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Good morning class! Teacher Cat Oral English Teacher 2013-2014 School Year.

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning class! Teacher Cat Oral English Teacher 2013-2014 School Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning class! Teacher Cat Oral English Teacher 2013-2014 School Year

2 Today is Monday, April 7 th, 2014

3 Pronunciation Practice “TH” SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSssssss

4 Pronunciation Practice “TH” Mother, father, weather, they, this, them, thanks, fourth, birth, youth

5 Different Parts of a Story - Review Beginning ◦ Introduces characters (who?) ◦ Introduces setting (where?) ◦ Introduces a problem (what is wrong?) NO MONEY!

6 Different Parts of a Story – Review Climax ◦ Is the most exciting part of the story ◦ The problem gets solved!

7 Different Parts of a Story – Review Ending ◦ Tells you how the characters’ lives continue Built a big house!

8 Continuing an Old Story To continue a story after it is finished is called a “sequel” ( 续集 ). ◦ This can be many years after the story has finished! ◦ What has happened to the characters?

9 Sequel ( 续集 ) Sometimes characters can: ◦ Have children ◦ Children can grow up ◦ Get new job ◦ Go to school ◦ Move somewhere new ◦ Die (oh no!)

10 Beginning Review Once upon a time in Canada (setting) there was a moose named George (character). He was very sad because he didn’t have a friend (problem)!

11 Climax Review But one day he met a friendly rabbit! After they played basketball together they quickly became friends (problem solved)!

12 Ending Review “George was no longer sad and they remained friends for life (how his life continues)!”

13 George the Moose Sequel How many years after the ending of the first story does the sequel begin? ◦ 5 years! 3 events ( 事件 ) that happen to George: 1. George got married to rabbit 2. They had 2 children 3. They moved to China for the children to go to school

14 Event ( 事件 ) #1: Marriage 5 years after they first played basketball, George and Rabbit fell in love. Ever since that time, they played basketball every day, so they decided to get married.

15 Event ( 事件 ) #2: Children After they got married, George and Rabbit had 3 children named: Lucky, Fred and Ginger! Lucky Fred Ginger

16 Event ( 事件 ) #3: Moved to China Then the family moved to China for their children to go to school! They moved to a town called Anren and their children attended Number 1 Middle school! The end!

17 Let’s create a Sequel! Every student will add one word to the story! I will add punctuation: “!”, “.”, “?”, “:”

18 Example Review Teacher – “Yesterday” Student 1 – “I” Student 2 – “saw” Student 3 – “a” Student 4 – “strange” Student 5 – “man” Student 6 – “who” Student 7 – “was” Student 8 – “wearing” Student 9 – “a” Student 10 – “yellow” Student 11 – “hat” Teacher – “.”, (new sentence) Student 12 – “He” Student 13 – “was”

19 Let’s Begin!

20 Thank you! Class is over!

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