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Habitats Mrs. Kovalchick 1 st grade science. Objectives  Name all five habitats  Identify one plant from each habitat  Identify one animal from each.

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Presentation on theme: "Habitats Mrs. Kovalchick 1 st grade science. Objectives  Name all five habitats  Identify one plant from each habitat  Identify one animal from each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habitats Mrs. Kovalchick 1 st grade science

2 Objectives  Name all five habitats  Identify one plant from each habitat  Identify one animal from each habitat  Identify the continents on which the habitats are located  Create a habitat using a shoebox and classroom materials to include examples of plants and animals within the chosen habitat

3 Types of Animal Habitats  Five Habitats: Forests Forests Deserts Deserts Rainforests Rainforests Ponds Ponds Oceans Oceans

4 Forests  Moderate amounts of rain  Cold in the winter  Warm in the summer  Many plants and animals  All continents except Antarctica

5 Forest Animals & Plants  Deer  Squirrel  Bear  Skunk  Deciduous trees  Coniferous trees  Ferns

6 Deserts  Dry habitat  Lots of sunlight  Very little rain  All continents except Antarctica

7 Desert Animals & Plants  Snakes  Lizards  Scorpions  Camel  Gila Monster  Saguaro Cactus

8 Rainforests  Three layers Emergent Emergent Canopy Canopy Understory Understory Forest floor Forest floor  Lots of rain  Very wet  Warm temperatures  More animals than any other habitat  Medicines  South America, Asia, Africa

9 Rainforest Animals & Plants  Gorilla  Snakes  Many insects  Iguana  Lizards  Monkeys  Tigers  Bromeliads  Epiphytes  Pitcher plants

10 Ponds  Water with land around it  Smaller than ocean  Filled with fresh water  All continents except Antarctica

11 Pond Animals & Plants  Ducks  Snails  Frogs  Salamanders  Water bugs  Mayflies  Mosquitoes  Water lilies  Algae  Cattails

12 Oceans  Large, deep habitat  Salt water  Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic

13 Ocean Animals & Plants  Sharks  Jellyfish  Octopus  Starfish  Sea anemone  Sea grass  Algae

14 Animal Habitats  Place where animals live and grow  Animals can find food, water, & shelter  Plants can find sunlight & water 100% Educational Videos. (2000). Habitats: Homes for Living Things [Full Video]. Available from

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