air Force Navy SOCOM ADOCS CRD (XML) ATO, ACO (USMTF) SA (XML) MIDB Queries COP Updates CRD (XML); SA (XML) MCS SA JCDB (USMTF) IMETS Weather (USMTF) TAIS Airspace (USMTF) MCS Light SA (XML) ACES Comms Data AMPS JMPS MOTS ASMIS Flight Hazard Data (XML) ASAS (MIDB) ASAS (MIDB) Red Picture (USMTF) CAPES AMDWS TUAV/SUAV/OAV Data Transfer Cartridge; JVMF; TACFIRE; AFAPD Proposed ACTD Current Joint Joint Interfaces HF Tracker SA Falconview Route File XML;.doc file Airspace (USMTF)

9 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #9 AMPS Program Strategy To Date  Evolutionary Acquisition  First baseline was CECOM C2D-developed software  Initial fielding in 1994 to support OH-58D KW  PM CHS Non-Developmental Item (NDI) hardware  Legacy: AMPS 4.3, 5.1.1, 5.2.1  Fielded PFPS-A v 3.3.0 (Falconview) baseline (Sep 03)  To mitigate warfighting deficiencies identified by then-BG Cody in TF Hawk, primarily Joint operations interoperability  First platform supported was Lot 7 AH-64D LBA  Army functionality extensions to Air Force software (AMCOM SED)  Testing PFPS-A v3.3.0 Release 3 Now!

10 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #10 AMPS Program Strategy--Future  Near Term: PFPS-Army 3.3.x (Falconview)  Will field PFPS-A v3.3.0 release 3 in 1QFY05  Will support all Army rotary-wing Mission Design Series by Spring 2005  Supports Army SW Block I and II  Long Term: JMPS  Multi-service collaborative development under IPT structure (vice JPO)  All services migration to common core planner  First Army supported version JMPS 1.2.4 (Sep 2005)  JMPS 1.4 will support Army SW Block III (2008)  Future Combat System support

11 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #11 AMPS Software Migration FY04FY05 FY06FY07 UH-60A/L CH-47D AH-64A Mod LB SW V 7 KW CDS 2-4 AH-64A Mod LB SW V 1- 6 CH-47D UH-60A/L KW CDS 2-4 AH-64A Mod LB SW V 6 CH-47D UH-60A/L UH-60A/L CH-47D AH-64A Mod LB SW V 6, 8 KW CDS 2, 4 IIb UH-60Q, HH-60L UH-60A/L/Q (HH- 60L) CH-47D AH-64A Mod LB SW V6.1/6.01, 9 KW CDS 2, 4 IIb, Blk 1 LB SW V 10 UH-60A/L/Q (HH- 60L) CH-47D AH-64A Mod LB SW V 6, 8 KW CDS 2, 4 IIb LB SW V 6.1/ 6.01, 9 KW CDS 4 Blk 1 FY08 AMPS PFPS/JMPS AMPS PFPS JPS-A AMPS PFPS JMPS AMPS PFPS-A PFPS-A UH-60A/L/Q (HH- 60L) CH-47D AH-64A Mod LB SW V6 thru V10 KW CDS 2, 4 IIb, Blk 1 CH-47D LB SW V 11 (UAV) CH-47F UH/HH-60M

12 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #12 Map-Related Data Loading Requirements AH-64D, Blk 3 (fielding 2008) CH-47F (fielding 2007) OH-58D KW, CDS4 HH/UH-60M (fielding 2008) CH-47D (128D) OH-58D KW, CDS 2 UH-60A/L/Q (128D) AH-64A Mod Digital map-equipped Entity location data only Armed Recon Helicopter Advanced Common Sensor Approximately 2,900 aircraft AH-64D, Blk 2 AH-64D, Blk 1

13 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #13 Message  Army Aviation fleet modernization programs  Are being designed to accept NGA products to support tactical operations  On board optimized run-time environments are architecturally rigid  DoD aircraft flight management systems are minimally three years from contract award to fielding, preceded nominally by at least one year of government requirements specification  Post-initial fielding upgrades are 18-24 months in development  It is imperative that changes being evaluated to “foundation” geospatial data be thoroughly coordinated with supported Aviation platforms to:  Include fleet-wide impacts as part of decision criteria  Program required technology insertions and funding for changes deemed necessary

14 AME/ame_pmr_amps.ppt #14 Questions MAJ Shawn Powell APM AMPS 256-876-3238 (DSN 746) Terry Wales AMPS Program Integrator 256-876-3239 (DSN 746)

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