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Process – n. the transformation of inputs into outputs “If not now, when? If not here, where? If not me, who? ” – Steve Geiger How do we get there? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Process – n. the transformation of inputs into outputs “If not now, when? If not here, where? If not me, who? ” – Steve Geiger How do we get there? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 process – n. the transformation of inputs into outputs “If not now, when? If not here, where? If not me, who? ” – Steve Geiger How do we get there? What does research say successful schools need? Power GLCEs & Common Assessments An Effective & Efficient Professional Learning Community (PLC) Professional Development Process

2 In a perfect world… …would you create assessments and instructional units customized for your students, based on information you know they needed? …would you measure their progress and report consistently to the district? …would you share your knowledge of what works (and what doesn’t) across your grade level, school and the district? “If it is to be, it is up to me.” – William H. Johnson

3 How do we get there? Teacher Input: Grade-level teams sort GLCE’s by unit/content, then decide which GLCEs should be “Power GLCEs” based on teacher knowledge of and experience with students. Admin Input: Cross-reference this list to GLCE’s on Report cards District Input: Meet with future grade-level to identify weak area GLCE’s based on teacher knowledge of and experience with students, then cross-reference Data Input: Use Pearson Inform to identify and cross-reference GLCE’s that are weak for the particular group of students Power GLCEs Output: Top 3-5 GLCE’s Per Unit that are considered “Power GLCEs”

4 SAMPLE: Sorted GLCE’s for One Unit Unit: Money, Miles & Large Numbers Content: Decimals N.ME.04.15 Read and interpret decimals up to two decimal places; relate to money and place value decomposition. N.ME.04.16 Know that terminating decimals represents fractions whose denominators are 10, 10 x 10, 10 x 10 x 10, etc., e.g., powers of 10. N.ME.04.17 Locate tenths and hundredths on a number line. N.ME.04.18 Read, write, interpret, and compare decimals up to two decimal places. N.MR.04.19 Write tenths and hundredths in decimal and fraction forms, and know the decimal equivalents for halves and fourths. N.MR.04.31 Solve problems using addition and subtraction of decimals through hundredths, represent with mathematical statements and solve.* N.FL.04.32 Add and subtract decimals through hundredths.* N.FL.04.33 Multiply and divide decimals up to two decimal places by a one-digit whole number where the result is a terminating decimal, e.g., 0.42 ÷ 3 = 0.14, but not 5 ÷ 3 = 1.6.

5 How do we get there? District Input: Trimester Assessments, based on GLCEs, provided for all grade levels. Teacher Input: Grade-Level teams create unit assessments based on Power GLCEs. Additional instructional material created by “Backward Design” to supplement district-provided curriculum. Admin Input: Monitor team reviews of student work samples leading up to common assessments and results. Common Assessments Output: Regular feedback among team, alteration of instructional strategies and monitoring of student results before standardized testing

6 process – n. the transformation of inputs into outputs InputProcessOutput Observations Books/Articles Reports “Best Practices” Sit & Get Staff Discussion Personal Reflection Reliance on individual Knowledge and Experience Return to comfortable practices Filing of Handouts Haphazard implementation Historic Professional Development “…the status quo is not sustainable…” – Barak Obama

7 process – n. the transformation of inputs into outputs InputProcessOutput DataIntervention & Documentation Data Specific to SMART Goals Identified by teacher Specific to student groups Intervention strategies/materials Common Assessment Team review of student work Review data Review/Revise SMART Goals PLC Professional Development “…the fierce urgency of now…” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

8 Dimondale PD Plan for ’09-’10 What’s the Difference? Historic PDPLC PD District/Admin Constructed Staff/Team Responsibility Curriculum Focus (Wide & Thin) Staff Meetings Punitive Reaction to Mass Data Curriculum Specialists utilized as planners and presenters District/Admin Supported Staff/Team Accountability Power GLCE Focus (Narrow & Deep) Grade-Level Team Meetings SMART Goals Based on Specific Data Curriculum Consultants leveraged for data expertise, research assistance, project management and staff guidance “This will happen when we radically reorient the work of school improvement toward internal expertise and self-managing teams.” – HOPE Foundation

9 Dimondale PD Plan for ’09-’10 SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJune Review Year- End Assessments Complete New Assessments 1 st Trimester Assessments 2 nd Trimester Assessments QI/Culture Surveys 3-Column Self Assessment MEAP Results3 rd Trimesters Assessments Output InputOutput InputOutput InputOutput InputOutput Input

10 Dimondale PD Plan for ’09-’10 PLC Professional Development Wednesdays PD Requirements: 38 Hours of instructional time replaced by PD Honoring IP days Utilizing Curriculum Consultants effectively Average Monthly: 3 days PLC, 1 day IP @ 1.9 hours per meeting Building business limited to first 30 minutes of day (if needed) Annually: SMART Goal updates, with data reported every 6-8 weeks Curriculum Consultants available by appointment on Wednesdays for consultation

11 FINO Flow: Less is More

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