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Lesson 4 Review Question Name 5 ways to resist peer pressure. 1. Walk away 2. Say “No” 3. A better idea 4. State the facts 5. Reverse the pressure 6. Steer.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 4 Review Question Name 5 ways to resist peer pressure. 1. Walk away 2. Say “No” 3. A better idea 4. State the facts 5. Reverse the pressure 6. Steer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 4 Review Question Name 5 ways to resist peer pressure. 1. Walk away 2. Say “No” 3. A better idea 4. State the facts 5. Reverse the pressure 6. Steer Clear 7. Avoidance/Ignore 8. Broken Record 9. Make an Excuse

2 Causes of Conlict

3 What causes conflict? Conflict: A disagreement or fight

4 Causes of Conflict – 1. Point of View: The way something is viewed or thought about

5 Causes of Conflict – 2. Misunderstanding

6 Causes of Conflict – 3. Similarities and Differences -Values, Likes/Dislikes, Opinions, Beliefs, Etc How can differences cause conflict? How are differences good?

7 BINGO activity Turn to the last page in your packet Answer the following questions in random order in the 9 squares: (NUMBER THE ANSWERS) 1. On the weekend I like to… 2. My favorite food is… 3. I am good at… 4. My favorite book is… 5. I go to __________ Middle school 6. I am ______ feet and ____ inches tall 7. I have ________ brothers and sisters 8. I like my… 9. I would like to learn how to…

8 Bingo Activity… When I say “go” find someone with answers that are the same as yours. Have them initial your sheet and you can initial theirs. Try to get three in a row Erase or cross out the initials that you had down and we’ll play again. This time find different responses from yours (has to be from the same questions).

9 Sneetches Story What is the message or “meaning” of the story?

10 Review Q What do you think of the word “acceptance”?

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